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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    lol, 10 kclubs sounds awsome!

    yeah went really well, no **** ups


      Yeah ENMs went quite well overall. Took far too long to get started, the result of which was that Vani was only able to attend the first one which did annoy me slightly as he was well prepared and set up the day before and was waiting around at the start.

      Unfortunately Tsing wasn’t able to attend but Lutann joined us as NIN which was fortunate as Fallows couldn’t log on so he had to come as BLM on Davi anyway. Holla was first up and straightforward but as mentioned we lost Vani at that point and went on with 5. Dem was also cleared without issue and only Mea took myself and Kupo out (actually I got taken out by poison after the NM was dead). But I got the 3 Promyvion Slivers so I’m happy. Apocalypse Nigh soon hopefully.

      Other little successes included level 2 STR merits (the 9 merits a pop increases now start) and reaching First Lieutenant Assault rank. Still got about 14 missions to clear so will make a start on those with moot soon, but it really feels like I’m back to full time playing now.

      Oh and the shell started up Sky again, with some easy Genbu and Seiryu runs. The 2 NIN/drk present relegated me as useless as NIN/war so I will look at levelling DRK soon.


        Congrats on reaching FL, I still need 3 clears on those. Would be game to have a try this week on some, I should be good early on (17:00 onwards) Wednesday to Friday to take a shot at some, probably have till about 19:00 or 20:00.

        Sorry I couldn't make the ENMs was busy on Saturday and again Sunday so no real play for me this weekend. Friday though I picked up my first 2 convert merits.


          Well Moot is still only Chief Sergeant so will be a while before I make a start on the SL/FL missions. Got 1 SM to clear then all CS. Thinking of knocking the ToAU mission line on the head first to get the Assault bonus ring.


            Fallows is getting pimpy for CoP Just need to play with him on wednesday for tanker practice/anima farming and CS catch-up. Seers'+1 mostly sold now and replaced with Kampf... deciding to go with Centurion's chest for +1 vit over +2 agility from the Kampf, not paying 50k for 2 agi when I have 90k CP on Daviravi lol. Looks like I have to go through some bland questing for the gobbie bag quests though which is gonna cost a bit... meh. I think I'll do a world tour of Lizzeh camping/grain seed farming, CoP CS, Anima farming, and maybe some Crawlers' nest EXP if I get that addicted again and can fit it all into one night ><

            Soz for the late start. Did really well I think considering I was making basic macros along the way. ;p Really impressed with the PC version though, and no lag with bringing up macro palletes.

            Might even be able to afford Penitent's rope after a little farming, but not interested in BLM/WHM atm.

            Yeah, the last ENM was almost a wipehouse which made things more fun I thought, (having to resort to the menus for CureII lol as I'd not set any cure macros up) apart from Rare missing his merit. I've forgotten how chilled out the atmosphere is on this game even when teh **** hits teh fan, WoW gets so intense at times my arms start to tremble.

            Yeah, my plan so far... (this never work out as I'm a messer)
            Fallows lvl50 with JSE
            Daviravi lvl40 DRK/NIN/THF with some nice lvl30/40 cap event gear and maybe a peppering of some CoP progress up to and maybe including airship... wanna have the last Jenova fight music from FFVII playing for that on repeat. lol

            Originally posted by C' View Post
            Oh and the shell started up Sky again, with some easy Genbu and Seiryu runs. The 2 NIN/drk present relegated me as useless as NIN/war so I will look at levelling DRK soon.
            That means you'll want Sinister mask! more reason for yet another bum-train down the Aqueducts.


            Also, eventhough no one's interested me and my partner got to 1892 rating in 2v2 on WoW <3 <3 <3 we pwn faces. only another 108 rating to go for best shoulders in game that not many people have. plz god make that happen!
            Last edited by dataDave; 04-02-2008, 09:56.


              Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
              That means you'll want Sinister mask! more reason for yet another bum-train down the Aqueducts.
              Well atm I'm only thinking of DRK up to SJ levels (i.e. 37) so Sinsiter Mask is not required. However I have been thinking of nabbing one for RNG. Head gear atm on RNG is Emperor's hairpin (for AGI) but I have R.Acc coming out of my ass so considered getting the mask for a small STR boost. Voyager Salet would be preferable mind.

              No worries about missing the merit. Me and Lutann discovered we can duo the Like the Wind ENM and got the EXP that way (and also made a small bit of gil too). Plan is to repeat it every Sunday and hopefully nab a Maneater sooner rather than later.

              Who do you have so far for CoP missions on Fallows? I'm willing to come as RNG up to the end of chapter 3 (my RNG is not high enough for 50 cap missions yet).
              Last edited by C'; 04-02-2008, 10:41.


                No one yet, I think Kupo said he'd help out with healings though. Failing that I can try to blag Rep/Wynth or whoever. I'll play for a bit on Wednesday and then try and arrange something afterwards. Really looking forward to tanking those bosses eventhough they are ezmode now.

                Yeah, forgot the mask was over sub lvl. But it's so nice a piece who wouldn't want it? <3 <3 <3


                  Don't worry the bosses for Promyvion haven't been altered. Just the climbs


                    Over the weekend, I saw someone in Whitegate with a Mars Ring. Don't you have to beat AV to get that?


                      Yup thats a AV drop, prob one very lucky person who got to beat it with the glitch before SE fixed it or should we say broke atm it cant be beaten.

                      Wounder were this video on how to beat AV is.... maybe they didnt realise they made it impossible haha


                        Why make a boss impossible?? That's just gaaaaay.


                          Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                          Yup thats a AV drop, prob one very lucky person who got to beat it with the glitch before SE fixed it or should we say broke atm it cant be beaten.

                          Wounder were this video on how to beat AV is.... maybe they didnt realise they made it impossible haha
                          What was the AV glitch? I've seen people talk about it, but I've never seen it explained.


                            It was some glitch were u could hold AV behind a wall and have blms nuke him from the other side and he wouldnt move round. Kinda like how some people do UFO now in small parties.


                              I thought AV was being beaten at the moment, its tough an needs the sin weapon but thought people were...

                              As for versions PC > all console, rendering is faster and pretty muchg everyhting else.


                                Really? I thought Chainspell -> Meteor whenever he likes was pwnin everyone

