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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    You'll always find someone to party up with, they won't necessarily be from our shell however - most of have taken the jobs we want to level up beyond the starter areas. Once you reach Jeuno however, the chances of grouping with at least one of us is improved.


      There are some of us still needing to level but its not always predictable when we do low level stuff. It tends to get slotted in when there's a break in other things...

      ...finally as well I've found a route to merit on PLD, can finally get some more merits done!

      But going back to low level I need

      SAM to 37 - Sub ffor PLD or 2 handed changes
      DRK to 37 - Sub for RDM
      BRD to 37 - Sub for RDM
      BLU to 37 - Sub for PLD
      Thinking of RNG to but not till I've done THF to 75


        Originally posted by jeimuzu_uk View Post
        So judging from the last few posts if I start playing this then there will be help around to party in the lower levels at some point....with people from here?
        There are always people to lvl with in the shell and out the shell. For instance im yet to lvl BLM and SAM to 37 for sub jobs and am atm lvlin rdm to 75 (17 atm)

        Thats why we have a linkshell so really no matter were we are we can all talk to each other and help each other out.


          also we use the shell to find each other and mpk each other for fun ^^


            Originally posted by Kerushi View Post
            also we use the shell to find each other and mpk each other for fun ^^
            I'm scared. ;_;


              Originally posted by Kerushi View Post
              also we use the shell to find each other and mpk each other for fun ^^


                Also watch out for the Beard


                  Originally posted by jeimuzu_uk View Post
                  So judging from the last few posts if I start playing this then there will be help around to party in the lower levels at some point....with people from here?
                  I'm currently a LVL12 THF, need to party up with peoples to get through the dunes etc so i'm more than willing to help

                  Seraph server btw


                    Originally posted by Pookmunki View Post
                    I'm currently a LVL12 THF, need to party up with peoples to get through the dunes etc so i'm more than willing to help

                    Seraph server btw
                    Have you both got a Rargh pearl?


                      right i guess we are dunes hunting


                        Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                        Have you both got a Rargh pearl?
                        I don't have a Rargh pearl no, i started a new character on Seraph under Dave's recommendation so i'm just trying to get my bearings at the mo.

                        Play-time is a bit limited at the mo


                          Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                          Have you both got a Rargh pearl?
                          I haven't either yet, everythings installed and ready to go but i'm away until Friday so won't be on until then. (Might as well make the most of the 30 day trial!)

                          Looking forward to it and thanks in advance to anyone who'l be helping me on my travels



                            Ok, it's the ****test NIN relic piece but finally, I've got a relic after 2 months of Dynamis.

                            HP+20 is a decent chunk. Walahra Turban offers HP+30 but no DEF so maybe this could have use. (meh who am I kidding).

                            Parrying skill+10 would maybe be good if it was capped (219/269 currently) so it all comes down to how good that Enhances Ninjutsu damage is.

                            So I loaded up on Ninjutsu skill to lower resist rates and went out into Bhaflau Thickets. Without the relic my "nukes" (term used loosely in the presence of BLM and RDM) did 61 damage consistently. With the relic, they shot up to...


                            That's right an entire 3 extra damage.



                              Originally posted by C' View Post

                              Ok, it's the ****test NIN relic piece but finally, I've got a relic after 2 months of Dynamis.
                              Congratulations Rare. Very pleased you finally got your first (of many!) piece of Relic Armour.


                                Totally spammed EXP yesterday with wedge i went from 22 Rdm to 31 and Wedge from 23 to 33 Pup i think We had a really good party it was all in all 2 parties that just swopped and changed all the time. Finished up in my lvl17gimpy gear lol.

                                Got a chest key ready for my RSE day on Thursday need to pick up body, legs and feet hopfully. Get a nice MP boost on them and should take me up to AF. I hope i can get 2 lvl's tonite then i can switch to full RSE

