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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I think thats what Rargh should stand for. Not necesarily to always level together (but to do so when psossibleand we have done a lot recently) but definately to help each other out with events like AF, difficult quests (perhaps for items we need) and things like Genkai.

    I was looking at the census on Linkshells and we're pretty decent sized you know. We could organise fun events if we plan it (lv 1 jeuno run anyone? ; )


      Originally posted by Marvelon
      I think thats what Rargh should stand for. Not necesarily to always level together (but to do so when psossibleand we have done a lot recently) but definately to help each other out with events like AF, difficult quests (perhaps for items we need) and things like Genkai.

      I was looking at the census on Linkshells and we're pretty decent sized you know. We could organise fun events if we plan it (lv 1 jeuno run anyone? ; )
      That is one thing I often hear when I go on one of my other Linkshells is the organized stuff they plan, a sort of once a week thing where everyone meets up for something. Sounds like a good idea to me.

      Im sure im not the only one with more AF quests to do, maybe we could organize an evening where we do a few for those who need it.


        Rargh! Need some help for an exciting thing! I want to kill this:

        Now, I was in Beadeaux the other day with Tox and it can be tough in there for a lv 40 PLD/THF : /

        Thing is I really want the Plantbane Axe for my WAR and for once it'd be really cool to actually hunt for something rather then buy it off the AH.

        I'll be online from 1700 onwards if anyone interested.


          So I've been quietly levelling slowly for the past couple of weeks. I'm really enjoying the party dynamic. When you have a good party going, it can be really rewarding. Conversely, one bad member can split a whole party...
          It's much more fun to be relying on other people as well as yourself. Plus it's way more social that way.


            I wish my Phalanx Scroll would sell, I have dropped the price again. Hopefully it will be sold by the time I go online tonight, I want to buy a Power Bow +1 for my Samurai Job.

            I have been enjoying playing as a Melee Job lately, doing the pulling with Ranged Attack and doing the Distortion Skill Chain, I can see why the majority of people go Melee.

            Dont ya hate low level parties, I got an invite yesterday in the dunes and it took a whole 2 fights for me to die, the Tanks didnt voke and let me die, just because he was about to lvl up and didnt wanna risk losing it, then party disbands leaving me dead.

            At least I picked up 3 Beastmen Seals yesterday, I dont think I will have 40 for this Saturday's BCNM but maybe the weekend after I will.


              i've been around this LS for a long time and i can honestly say it is worth staying on it for the duration of your playing career on FFXI. i have used other LS besides this one and never actually wanted to give up the RARGH! pearlbag as i knew it will be useful someday. as you may have knwn that wen i was leveling drk i was using different LS at the time, this is only to get into an LS to help me with my AFs and be with other players on my level. but with my RNG, i stayed throughout on RARGH!. as you may all know by now, Nyoneme(Vikas) rarely visit RARGH anymore, this is because finding an alternative LS that can help with AFs, missions and be in a LS where most members are on the same level as you is highly beneficial. i am not saying this because i am quite higher on level terms but this is the truth, you get more benefits in an LS with same levels as you.

              but to be honest to really make this LS more productive and therefore useful, lets all stick to one jobs at a time and try to level it up preferably to 60. then you can start on other jobs if u like and start over again. the point is, when people in an LS keeps changing their minds on wat class to play, the level difference tends to go wide and thus making other player(specially those high ones) to find other LS that might be able to help them base on their requirements that those lower levels in RARGH! may not be able to provide. it is good to have an LS where people wants to try things out, but since we hardly get enough peps to join our "exclusive" LS, it would be hard to depend on it much longer as you go up in level terms.

              this is my only and biggest concern regarding this LS. please try to focus and decide which job you wanna do and please stick to it until at least 60. it is really disappointing that out of the 8 months since we all started this FFXI adventure on this forum, only me and nyoneme have reached the level 60 mark. and i did it twice now. maybe i have more time on me or maybe i was just able to focus on the job that i want and stick to it all the way...

              lets make this LS more productive and useful...pick a job and stick to it till wont be disappointed wen u reached that mark and i swear you'll get more out of your character if you have at least one class leveled up to pwned...heh
              Last edited by aegen; 22-07-2004, 19:45.


                I kinda understand Aegen, but when I started the Linkshell it was never intended to be for that kind of thing, it was just so that us NTSC-UKers could communicate and chat easily. It's nature is to bring together people who live in the UK and Europe, and everyone on it can do as they please.. they can lvl or not, change jobs or not and I think that's maybe it's strength and it's weakness. There is nothing to stop people finding other Linkshells if they want to, to use for other things. But I wouldn't like to enforce anything on anyone.


                  well as you all know i am probably the most indecisive player on rargh i can never make up my mind which job to play. i dinged 48 thf 2nite and am liking it so am gonna go with thf till i get my rng gear.....


                    I'll be out of game for a bit, my monitor blew up and I'm waiting for my mum to bring down her one ft: Kinda stole my brothers monitor while he is out incase your wondering how I wrote this


                      Going to stick with PLD until higher levels (I promise this time). I'm looking forward to grouping more regularly (perhaps staticly) with Rargh members. Me and Mahl will be picking up the Levelling trail again this weekend. I reckon, if we get decent party's and I manage to afford my own food, we'll hit 50 by next weekend or shortly thereafter. We'll have to level subs at that point, so we'll see how it goes then.


                        only 310k to go ^^;


                          Go Kote! Go Kote! That avatar makes me laugh every time Tobal
                          Last edited by Marvelon; 23-07-2004, 08:36.


                            Originally posted by aegen
                            you get more benefits in an LS with same levels as you.
                            I've got to say I think that's totally true - I'm probably barely known in the linkshell - everyone is always discussing quests and items that are totally meaningless to me when I'm down at level 22 - it might as well be greek and I'm also keen to avoid spoilers, so I don't usually bother equipping it. Rargh was cool on the occasions when people weren't talking solely about their quests, but generally the benefit of having the inventory space outweighs the benefits to a lower level player of using the LS.

                            I don't use any other linkshells though... I prefer to find my own way through the game.


                              Well all you need do is ask, just cos where messing with main jobs doesn't mean we can't or won't help

                              Jobs im willing to lvl (in order of mostly willing)
                              Sam - 44
                              PLD - 26
                              War - 26
                              Mnk - 31 (most likely increase on my list if i get my kotes)
                              thf - 18
                              Rng - 6 ( <- most likley to be used for the lvl 10 seprate static if it gets of the ground)


                                My Job list, am willing to level any apart from Bard so if u need me for a party let me know.

                                Bard - 50 (waiting for others to get to 50)
                                Red Mage - 30
                                White Mage - 26
                                Samurai - 19
                                Warrior - 17
                                Ranger - 10

