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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by djtickle View Post
    loldrk hardly dont u know drk and sam are SEs fav bum boys.

    oh sry its lolblm

    wasnt it you that cast bliz IV on a slept mob and hit for 0 and didnt wake it up?


    Run Away!

    I know the fight of which you speak and if it was magic resistance, I wouldn't have hit for 0, I probably would have at least hit for something even if I was naked. Clearly the guy had some kind of magic shield or temporary immunity.

    My awesome magic has been experienced by many first hand, some have even been on the recieving end of it


      WoW is amazing. I've turned it into an awfully one-sided shoot em up, even vs. people 10 lvls higher.

      Fallows = 1st Hydra character and my actual surname. Thinking about spamming exp on this character before the expansion comes out and just concentrating on the free rewards gear as it's sure to be ace.

      Daviravi = Daverave, my asian mates called me this at school but I tried making it more Taru sounding. Later realised (at around lvl60) that you can make Dara and Vivi out of it, which is a bit gay.
      Last edited by dataDave; 07-09-2007, 08:39.


        is that why you aint come back? its ok we wont put you in the same class as dara even thou your a blm


          Originally posted by djtickle View Post
          is that why you aint come back? its ok we wont put you in the same class as dara even thou your a blm

          What will it take for me to prove myself? Your loldhalmel corpse at my feet?

          Diorama abdhaljs Ghelsba anyone?


            Well last night was fun after a piss poor start went down the pub but when I got made an ultima kill, cleared 2 assaults for DJ and then got my cheif sergeant promotion open which I will get wrapped up today along with the newest serpent general quest.

            Still at

            1-5 Complete
            6 Ilrusi (Akpallu Seizure)
            7 Mamook + Lebros
            8 Need All
            9 not open
            10 not open

            So got it wrong first time!


              Originally posted by mikewl View Post
              its got me interested in knowing how everyone chose their avatar names, was it random or did you have a reason for choosing it?
              Vanicent was a random selection when I created the character, which I didn't like at first, but it was the first one that came up, so I went with it. It's grown on me since.

              My second, and very rarely used character, was originally based around a character from Initial D, and I later realised that there was an unintentional reference to FFVII in the name, so that was a cool bonus.


                Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                1 = Complete
                2 = Complete
                3 = Need Ilrusi Atoll
                4 = Complete
                5 = Complete
                6 = Complete
                7 = Periqia Clear, need rest.
                8 = need all
                9 = need all
                10 = need all


                  Well I guess our server just crashed.

                  Never seen this happen to just our server before. And just when I was finally getting help with the CoP 5-3 Mine Shaft fight! /fume


                    Sorry Bev, server has fully crashed, will have to wait till tomorrow now ; ;


                      Thanks for your help Rep (and Lutann if you read this). Even if it gets restored tonight, it's getting too late anyway.

                      Btw, it looks like some other servers are having problems now also.


                        Originally posted by mikewl View Post
                        I was at a Chinese Resturant this evening and was a bit suprised to see Tsingtao written over my beer glass in big writing

                        So thats where you got your name from, I also know the origin of Rarehero's name but its got me interested in knowing how everyone chose their avatar names, was it random or did you have a reason for choosing it?
                        Yeah, Tsingtao is the name of a cheap Chinese beer. ;P

                        Wynth was the name of my Priest from WOW before I quit WOW to play FFXI. So since I wanted to be a White mage , which was some what similar to a Priest in WOW, so I took the same name and recycled it.

                        and no, I have no intentions of returning to WOW. not at the moment that is.


                          Tip Top weekend again....

                          Bagged 7 Merits to finish off Katana and yet to spend the others.

                          Manged to get drop off old pallas

                          Will upgrade these to alky thou after ive given him a few more farming sessions.

                          Then at gods picked up these bad boys....

                          So awsome all in all, just Hecca body to go and my drk gear is complete. Anything else i pickup then is extra eg. if i ever manage Earthern body or Ares.


                            Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                            You've only just got those? ffs! I should have given my drop to you that night instead of that sponging waster, who gave me 20k towards my "rope fund".

                            Deffo need a LS setting up for farming rare world drops. Sick to the back teeth of people turning up only until they get their drop, then never return. It makes me want to go round their houses and poison their pets - or play another game with RL mates who won't take the piss.

                            Wynth: If you do return to WoW one day makes sure it's the Ghostlands realm. My guild needs priests! (or healing paladins/shamans/druids)


                              Originally posted by mikewl View Post
                              I was at a Chinese Resturant this evening and was a bit suprised to see Tsingtao written over my beer glass in big writing

                              So thats where you got your name from, I also know the origin of Rarehero's name but its got me interested in knowing how everyone chose their avatar names, was it random or did you have a reason for choosing it?
                              I had no idea what to name my character, so I had the server randomly generate one for me. If I knew I was gonna be playing this game for 3 years, I would've put a little more thought into selecting a name.


                                My name comes from an old playstation game called kerushi where this lil man runs around trying to avoid being squished by bricks ...

                                ravi lets go hunt that 20k cheapo down and mpk em a few times!

                                WoW was too easy to play ... didn't have the finer details in it and the player base was a bit too funny " wanna hook up?" ...

                                you'd better get yourself a virtual condom for WoW ravi! that place has its red light districts you know!

                                cyber sex indeed! with all those viruses out there im suprised people still go at it!

