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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    i know what you mean, Ragnorak is also out of circulation as regards to randomly popping there but WP can still be bought from any of the 3 nations ports.

    Like i said before im not really fussed what server as long as it aint Rag. I just dont want to delete my lvl 75 char to get to a new one. In one sense any new char being made goes to the same server as the main, but for situations like this its a royal pain in the arse. ill hang fire a while longer and see if theres some kind soul willing to purchase the WP for me :$

    failing that ill just use my buddies fresh char to hit any server and farm the money from a lvl 1 char.



      I'll check the world pass prices next time I'm in San d'Oria, hopefully sometime tonight.

      If it's not ridiculously expensive, I'll get it and PM you the number.

      Originally posted by Bayan
      There Will Soon Be World Transfers Available >< So That Some Of Them Will Leave Us Headache Free
      We can only hope Bayan.
      Last edited by Vanicent; 23-08-2004, 15:07.


        thanks mate,,, i appreciate it.. from memory they are like1 or 2k gil forget the exact amount. Naturally youll get the gil back once its been earned. probably within the first few hours of being on the server....


          Would anybody be up for this sometime, we would need a full party of lvl 50's or higher.

          Go to Eldiemme Necropolis and do my Bard AF2 NM Fight, followed by going to the seperated island in Batallia Downs and fight that tree NM, which should get us all 10k each as long as you have activated the quest.

          I think we would need about 2-3 hours for it.

          I have fought this NM before when another Bard needed to do it, we failed because we were in a huge alliance, reason being no one was fighting together, no one wanted to tank and all the mages etc got killed real fast.

          With a decent party it should be a challenge but we should win.


            *raises hand*

            Need to that quest anyway and am willing to tank if necessary.


              Originally posted by C'
              *raises hand*

              Need to that quest anyway and am willing to tank if necessary.
              Thanks Rare.


                that tree your on about, only drops 1 key per pop,,, and its pop is like 2 times per day or something rediculous like that. ahtu its called


                  Originally posted by chang
                  that tree your on about, only drops 1 key per pop,,, and its pop is like 2 times per day or something rediculous like that. ahtu its called
                  Oh, aint there always something like this to make it pointless.

                  I thought it would be a fun thing, and the gil would have made it worth doing for everyone.

                  Thanks for the info Chang, oh and im near San d'oria, if Vanicent cant get a World Pass for you I can no prob.


                    Ces, about the BCNM, I am nearing 40 seals, what do you think about delaying it so we can do both at the same time.


                      cheers buddy,,,, i think theres an 8 hour maint tonight (online just now in about an hours time,,, never paid attention) so i wont be able to get online and start to work on the gil farming till its finished naturally.... but if you let me know server and char name then ill mog it as soon as i can


                        Well I Cant Do BCNM Now Untill Next Week, Wednesday Earliest
                        Going To Reading Festival ^_^ Logged In Tahrongi Canyon As 11 BST ><


                          Chang, you should check they do Server to Server gil transfers. Granted you'll lose a bit on the way, but if you're putting your old character 'into storage' you might find it worthwhile taking across a bit of your money. It's what Adam (Shenhua) did and will save you ****loads of time at the start having to save gil for equip etc.


                            thanks for that buddy,, ill bear that in mind for if i ever decide on somehting like that.

                            currently gonna be using both the chars, the second char is like a lesuirely jaunt with no pressures with a buddy, leaving me to play as bad as i ever did when hes as work/sleeping lol


                              Ok, Chang has now used the world pass I picked up for him, so if anyone else wants to bring a friend onto Seraph, the number is:


                              It's valid for another 3 uses.


                                Not done this for a while. Picture time

                                Firstly, myself, Nyoneme and Nukaka pose on the ferry after defeating the ghost for my AF2 battle (I feel rather under-dressed in comparison to these 2 pimped out in full AF).

                                After my post last week about exploring Van'diel, I decided to head to Xarcabard to try and find my Teleport-Vhazl crystal. Didn't find it but did come across my first one of these:

                                How cool does he look? (and the demon looks pretty good too, *guffaw* )

                                Shortly after that fight, this fella took exception to my inherent coolness and decided to start something. Both fell to my m4d 5k1Ll5.

                                Next up, Vanicent strikes a pose. 8) Pretty cool I suppose, but lacks that Ninja edge

                                And finally the next 2 pics are from last night. With the AH down and not having much inventory space free, mining and farming wasn't an option so decided to go after some NMs instead for cash. Got the Golden Bat to drop the Night Cape again then decided to head back to an old stomping ground, King Ranperre's Tomb, and check out the Goblin Gruel and Crypt ghost areas. Both were overcamped so decided to head back to town and was going to use the other exit deep inside. However, took a wrong turn and ended up in the secluded fishing spot in Jugner Forest. When there I spotted a ??? and when I clicked on it an ominous message appeared in the log.

                                "A sense of foreboding fills the air..."

                                Uh oh, this can't be good.

                                Seconds later, these 2 fine chaps spawn.

                                I draw my weapons and preapre for battle. Unfortunately I was hopelesly unprepared for a battle and was caught off guard. Yet I battle on valiantly struggling to make a dent in the Shadow's tough Paladin armour and all the time being blasted with spells from the Black Mage skeleton. Things weren't made easier with the GA magic removing all Utsusemi shadows in an instant. However, I got the Paladin down to 25% health when he busts out Invincible ><. I start to blast away with elemental ninjitsu magicall the while keeping an eye on my HP which was down to about 500. The Invincible wore off and I continued to hack away and even took the full brunt of a Dimensional Death. With him down to less than 10% I notice that I have one Shihei remaining and whilst my high evasion was keeping me alive if I took too many more Dimensional Death attacks, I wasn't gonna make it. However, I get lucky and deal 4 critical strikes in a row to fell him.

                                Moving onto the skeleton, he takes a bit of time to kill but lacking the deadly special atacks of the Shadow, he was a relative pushover. The skeleton falls with me down to 150HP and I stagger back over to the ??? and nervously examine it once again. Turns out the ??? related to a San d'Oria quest I started 2 months back and had forgotten about. With the battle completed I went back to the NPC relating to the quest and was able to finish the quest after another travel to Ordelle's Cave.

                                I would recommend everyone to do this quest as it contains a ton of cutscenes, which goes into great detail into the history of the battle between San d'Oria and Bastok and feels much more invollving than the usual fetch and carry quests that you get.

                                A good night

