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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Cleared 3 assaults last night thanks to Lut, Tobal and Calta to put me 34/50.

    1 = Complete
    2 = Complete
    3 = Complete
    4 = Complete
    5 = Complete
    6 = Complete
    7 = Need Mamool Ja Training Grounds, Leujaoam Sanctum.
    8 = Lebros Clear, need rest.
    9 = need all
    10 = need all

    Saving tags up until monday now to help tobal with his last 6 ranks 6's and to clear my last to rank 7s which i beleive Tsing needs Mamool too?

    I found myself havin ago in "the pit" yesterday and after all the hype im abit meh with it. To me its not well thought out. Yeah takin the pics and gettin the mobs is cool. But then when u head back to the arena it takes ages to get your mob entered and then u have to wait 90mins to get pwned by a mob much higher than urs.



      Yeah, that's the biggest problem - the queue system. Half the time you can't even get a slot to fight in.

      Capturing mobs is really fun, my Shadow Dragon who's name I forget, simply because I gave him a mad, random one - has been powered up with an on hit bind feral attack thanks to an NM I snapped the other day. Now I need to find him a heal ability or an on hit drain and I'll be really laughing


        The mob lvl system needs to be sorted. They need to match mobs of the same lvl range thou as well. A new lvl8 against a lvl20 thats hardly fair.


          I doubt that you've all been missing me or wondering where I am. But I just thought I'd let you all know I've not been online this past week or so due to having no internet.


            Originally posted by djtickle View Post
            I found myself havin ago in "the pit" yesterday and after all the hype im abit meh with it. To me its not well thought out. Yeah takin the pics and gettin the mobs is cool. But then when u head back to the arena it takes ages to get your mob entered and then u have to wait 90mins to get pwned by a mob much higher than urs.


              Originally posted by Kenji View Post
              I doubt that you've all been missing me or wondering where I am. But I just thought I'd let you all know I've not been online this past week or so due to having no internet.
              Hope your back soon

              They could fix this problem easy if they just added more arenas. 4 just isnt enough.


                I have a big favor to ask. This weekend, could I get some help with the CoP 5-3 Mine Shaft #2716 fight? This is the last bcnm I need to complete for the 3 paths. To return the favor, I'd like to sponsor a ODS run. I have over 80KS, plus I'd like to get a Rampager.


                  I'll help if i'm on, which i most likely will be. Did you ever finish the SOB quests Bev? I still need a Coffer key for Tor. Canal, there's an extra cs at the end for Windy Rank 10 and Fenrir win, wouldn't mind seeing it.


                    Originally posted by Bevan View Post
                    I have a big favor to ask. This weekend, could I get some help with the CoP 5-3 Mine Shaft #2716 fight? This is the last bcnm I need to complete for the 3 paths. To return the favor, I'd like to sponsor a ODS run. I have over 80KS, plus I'd like to get a Rampager.

                    oooo! Mine Shaft is fun!!! I'm up for it if i'm around! Its level 50 capped right?


                      Released today, 2 years in the making, stunning and free remix FFVII 4 cd album.

                      FF7, final fantasy 7, Squaresoft, Square Enix, Voices of the Lifestream, remix, vgm, game music, ocremix, overclocked remix, djpretzel, zircon


                        Originally posted by MegaMan X View Post
                        Released today, 2 years in the making, stunning and free remix FFVII 4 cd album.

                        Sounds interesting, now if only it wasn't in torrent form - life is for living, not sat infront of a computer screen watching your download trickle out over 50 hours


                          Goto the tracks page, you can d/l them one by one direct, took about 10mins tops.



                            You gonna be around tonight? I might be going on a Divine Might run and we'll probably have some spaces open.


                              Aye, i'll log on for that. Lutann needs too but logs at 6pm on Monday/Tuesday ><


                                1 = Complete
                                2 = Complete
                                3 = Complete
                                4 = Complete
                                5 = Complete
                                6 = Complete
                                7 = Complete
                                8 = Lebros, Mamool Clear, Ilrusi Atoll, need rest.
                                9 = need all
                                10 = need all


                                Spoke to tob yesterday about doin some assault on Wed if anyone is up for it.
                                Last edited by djtickle; 27-09-2007, 20:48.

