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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by djtickle
    Dara did you speak with Rabs last night is tonite going to be ok?

    Im set and ready to go, got all my 60 Cap gear ready!

    Yep, Rabs is good to go. Might need a few more Salts tho.


      Originally posted by Yenyoju
      Hello, I'm always reading these forums so i thought it was about time I joined the group and said hello.

      Not really much else to say, the LS seems quieter these days though i agree, what with Meric off to college and Sae considering quitting too?

      Someone mentioned BCNM20 last weekend, didnt hear any more about this?

      I have over 400 Beastmen seals sitting in my MH ill go to any any BCNM that people need or want to do, just give me a days notice to sort equip before hand.

      The only times im not available is wednesday and sunday nights as thats when i do dynamis.
      Hey Yen /welcome,

      I know a lot of people in the LS like the Sacrifical Chamber BCNM60, but I would like to suggest the BCNM60 Celery at Fei'yin: (sorry, I know some of you hate Allak)

      Only 3 people can enter at a time, and you fight the "Shredded Samson" ghost since it's weak to melee weapons. The plan is to go in with a tank, melee, and healer. Yen, we could really use your RDM for convert. If anyone is interested, let me know.


        Great day for me and dara yesterday finished 3 paths after going 1/2 on Snoll Tzar and 1/1 on Bugbear (which although the easist of the fights i enjoyed the most)

        Airship here we come!


          OT with 360 talk again but the Live Camera is superb and I had some cracking games of Uno (yeah I know!) with Wedge and a couple of my RL friends over the weekend. Also played some more Ghost Recon on Live which was equally cool (all the better from having a decent amount of regular players on my friends list!). So, if any of you guys want in on some Live action let me know and i'll send game invites when I can...!


            I've been getting into Uno myself, but every most of the games I play in tend to be visited by either:

            A. People who think its acceptable to use the camera whilst naked (guys sadly)

            B. People who log into the game for only a few seconds to advertise their websites etc

            C. Teenage yanks who seem to have yet to grasp the concept of puberty

            D. Cheap ass tactics such as players telling each other what cards they have in team matches (I'm ALWAYS paired with a computer opponent).



              That is why I only ever play on Live with people I know. Slightly limiting but the experience is 100% better than yours!!! I'll drop you an Uno invite if there are less than 4 of us playing...


                BAH! Why are you all playing Uno!

                Stick Ridge Racer on for a proper game

                In seriousness, I had noticed that one or two people on the friendlist have changed their gamertag pic to a photo. Talizker?s picture scared me?

                In FFXI news, got my new graphics card sorted on Saturday so one obstacle to playing is out of the way. Just need the motivation again


                  Originally posted by C'
                  BAH! Why are you all playing Uno!

                  Stick Ridge Racer on for a proper game

                  In seriousness, I had noticed that one or two people on the friendlist have changed their gamertag pic to a photo. Talizker?s picture scared me?

                  In FFXI news, got my new graphics card sorted on Saturday so one obstacle to playing is out of the way. Just need the motivation again

                  You need to start kicking Apathye's ass and get on with CoP, been at it all last week myself and the storyline really does get interesting.

                  By wednesday I expect myself and Dj to be partaking in the most difficult mission in the game and I welcome the challenge - be interesting to see how much exp I lose from that fight

                  Oh, and Uno is a quality title (apart from the circumstances I've listed previously)


                    E-mailed my uni's IT department with a list of ports, fingers crossed i should get a response. Having now FF here is a shame. Would be good to get back on.


                      Originally posted by C'
                      BAH! Why are you all playing Uno!

                      Stick Ridge Racer on for a proper game

                      In seriousness, I had noticed that one or two people on the friendlist have changed their gamertag pic to a photo. Talizker?s picture scared me?
                      Heh, I would have said the same thing about Uno but had to give it a try as it was both free and the only game I have that supports the camera... Its suprisingly addictive when played with friends...!

                      What can I say, the camera is superb but the shots it produces for the Gamer Pic are not as good (quality wise). Thats my story and i'm sticking to it... (btw, did you mean the new black & white me or the colour one I did first off?).

                      Do you have Uno Rare? Fancy a game sometime?


                        I?ve tried Daragon. I really have

                        But every avenue I go down with CoP keeps hitting dead ends due to a lack of member to fill the all important healer role. Apathye isn?t a problem and he?s keen to get going but with no WHM there?s no chance.

                        Most recent attempt was getting Kuponut hence why I was setting up Promyvion runs but then when the time came to do 2-5, I got an overwhelming sense of him not caring and I honestly felt like I was busting my ass (basically starting CoP over from scratch) for no real reason, so I?ve given up on that angle.

                        Regardless of what people may think of me, I am not a confident person at all. I don?t find it particularly easy to get to know people in game so my circle of friends to call upon for help does not extend outside very far beyond Rargh at all and we all know that we have a plethora of WHM on the LS

                        Tal, I can?t remember exactly what picture it was you had. Whichever was there at around 10pm last night I think it was. I think it was more shocking as that was not at all how I pictured you on my head.


                          Originally posted by C'
                          I?ve tried Daragon. I really have

                          But every avenue I go down with CoP keeps hitting dead ends due to a lack of member to fill the all important healer role. Apathye isn?t a problem and he?s keen to get going but with no WHM there?s no chance.

                          Most recent attempt was getting Kuponut hence why I was setting up Promyvion runs but then when the time came to do 2-5, I got an overwhelming sense of him not caring and I honestly felt like I was busting my ass (basically starting CoP over from scratch) for no real reason, so I?ve given up on that angle.
                          Originally posted by C'
                          Regardless of what people may think of me, I am not a confident person at all. I don?t find it particularly easy to get to know people in game so my circle of friends to call upon for help does not extend outside very far beyond Rargh at all and we all know that we have a plethora of WHM on the LS

                          Tal, I can?t remember exactly what picture it was you had. Whichever was there at around 10pm last night I think it was. I think it was more shocking as that was not at all how I pictured you on my head.
                          If I'm being honest, a number of weeks back when I was working on whm, there was kind of an extra reason other than having a job useful for every circumstance. I thought that with my run of luck I'd probably hit 60 with whm before finding myself a decent enough CoP group so my aim was to get whm to 60 and hopefully join your static, afterall being at the point I was I felt I could reach 60 whm before you got Kupo to your point in CoP.

                          Another reason for my whm was just a distraction away from blm for me as I got the idea in my head I would never end up with a Moldavite earring even if I camped profblix for god knows how long. Funnily enough, I got the drop on my 2nd claim and with Dj's rapid progression through CoP, we decided to carry on the remaining missions together, so that was the end of my whm.

                          Edit - and why this is all in bold I have no idea


                            Originally posted by C'
                            Tal, I can?t remember exactly what picture it was you had. Whichever was there at around 10pm last night I think it was. I think it was more shocking as that was not at all how I pictured you on my head.
                            That would have been the good one then lol


                              Bounding Boots

                              The kill ...

                              The drop ...

                              The buzz ...


                                Still don't have my LB/BBs

                                Oh well, they'll probably be down to around 500k ish by the time I desperately need them, I'm past all the capped stuff for CoP and Zilart now (well, all the capped stuff for my THF anyway).

                                Congratulations btw

