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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Damn im 2 missions behind you rare ... 4-3 here


      Anyone fancy a Rargh merit party tonight, I can either go Brd/Whm or Bst/War depending on what else we get.


        Moot, Theanu, and I finally completed DM on Saturday! We wiped again on our first try, but the second attempt went great. The TT, GK, MR went down quickly (wish I could have witnessed it, but I had to kite the HM). We wiped again, but rose and rested to full health, and then took out the EV and the HM in a total of 25 min. Here is a pic of the alliance:

        BTW, how did Jormungand go?


          Congratulations Bevan that's a big one out of the way, now come the question knightly or Suppanomimi...

          Jormy went well(ish) we had to bail on the first try after a CFH. Next attempt we got her to about 6% before we wiped during a mad spamming or paralyga and an unfortunately timed horrendous roar.

          Was an awesome fight though and I got to tank probably around 80% of his health with a NIN. Just awesome can't wait to try again.


            We ALMOST won, I think there was like 6% left in it before the wipe I had actually dozed off for about an hour while the whole thing was going on, noone seemed to notice however...

            I took a few nice screens of the battle which I might put up once I can remember the password to my photo bucket account.

            Last night also saw my second round encounter with Sagitarrius X-XIII, the NM carrier of the fabled Loxley bow, supposed fastest weapon in the game. This time's victory however bore better results than the previous night's attempt and now I have a reason to lvl up ranger all the way to 57 - Woot me!
            Last edited by Daragon; 22-01-2007, 15:29.


              Pics from yesterday! Jormy
              Attached Files


                hahahahaha the last pic is classic! "I pownd your asses ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" now thats a smile


                  I have decided to take a (proper) break from FFXI for a few months and then see how I feel about carrying on. I have cancelled my Content ID's and will be gone from the end of the month. I will stay in contact in the normal non-FFXI ways (Live, MSN etc) and look forward to seeing/speaking/playing with you all in the near future. Take care...


                    Gutted Tal, hope to see you back after your break with your enthusiasm rekindled.

                    Will keep you up to date on the assumption you'll get the itch and have to come back


                      Another Rargh mage bites the dust

                      You’ll be missed for sure, but my favourite Talizker memories are the XBL sessions of Perfect Dark Zero and Gears of War. Some great stuff, especially the 2on2 GoW matches just before Christmas where we would casually be chatting about the spendour of Wii Sports to the background sounds of gunfire and Chainsaws


                        Originally posted by C' View Post
                        Another Rargh mage bites the dust
                        Well, its purposely left open for me to continue if thats what I decide. If you remember the last time I took a break it lasted 10 days then was back with a vengance!

                        Originally posted by C' View Post
                        You’ll be missed for sure, but my favourite Talizker memories are the XBL sessions of Perfect Dark Zero and Gears of War.
                        The XBL stuff has been fantastic with my only complaint being that it hasn't happened as much as I would have liked! It was only yesterday that I chatted to Wedge about it and we really must do it more often ~ maybe aim for a regular session every week or two?


                          Also sad to see you go Tal, I understand completely though - if you only get from 9pm onwards most of the time that doesn't give you long to get anything done. If I were in the same boat I probably wouldn't be playing it until I got more time to myself. I very rarely achieve anything even with the time I get now (which is pretty much all day until I find work).

                          Did manage to clear Zilart last night after the most disappointingly easy major encounter of the game to date. Basically my magic more or less brought the exoplates crashing down after 1 or 2 spells, sadly half the group had forgotton to take their poison pots so had to waste valuable mp on curaga. After which time I was dead thanks to hate so that was me out for the remainder of the mission. Next up the poor little taru whm somehow dies and accidentally forgets RR and hits enter only to return to her HP ><
                          From then on, form 2 was basically TP burned and probably survived for no longer than a minute.

                          Outside of FFXI, we do need more LIVE games as I keep saying. Playing with randoms isn't really ideal most of the time and I don't get to speak much as my voice seems to be drowned out by the hordes of high pitched yankie teens who screech into their microphones. I do manage the occasional laugh, when I blast some idiot from halfway across a map only to be called a dirty cheapass or the like.


                            0/4 on the Celeste-eyed Tozberry. These katana tonberry NMs are really stingy with their drops.

                            Still , the NM proved to be incredibly easy to duo with Moot’s BLU. The NM was practically dead by the time it did Mijin Gakure so hit for a puny 90 damage (Moot took 0 ) and Diamondhide’s AOE Stoneskin would have absorbed any higher damage had he used it with higher HP.

                            Still, one good thing was my adventuring fellow hit level 65 which I believe is the current level cap


                              Congratulations Daragon ... nuking is usually left for the second form but hay its a win! Im gonna miss ya loads Tali ... although i havent been on rargh much since i came back ill still remember the fun we had.

                              Ill be awaiting your return lol

