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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Dara, im not going to be able to get online tonite im affriad are you free for Snoll on friday evening?


      Yeah, thats not a problem. I have managed to get Rabs interested in joining us for (hopefully) our remaining CoP missions so I will have to let him know of the delay.


        Great, sorry for the delay but i would have to log at 8pm which is no good

        Maybe Wedge would like to join us to? Wedge>?
        Last edited by djtickle; 05-10-2006, 15:03.


          I would be up for some 360 online tonight, games I have available are:

          Call of Duty 2
          Ghost Recon
          Ridge Racer 6

          Though im kind of more interested in giving some of the Xbox Live Arcade games a try, now there is a decent selection, Doom, or one of the cards games would be good.


            Dara did you speak with Rabs last night is tonite going to be ok?

            Im set and ready to go, got all my 60 Cap gear ready!


              I think a few of you 'exclusive' lvl75s (Tsing,C' etc) should start a new job and build up through the ranks again in a totally different era to when you did it previously.

              The level of blatant RMT transaction is absolutely sickening. You need to share my anguish. I'm fed up moaning about it on my own like a grumpy, squealing bastard.

              There should be a 'credit check' NPC where these ****ers can be exposed.


                Here... have a good ****ing look at this...

                Look at what he's selling stuff for!!! What a prick! :angry:

                And this is a dude who is "struggling" on 50k, burns wizard cookies like they are cocaine, and impulse buys airship passes.

                oh yeah... Rank1 48RDM too...


                  Hello, I'm always reading these forums so i thought it was about time I joined the group and said hello.

                  Not really much else to say, the LS seems quieter these days though i agree, what with Meric off to college and Sae considering quitting too?

                  Someone mentioned BCNM20 last weekend, didnt hear any more about this?

                  I have over 400 Beastmen seals sitting in my MH ill go to any any BCNM that people need or want to do, just give me a days notice to sort equip before hand.

                  The only times im not available is wednesday and sunday nights as thats when i do dynamis.


                    Hey Yen, just thought id bob a post in and say welcome to the forums


                      Originally posted by Yenyoju
                      Hello, I'm always reading these forums so i thought it was about time I joined the group and said hello.

                      Not really much else to say, the LS seems quieter these days though i agree, what with Meric off to college and Sae considering quitting too?

                      Someone mentioned BCNM20 last weekend, didnt hear any more about this?

                      I have over 400 Beastmen seals sitting in my MH ill go to any any BCNM that people need or want to do, just give me a days notice to sort equip before hand.

                      The only times im not available is wednesday and sunday nights as thats when i do dynamis.
                      Yen, I'll be planning some BCNM60 runs very soon. Hold onto them seals as I plan on having a real sesh on BCNM... Something like 4x 6-man runs in a weekend.

                      I'm long overdue on BCNM and want to walk away with no less than a minimum 10million. I **** you not. I have about 20mil in wanted items up to lvl70.


                        Can't seem to get a party atm so i ramble on here for a bit, lol.

                        David -Tbh do the 60 bcnms ever really drop that well? Our last run i did with the shell on the torques wasnt that good...

                        If we are to do a 60 i think it might be worth doing it on a full moon, although I know some of you might disagree with that philosphy..

                        I was thinking more along the lines of 20s and 40s, as these seem to give the best rewards for seals used, i know the mannequin bodies can take a few days to sell but they do sell (600-800k for 20seals) If I stick them on my overnight mule... plus doing the lower ones this gives me a few more options in regards as to what jobs i can be e.g rng for worms etc rdm/nin for CC etc.

                        Bur whatever, the seals are just sat there I guess it better to take a chance at them regardless of which one we do and have money in the MH rather than seals staring at me doing nothing lol

                        Anyway on another note, I mentioned to Tsing i am eager for rank 10 windy and will help him with 6-2 onwards just say the word when tsing, i know COP is a priority for you guys atm any one esle know any windurstians that need the missions? Kupo/cal needs it too..

                        Managed to get woodworking to 72 yesterday on a loss synth of tarutaru folding screens, took about 8 stacks of synth items, but the full moon really seemed to make a difference as skillups came very quickly 1 in about 3 synths resulted in a skill up.

                        Now its difficult, I dont think i have much choice but to do clothespoles(77) as there is no way i am skilling up on the elemental staves. Hopefully i can synth and desyth them with Lightning and get a few lumbers and silks back.

                        Bcnms <yes please> Rank 10 <yes please> Woodworking 77 <yes please>


                          Originally posted by Yenyoju
                          Someone mentioned BCNM20 last weekend, didnt hear any more about this?
                          Hey Yen! We are planning BCNM20 runs but are waiting initially for DJ to level RDM to 20 as the requirement are 2 x RDM/NIN and 1 x NIN/WAR.

                          The LS may have been a little quieter recently (S&M were both very vocal members lol) but from my point of view at least, there is as much going on in game as always!


                            Originally posted by Yenyoju
                            i know COP is a priority for you guys atm
                            We are all finished with CoP now ^_^


                              Whatever, any BCNM I want in on. I just want loads of gil for interesting fights.


                                Yen, I was the one who suggested the BCNM20 to you and Moot. Both of you were interested but didn't hear anything more on it.

                                I'm still up for it of course as I'm still deprived of gil. LMK either here or ingame when is a good time for this.

