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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    So far the Op Tags mission(WotG assualt) are mostly solo jobbes, theres only 2 mission types of 8 that need 3 people to start(2 have optional) which i think is Offensive operations and Military training, while campaign battles themselves are always raging in at least 1 area of your nation 6 starter points, all you do is teleport into a waring area, sign up with the npc at the defending tower(to get a sword icon next to your name) and you battle with a pile of npcs and players against the beastmen with your battle results(or support) providing exp and allied notes


      Originally posted by C' View Post

      Quotes like these put me off even more sadly.

      If you need a crew of people to be able to do anything in the expansion then I really don't see me getting anywhere with it. As has been mentioned, the LS is pretty much dead ( was pretty much the case last time I was on) so whilst I'd have been good for this a couple of years ago, times have changed and a lot of the friends I'd have enjoyed doing things like this with have either quit or moved on.
      Hasn't that been the case with the entire game to date? I do agree however, there does need to be solo based content - I completely gave up with assault as I could never find anyone willing to help out with rank 1 or 2 missions. That aside, my experience of the core game and expansion storylines have been some of the happiest gaming moments of my life - yes there have been frustrating moments but it's all part of the fun and so long as SE continue to knock out new expansions and adventures the game is going to remain a big part of my life.

      It is a shame Rargh has re-entered "The Dead Zone" I have to say, 5 was the biggest number of people I saw in it of recent. I do see big things coming with WoG it has to be said, and hopefully more of us will get behind it.


        Everything ive done in the new expansion has been solo so far. Its not been hard at all just time consuming but the CSs are well worth it. This I feel is only the start, I dont at all think it will be easy all the way through.

        Like tobal said atm campaign ops are mainly solo apart from 1 or 2 of them which i havent tried yet.

        You can also just warp to a area and start kicking ass if u like solo or with friends. (BLM) seems to own campagn thou for gaining EXP and Allied notes. Maybe SEs way of givin summit back to the BLMs.

        On another note the game has been very "Drop" friendly to me atm. At last i got a body peice for DRK ive wanted since i first ever found out about it at about lvl 60 I finally picked up Perdu Katana for Nin now workin on Scythe.

        I also started lvlin dancer, what a fresh new job that is I have loved every min of it, really really nice to play. Very good job addin this job SE


          Merry Christmas and happy new year!

          Long time since I visited here so an update from Tsing, in no particular order...
          • Lu Shang Obtained
          • Many more merits mext are
            • Enfeebling Magic 3 to go (90k)
            • Elemental Magic 8 to go (210k)
            • Spell interuption 2 to go (70k)
            • Enemy Crit down 2 to go (70k)
            • And lots more after that!
          • DRK to 37
          • BRD to 37
          • 3 FL assault to go to reach captain
          Hope everyones well and hope to see you in the New Year for more fun, and oh Wii is ace!


            Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
            Merry Christmas and happy new year!

            Long time since I visited here so an update from Tsing, in no particular order...
            • Lu Shang Obtained
            • Many more merits mext are
              • Enfeebling Magic 3 to go (90k)
              • Elemental Magic 8 to go (210k)
              • Spell interuption 2 to go (70k)
              • Enemy Crit down 2 to go (70k)
              • And lots more after that!
            • DRK to 37
            • BRD to 37
            • 3 FL assault to go to reach captain
            Hope everyones well and hope to see you in the New Year for more fun, and oh Wii is ace!
            Seconded and Happy Christmas/New year to you as well Tsing and everyone else for that matter. As for me, I'm hoping to be back in game very soon - my Xbox came back to me partially repaired - it'll play FF but not alot else So It'll last me until the new year when I'm back in work and having paid off Christmas when I can buy myself a new one. I just have to get past the 4 hours worth of updates now, almost was back in last night but my connection cut out on me so I have to set off from scratch again

            As for the Wii, when someone buys you one with a copy of Super Mario Galaxy and Zelda TP, you know your most epic struggle is going to be deciding which game spends the most time in use lol.


              So what server do you guys play on? I played for ages a few years back but left. Want to come back now.


                We're all on Seraph, well those of us that are still playing at least. If you join and want a linkpearl then look me up, I'm usually on

                Failing that, Tsingtao or Tobal are probably your best bet.


                  been awhile since my last post..

                  You'll usually find tsingtao, Djtickle and myself on most days(if not everyday) though rarely in rargh, times i've been in there i would occasionally see moot and apathye. Server is Seraph.

                  Recent doings

                  Full sky gear = check, finally got the Byakko pants to make it 5/5, just crimson legs for my cor before i've got all my 'wanted' pieces.

                  Monk - taken from 34 to 71 in the last few months, mainly for salavge. Currently got to get Dune Boots, some Relic Gear(means a return to Dynamis ), Destroyers (Ks30's run coming soon) and hanging around HNM spots for the black belt items and hoping they sell/give them to me.

                  Salavge - currently running a salavge team with Aad members, only 2 pieces so far as it much harder getting a larger team through just 6/7 people when we did in rargh. Hopefully my monk we speed up the runs in future once it mostly done.

                  Campaign - enjoyable, 3x3 wotg missions done, 13 op missions of the 20 odd done and lots of campaign battles for exp and notes which is learning me the inside outs of does and don't for fighting got about 35k in Allied Notes to spend and $$$$ Ribbon rank which in 4 days time will be $ Star rank.


                    Cool, just had to update the game on my PS3 and my god it took a long time.

                    Y'see I had it installed on my PS2 hard drive but now with a PS3, it's taken ages. Plus it takes 10 GB to get it on ur PS3 which is insane. Guess it's because it's all those years of patches I'm having to downlaod :P


                      Hope to see you on Seraph say hi if you make it online


                        I'll have to find you guys first, no Idea how I'm going to do that. :P

                        You can send me POL message if you want.

                        I think my mail is [email protected] and my character is going to be Elaniel.

                        (I had [email protected] before but for some reason it wont let me sign back up with that) o.O or even log into it.


                          Actually played again this weekend, taking RNG up to 39 with moot's THF.

                          I'd still really like a Rikonodo crossbow so if anyone feels like helping kill an NM in 40 cap Pso'Xja (Gyle-Carlin) let me know. We did it with 5 people previous (NIN, NIN, RDM, WHM & THF) and it was no trouble (just no drop ).


                            Originally posted by C' View Post
                            Actually played again this weekend, taking RNG up to 39 with moot's THF.

                            I'd still really like a Rikonodo crossbow so if anyone feels like helping kill an NM in 40 cap Pso'Xja (Gyle-Carlin) let me know. We did it with 5 people previous (NIN, NIN, RDM, WHM & THF) and it was no trouble (just no drop ).
                            I'll help with that, as it sounds like fun.


                              I'll lend a hand if I'm around give me a shout when you try.


                                Me too (provided my 360 has not completely failed me)

