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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Which are you doing? I'm interested in Wamoura Farm Raid and a few Chief Sergeant missions.


      Not to sure yet, think we are clearing up Tobs rank 6s but im not sure what they are.


        Hmm, i seem to have completly lost interest in FF overnight, been a good 5 days since i logged in now. I don't reckon i'll log in now until Wings comes out.

        The game seems to have lost all the community spirit it had, an inccident involving some stuck up git named Calta was the last straw. I won't go into it because i simply can't be arsed.

        Every time i logged in as Red Mage it took hours upon hours for a PT to form, 90% of which were utter crap. In short it's just no fun at the moment, spending hours staring at a message log and getting abuse hurled at me time and time again for leaving groups.


          I'm in a similar boat atm - I've not been on in about a week due to Blue Dragon, and I see my time being further affected by Halo 3.

          I might be around for the occasional event, but I don't think I'll be back full time until the expansion.


            All the community spirit seems to have gone, Rargh is always completly dead. I have gone in a few times this past week to see no more than 2 members in there. Shame really.

            Ive been abit meh with FF too, so atm im just loggin in for events and clearin up some other stuff. Although i say that and ive still played every night this week. Bagged Fenrir last night and Carby mitts as all of a sudden i feel like i wanna lvl smn. Althouht temptation is there i really wanna finish rdm 1st.

            Anyways Omega tonite in limbus /cheer for homam me hopes!

            On a side note AaD has taken on new challenges, we have recruited lots of new players. Some with zero sky history so its good fun learning them how and what to do, seems nice passing on what others did for me and rewarding.

            Also we carrying on rounding up some of these assaults?


              Sorry to hear that.

              For my part, the 2 handed update a month or so back killed things for me. I know there were further changes made but it seems it came too late and I never even think about logging in any more. People told me to level another job but that’s only made things worse. The thought of having to farm up the gil for the inevitable Eurytos Bow is a real enthusiasm killer.

              Heh, I've even passed on my Haubergeon+1 and peacock Charm to moot and he NEVER gets my stuff. Maybe it is final XD

              I was hoping to at least log in for missions (get Assaults and Aht Urghan tied up) but I can’t be bothered trying to pull together the people needed for it.

              However, the caveat is that I am excited about Wings of the Goddess so expect I will be back for that.


                Start WoW. All of you. It's amazing.






                      On a serious note, Ill never go back to WoW just wasnt my thing at all. When i finish with FF i think ill have finished with online RPGs forever.


                        Just get on it, join my guild, lvl up to 39 (ie: give it a bloody chance - two weeks max), then cane BG with meh. It's by far the best online vs. game I've played. Ending up with genuine haters on the battlefield is a great feeling, especially when you're blasting their arses with massive crits and then spitting/dancing on them as they die.

                        It'd be worth having a BG character just for stints when nothing is happening in FFXI.


                          tbh im not really into the PvP stuff. Its possible on FFXI and ive never even looked into it. Doin stuff like kicking Fenrirs ass last night is what its all about


                            nah man! >< It's more like an action fest than an RPG, and I'd play it over Halo any day tbh.

                            There's nothing more satisfying than blowing people up like Sauron at the beginning of LotR. Major fun + lolz.


                              1 = Complete
                              2 = Complete
                              3 = Complete
                              4 = Complete
                              5 = Complete
                              6 = Complete
                              7 = Complete
                              8 = Complete
                              9 = Need Mamool
                              10 = need all


                              Knocked a few more off.
                              Last edited by djtickle; 18-10-2007, 21:23.


                                Good night last night, about time i had on on FF Cleared Periqa CS with Tsing, Rare and Tobal which went pretty good. Thats ranks 1-8 clear now with only 2 9s left.

                                Then headed off to Windy for Godriks FF wedding which was abit mad but was fun too.

                                Then last but not least to a 5 coinz limbus woooo almost got my boxers!

                                Theres life in teh old bird yet.

