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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by djtickle View Post
    Ding 75 Ninja! wha!
    Awesome DJ. Congratulations


      Originally posted by talizker View Post
      Awesome DJ. Congratulations
      Seconded - well done DJ


        yay! we gonna mpk dj by making him tank Genbu!


          {/cheer} How did last night's Suzaku go btw? Sorry I missed it


            Originally posted by Kerushi View Post
            yay! we gonna mpk dj by making him tank Genbu!
            lolz /cry! & thanks guys!


              Right, Want a completely honest opinion off some of you guys (via PM if it causes less hassel) but i've now got a HD-TV so can play XI on the 360 when I don't have access to the PC.

              When I played last time I found it really difficult to find people on a similar lvl ready to help a low lvl newbie (approx lvl12). Most of the help I got was from the odd member on here

              However now i've got a 360 with this, and still have the PC Version if I start playing again am I likely to get many people in the linkshell used here that'l group with me or are people way too far advanced/into it now.

              It's basically a case of "Do i start this again properly, or do I start LOTRO".

              Thanks in advance,


                Originally posted by jeimuzu_uk View Post
                However now i've got a 360 with this, and still have the PC Version if I start playing again am I likely to get many people in the linkshell used here that'l group with me or are people way too far advanced/into it now.

                It's basically a case of "Do i start this again properly, or do I start LOTRO".
                The honest answer to this is that if you play a job through to Lv75 with subjobs as well you could be looking at 1-2 years play. In that time you will be in a lot of experience points parties and in all honesty, I can't see that many of these at all will be with Rargh members...

                To be honest though its not really a problem and if I think back over the past 2? years I can probably count the number of Linkshell Exp parties on a couple of hands... Linkshell activities (for me) are usually quests, missions and events and these are what make the game shine. Realistically starting at Level 12, there will not be a massive amount of opportunity to do these either at present but you will be able to join in the social aspect of the LS and will make other friends as you level.

                LOTRO looks interesting but you'd be in the same position there but with no existing NTSC-uk/Linkshell community.


                  Tanked 2 out of 3 Byakko spawns this evening and was the first time I've actually tanked a god and found it an enjoyable experience.

                  2/3 Byakko Haidate drops too


                    Originally posted by C' View Post
                    Tanked 2 out of 3 Byakko spawns this evening and was the first time I've actually tanked a god and found it an enjoyable experience.

                    2/3 Byakko Haidate drops too

                    Thats sweet I started off on a easier god yesterday Genbu ^^ Which went pretty well for my first time, We did 5 of them so got lots of drops it all seem'd pretty mad.

                    On another note i turned to the dark side and started lvling Rdm yesterday. Me and davi hit up a party and went from 13-17 in a few hours in Korrolla Tunnel which was pretty awsome. Party even went down to 4 members and exp was still rolling in thanks to the new signet changes.

                    Maria is also ready for Tenzen Path now tbw davi.


                      Originally posted by talizker View Post
                      In that time you will be in a lot of experience points parties and in all honesty, I can't see that many of these at all will be with Rargh members...
                      You wouldn't be playing with all of us all the time, but I have jobs levelled all over the place so you'd get your fair share of me. At level 30 you can join in on ENMs (bonus exp bosses) too.

                      Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                      ...and went from 12-18*.


                        sweet rare! Suzaku went well dara.


                          Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                          You wouldn't be playing with all of us all the time, but I have jobs levelled all over the place so you'd get your fair share of me.
                          I must be the odd one out lol!


                            You are! ;p

                            Me, Rep + DJ have jobs in the teens, we have a casual lv.20 LS static, Last week I used DRK with Apa(MNK) + Dara(RNG) + Rep(BLM) + lousy PL (Rabs) ( ), and quite a few of us are around lv.60.

                            Infact my last seven or eight exp parties have had (or started with) LS members.

                            It has to be said though that SMN is the only job I have any intentions of levelling that it still under lvl10. Once that goes up Davi can say goodbye to the starting areas forever.


                            Definative break for me now (apart from CoP at weekends), which is good as my flat now smells like a garbage dump.
                            Last edited by dataDave; 21-05-2007, 09:59.



                              I've been wanting to level WAR (10-20), NIN (20-37) for ages. I have had zero luck in ever joining or organising LS Exp parties since back in the days that Mihki and Mahlory played. Granted my playtime has been a factor for not getting the weekend parties etc but still...

                              I had a few regular parties with Tsing and Darwock in the 40's/50's then a few while leveling BLM/WHM (mainly with Tob).

                              Maybe i'm just unpopular or crap!


                                Originally posted by talizker View Post

                                I've been wanting to level WAR (10-20), NIN (20-37) for ages. I have had zero luck in ever joining or organising LS Exp parties since back in the days that Mihki and Mahlory played. Granted my playtime has been a factor for not getting the weekend parties etc but still...

                                I had a few regular parties with Tsing and Darwock in the 40's/50's then a few while leveling BLM/WHM (mainly with Tob).

                                Maybe i'm just unpopular or crap!
                                I doubt that very much

                                I've got lots of low level jobs too but I hardly ever get to level them because it takes ages to swap all the kit over. It comes down to knowing what people have too - which was kind of what the website was supposed to do but I don't think anyone ever looks at it.

                                Give me a shout next time you want to do some LS xp, and I'll see what I have around the same level.

