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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Excellent. Top idea.


      Yup been reading about it, that is a very good idea well done SE.


        There are still a few serious issues that need dealing with.

        Changing subject now: It's coming up to a new month, how much do we want to bet that my PoL account goes down for a overdue payment eventhough my CC settings are all correct and the money is in there? que them charging me for this month (again) as well as next month.

        I've yet to experience ONE smooth billing period.


          Finally rank 10 all nations!
          Attached Files


            Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
            Finally rank 10 all nations!
            Congrats Tsing, that indeed does look cool man. Id love to do that but i couldnt go through the pain of losing my OP's ><

            I had a cool limbus run last night 4 coins and a peice of DRK AF. So as soon as i have 25 coins its AF+1 Head time w00t. That completes my decent drk AF, so its Brutal and Boxers next ><

            Then maybe a Charger Mantle, sucks for Ranged but an extra 5 Att
            Last edited by djtickle; 30-03-2007, 07:28.


              I bit the bullet at dinner and bought the coins i needed managed to pick 5 up for 20k each and the rest for 22k not bad Roll on Sunday ^^


                My mate (Annunaki, aka DJ and local celebrity Ed Devilish) is having real problems with power-levelling parties in the dunes. Everytime a high level healer comes along to help out he throws his toys out the pram and ends up kicking off big-time. ><

                He's getting all sorts of BS from other players like "This is how you're meant to play" and "exp would be slow without a PL"... eventhough they're taking 10mins killing each crab for 150exp. The usual ****e. The sad thing is this attitude is no longer limited to the dunes. Some people won't even exp without a PL.


                  Havin a PL is kinda common place nowadays until rdm get refresh when they start to disapear. Sad i know, but everyones in such a rush to get to 75 >.>

                  This kinda thing is always going to happen and its not like SE can ban outside healing either. Although they could make it a party leader option prehaps. But then again all your party is going to say PL HELL YEAH!

                  I find though that people dont mind PL as they already have a 75 job so want to get there new job to 75 asap. I never really had a PL with drk or war as i was on the 360 beta test server, most my thf, nin, whm and nin parties all had PL's at some point.


                    Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                    He's getting all sorts of BS from other players like "This is how you're meant to play" and "exp would be slow without a PL"... eventhough they're taking 10mins killing each crab for 150exp.
                    This is what bugs me. I detest PL parties but at the end of the day what is happening in a PT I'm not part of isn't really my concern. However I am annoyed that comments like the above are commonplace as it is clearly NOT how it is meant to be played.

                    The reason this mentality has become the norm is because people have long since stopped trying to have fun when leveling a job and view it as an inconvenience to the 'fun' stuff at level 75. I have to say, hand on heart, that I had more fun going up through the levels then I have in my HNM/Dynamis experiences so far.

                    Dynamis especially - my god! Ok, you're a NIN. Provoke a statue that appears every 5 minutes or so then nothing inbetween. Oh and repeat this for 3 and a half hours. I have katanas ffs, let me use them


                      Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                      This kinda thing is always going to happen and its not like SE can ban outside healing either.
                      Course they can! You can't cast Regen on anyone outside of your party, it should be the same for Cure unless someone calls for help and the mob text turns from pink to yellow.

                      Anyway, my mate has the right idea - he's more arsed about having semi-pimp gear and gaining satisfaction out of playing to the best he can rather than cane through and not take anything in. He seems to be into his questing and the plot line etc and general NPC interest, rank2 all by himself too.
                      Last edited by dataDave; 30-03-2007, 13:47.


                        Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                        Course they can! You can't cast Regen on anyone outside of your party, it should be the same for Cure unless someone calls for help and the mob text turns from pink to yellow.
                        Hmm i see what you mean but i dont see how that would work with more than 2 people, if 2 people wanted to help they could both cure the person that aggro'd the mob but what about each other? I suppose it would have to work from hate from the mob, as soon as they cure the 1st person they gain hate from the same mob and therefore can cure each other. But then again that would cause problems for multiple mobs and multiple alliance's ala Kirin.


                          Originally posted by C' View Post
                          This is what bugs me. I detest PL parties but at the end of the day what is happening in a PT I'm not part of isn't really my concern. However I am annoyed that comments like the above are commonplace as it is clearly NOT how it is meant to be played.

                          The reason this mentality has become the norm is because people have long since stopped trying to have fun when leveling a job and view it as an inconvenience to the 'fun' stuff at level 75. I have to say, hand on heart, that I had more fun going up through the levels then I have in my HNM/Dynamis experiences so far.

                          Dynamis especially - my god! Ok, you're a NIN. Provoke a statue that appears every 5 minutes or so then nothing inbetween. Oh and repeat this for 3 and a half hours. I have katanas ffs, let me use them
                          Seriously agree with this

                          The fun part was making your way up the levels, there are so many challenges along the way but thats if you choose to put the effort in, you dont really have to put alot of effort into your equipment etc, but doing so makes the journey more fun, getting those Rare/Ex drops, Artifact gear (amazingly not everyone even bothers with this), alot just want to coast to 75 as easy as they can, just to be 75.

                          When ToAU came out you could see the rush to be 75 on the new jobs, thing is how many of them didnt bother with all the spells for blu, or got PL not even learning to play the job properly, to me I dont see the fun in that.

                          Best time was lvling to 75 before the whole PL thing came into effect, it pushed players to try to be good not just rely on outside help getting them through.


                            Title: Treader of an Icy Past

                            Three Paths cleared

                            Snoll Tzar was absolutely crazy. Initial plan worked out well. Popped an Icarus Wing, enter, Provoke, Blade: Jin then fling shuriken like they are going out of fashion.

                            Moot self-skill chained a Fusion (Burning Blade >> Dimensional Death) which Apa and Gael both proceeded to magic burst with Flare.

                            After that I?m not sure what happened. I think our RNG did multiple Sidewinder and a Barrage and Moot hit multiple Blue Magics and a few of us died. I tried to RR but just as I did so Apathye hit Burst for another 1000 damage finishing it off. I?m not sure what happened with salts but I think we only used 1 then we just lost track of anything.

                            Have to say, it wasn?t the most fun fight in CoP. Far too manic but glad it?s over (1/1 ). Just in time for the Easter weekend too allowing us multiple runs at airship should we need to with plenty of time off work.


                              Nice weekend... got some RDM lvls with my mate who looks like he'll be able to static with us on MNK. Also picked up an Eldieme key, killed Diabolos (CoP) + Shiva (Prime). All topped off with a lvl on WHM.


                                Got the last piece of RDM AF yesterday, so that's another thing out the way. 60 on that is the goal for this week.

                                Could have had a Genbu shield from Gods on Sunday but the ****er wasn't very forthcoming with drops sadly - maybe next time.

