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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Reading forums elsewhere, one comment that has been brought up as this ?balances? blink-tanking as though it is over-powered as it is. Personally I reckon this is not true, but when people see blink-tanking going well they seem to think that it?s easy and brings in risk-free EXP.

    However, there is a lot going on for the blink-tank and requires great concentration on their part as the slightest screwup puts not only the tank, but the rest of the PT as well. Transferring from the Ni set of shadows to the Ichi set has to be timed to perfection or else the NIN can be left without any shadows and potentially 30 seconds before the magic is available to use again. Never good.

    Also, NINs generate much less enmity than the traditional PLD tank so the PT has to be slightly more as well. Ensuring that they hold off on their damage for slightly longer than they would for a PLD as the initial hate spike from Provoke, Shield Bash, Flash etc. isn?t there.

    What?s to balance? NIN tank sounds like a perfect risk/reward ratio to me.

    Then there are the comments that this is to encourage NINs to use their full assortment of spells. These people either have been unlucky in only partying with sucky NINs or they haven't PTed with a NIN at all (in the grand scale of things the number of NIN tanks is low). Any good NIN tank will make use of a variety of spells, they don't simply cast Utsusemi and nothing else. My debuffs are vital in both hate generation and keeping me alive (a mob that is blind, slowed and paralyzed is going to have greater difficulty in hitting me) whilst my elemental magics, whilst lacking the potentcy of Black Magic, do decent damage generating more hate (and every bit of hate we get is important as mentioned above).

    Too many ignorant/uninformed people commenting on issues they have a complete lack of understanding of really annoys me.
    Last edited by C'; 27-08-2004, 14:54.


      *clams with gusto*


        Time for some pictures

        Striking a Pose - Unfortunately we couldnt time this correctly, we ended up doing a Mexican Wave every time.

        On our way to get the Bomb Coal for Mahl and Tobal after successfully getting another Teleport Key.

        Mission 5 - The Sneakathon

        Me and Tobal Lost and Confused - Awaiting Mahlory's help

        Follow the footprints

        Another LS Success - Genkai 1 Complete

        Nyoneme - AFK

        Checking out the Summerfest Fireworks

        The start of Summerfest - the Airships are getting overcrowded

        Its always strange seeing people dead in a town - surely someone can raise them

        Taking a rest before the BCNM

        Another Twin Brother

        Take Me Home


          Wow, just watched the trailer for CoP, the new cutscenes look fab, that samurai charging up his blade in this Sheath then 'TING' noise as he whips it out to attack, gave me tingles down my spine

          cut and paste into WMP as open URL


            nooooo, I'm having such a gay time trying to get this broadband set up. Wanadoo have just ****ed up again and I'm so pissed, been without proper net for over a month now and to top it off I really need that genkai 1 aswell!


            Hopefully be back on by the time COP comes out, quite looking forward to it


              Originally posted by C'
              What does this mean? Well it is difficult to say until people have tried it out after the update but my opinion is that it sounds like blink-tanking is going to be incredibly difficulty (maybe next to impossible) to pull off and with the benefits PLD are receiving in the update, it sounds like the game may have lost a tanking class.
              Im of the thinking that its not a case of losing a tanking class at all, more like giving the users more of a choice. with this update we see the smn finally being able to MB, does this mean we lose a damage dealing mage class from PT? nah just less chance of PT sitting for hours waiting because there is no BLM available and 30 odd smn flagging for a pt not even getting a lookin.

              PT's become quite cleeked at higher levels. esp 65+. this at least opens up more opertunities for others to get a lookin. I played the game before the Zilaart exp was released and when users got to grips with nin that by no means put pld onto the retired bench as a meat sheild.

              In time honoured tradition with FFXI you can always rely on square to keep things hidden as to their motives for certain changes, these only come to light when users get used to the updates/"nerfs"


                I don't get what you're saying Chang.

                I get the feeling you think I mean PLD is no longer a tank. That is not the case at all. I'm saying that the changes being made to Utsusemi have the potential to make blink-tanking no longer viable.

                How is that giving users more choice? It is potentially taking away choice from Ninja players as they may have one less play style (albiet the most popular one) to choose from.


                  Originally posted by C'
                  I don't get what you're saying Chang.

                  I get the feeling you think I mean PLD is no longer a tank. That is not the case at all. I'm saying that the changes being made to Utsusemi have the potential to make blink-tanking no longer viable.

                  How is that giving users more choice? It is potentially taking away choice from Ninja players as they may have one less play style (albiet the most popular one) to choose from.

                  taken out what i had written here as after deeper reading it showed no relevance to debating what you had said.

                  After reading your initial post rather quickly without letting it sink in, i jumped to the conclusion you thought that losing utsusemi to AoE would thus render nin useless as a tank. I apologise for that.

                  what i can add is dont feel downhearted or whatever the appropriate emotion is, but ride it out, as i said sqex are sneaky sods when it comes to this sort of thing, as its been shown time and time again.
                  Last edited by chang; 28-08-2004, 08:39.


                    Now if White mages, Rangers and Samurai's looked like this in game, i don't think i would log off.....

                    Kinder not work safe(page3 style)

                    White mage




                      Originally posted by Tobal
                      Now if White mages, Rangers and Samurai's looked like this in game, i don't think i would log off.....

                      Kinder not work safe(page3 style)

                      White mage



                      lol i dont think id log on, never mind off. just isnt my thing i guess ^^;


                        Sorry to Mihki and all you PLD but NIN is and will always remain the best tanking class imho. A good NIN can take basically 0 damage, and with a THF can hold hate with little problem (hell, so long as any BLM/RNG hold back a bit a NIN doesn't even need TA to hold hate). I was in a PT today with a brilliant Ninja tank, the actual PT setup was NIN/WAR, RNG/WAR, THF/NIN, RDM/BLM, WHM/BLM and BRD/RDM. The RNG had first voke (quite dangerously too ;p) but the THF and NIN worked so quickly and so well together, that he only took 2 hits at most before the NIN had hate. Then on SC, the RNG would voke again and let off WS, followed by a SATA THF WS. With the RDM and BRD, and such little curing necessary, I did feel slightly unneeded ;p but I had full, or almost full MP at the end of every battle. With the high-damage SC and BRD helping things along, kills were swift and the exp was pretty good (about 4k an hour I think). I doubt SE will nerf NIN because having NIN gives a choice of tank rather than just PLD. I prefer NIN simply because they make my job easy ;p and WHM at least can conserve MP so much more effectively with them.


                          My connection's reallyplaying up this morning and NTL have choosen today to maintian there customer support lines, BASTARDS. well if im not around 12, im not gonna be on


                            No... 8 hours maintenance... what will I do... (browses allakhazam for 8 hours).

                            I hope you all left your characters at NM spawns ;p.


                              Wow I Got Back Just In Time I See
                              Guess Ill Log On At 12am


                                Bayan your back, when can we do those BCNM.

