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    2 am, Bayan. Maintenance is 8 hours, from 6 pm ; ;


      Dunno Wedge I Can Do Every Night, Except Thursday
      And DOH! I Got My Times Wrong Using 24 And 12 Clocks ><
      Guess Ill Go To Bed And Log On Tomorrow


        erm i still dont have an orb wedge


          Originally posted by chang
          what i can add is dont feel downhearted or whatever the appropriate emotion is, but ride it out, as i said sqex are sneaky sods when it comes to this sort of thing, as its been shown time and time again.
          After reflecting on my job and the implications of this change over the last few days, along with talking with several players (many much higher levels than me) over the weekend, I am now of completely the same mind regarding this.

          The change is going to happen and there is nothing that I can do to change that. However, I can roll with the change and adapt my play style accordingly. Like you say SE are completely on the ball regarding game balance issues and I feel that if I wait out this change, there may be some nice updates in store for me. NIN is what I wanted to be when I started (although back then I had no concept of blink-tanking) and NIN is what I'm going to get lvl75 first.

          Frankly, it's a challenge that I relish the thought of.

          Until then, I have just under a month until these most recent changes are implemented, I'll just keep playing the way I have been until then (in fact I'm so confident that the change isn't going to affect me that much, yesterday I dropped 300,000 gil on a Mermaid Ring )

          Oh and some more pics 8)

          Firstly, we have a few pics to mark the glorious return of Poochyena (tougher than he looks :P)

          AARGH!! Pooch, what happened? O_o

          On Saturday, when I was bored a lvl60 RDM friend invited me to tag along with an alliance that one of his friends had put together to complete WHM AF3 in Fei'Yin. As a level52 NIN I was gloriously underpowered to do anything useful but decided to go along and take part for the sheer fun of it. Well people get prepared and I wait in eagerness of the battle.

          And the first WHM (we had to do this 3 times) spawns the mob. Another one of those awesome looking Shadow mobs (with such badass eyes). Should be fun.

          Well this guy is INSANELY tough and our alliance of 12 people really struggled to defeat him. The guy is able to spam the incredible Dimensional Death attack and our lvl65 NIN tank was only able to withhold the onslaught for a short time before he eventually fell ><. One by one members were dropping until he was finally defeated. The aftermath was a scene of carnage.

          Another 6 people turned up for the next 2 battles which went much smoother

          Here's Rare ala WAR (was good to take a pure damage dealing role for a short while. Using Great Swords, or any dual handed weapon, is so cool). Sadly with only 2k until lvl30, the Great Sword will be put into storage once again ;_;

          Me and Vanicent pose in the middle of hunting for Stray Mary.

          And another sheep prepares to get filled with arrows (Vanicent missed :P). Taking this pic proved to be a major headache. If it wasn't the mob moving just before we prepared to fire, it was another low level player deciding to attack it =D

          Last edited by C'; 30-08-2004, 22:22.


            A scary moment in Ordells Cave, someone trained an absolutely huge amount of mobs, there was a mad rush for the zone.

            there was plenty of foul language outside the zone after this.

            Another thing, would anyone want to lvl in Crawler's Nest lvl 50-53, im in need of a Coffer Key from there, it might be worth checking if you need one as well for your AF Armour. we would get exp, maybe not the best but I would guess most will want thier AF Armour.
            Last edited by mikewl; 30-08-2004, 22:54.


              I had to do that WHM AF3 battle Rare :X. It took quite a while for me to set up the alliance but in the end i managed to persuade a level 75 NIN to tank it for us ^^. Due to being high level (and a NIN) she didn't die, though the dimensional death ate through her blink and took her to about half HP every time it was used. Spamming of cures solved that one ;p. The only death we had was on the over-zealous DRK who used all his uber-moves and managed to pull hate. And died. Twice . We had to do the battle twice and he managed to get killed on both m(_ _)m.

              Servers back up woot ^^. Got an incredibly **** PT... by incredibly **** I mean it was really good setup, but we had an incredibly poor PLD tank. He never cured himself and was taking 150 damage a hit (compared to the PLD norm of about 60 - 120 depending on what DEF+ moves are being used). All he used his MP for was flash =/. Won't be pt'ing with him again . The setup was WHM, BLM, BRD, RNG, THF, PLD. Not exactly difficult, but it took the PLD ten minutes to realise that he needed to voke at the beginning, and not wait for some botched SATA attempt (Rangers should never, ever voke ;p). /cry. Still, @10k to 66 ^^


                on the subject of the whm af3.

                i think its pretty sick of square to make you fight those bastards for the tavnazian call bell(,, only to get slapped by one as the main NM when you trade the mofo in feiyin.... /cry

                been there several times(of course including my own one on kurochan) and i find it aswell as rdm af3 as one of the most exciting.

                when i did my own one the lvl cap was 60 and i saw that sod kill a lvl 60 galkan monk with that spaced out attack he does.


                  Well my attempt at getting a Coffer Key at Castle Zvahl Baileys was a failure.

                  A big alliance went, and all was going well. then one of the WHM decided to leave, then during another fight afterwards we found that the other WHM had gone off to find someone, stopping to open a coffer chest on the way. Alliance died, people disbanded.

                  Then I finally get raised, the guy who originally planned the party had a new party, they raised me then they warped out, but leaving me in there on my own.

                  I eventually leave the area via getting myself killed (no warp scroll ><) then to find the guy who planned the party was back in there getting the key again, he never asked me to join even though he knew i was in there. I guess getting 1 key for himself was easier than helping another get one.

                  I think this is another thing that relies on LS members who are actually willing to help each other out, like with the Ancient Papyrus, a LS team who all continue untill everyone has the item, even if its over a few days.

                  Bayan, BCNM is Wednesday but if you want to do Crawlers Nest Coffer Key later in the week (anyone who needs it let me know) im up for it.


                    On the subject of Papyrus, any of you guys fancy helping me get it? I've needed it for a while now


                      Got invited to my first Dynamis this evening ^^. Notoriously the worst, we did pretty crap in Dynamis-Windurst. Picture blowout, as you'd expect ;p.

                      First up a pic of me and ma stuff.

                      People gathering in Windurst Walls

                      Ack I'm in. Scary music. Like Razz said all those months ago when I was a lowbie only dreaming of Dynamis .

                      Things looking OK after the first few battles.

                      Crowding into a tunnel \o/

                      Fighting on that bridge towards the AH.

                      More fighting ^^ Right before....

                      ... we get Astral Flow'ed by a fookin Yag SMN . 21 deaths woot ^^

                      And then get raped because of incompetent pullers ^^.

                      Big group doin some fightin.

                      I think you can see everybody in this pic (or everybody my comp can load). We had about 40 people go (though we all knew that we wouldn't finish it with this many).


                      And right at the end, just as our time was about to go, people panicking that our treasure hadn't been lotted for ^^ woot.

                      Overall it was fun but not that great. 2 deaths, but only 1.2k exp lost. I would gladly go again, but this was the LS's first time doing it in Windurst, and their 'star puller' so to speak was away for a week. And we didn't have enough people . Still it was fun and I wouldn't hesatate to go again ^^.
                      Last edited by ?pint; 01-09-2004, 03:48.


                        Originally posted by Adam
                        On the subject of Papyrus, any of you guys fancy helping me get it? I've needed it for a while now
                        I will help you get it.

                        We have a BCNM tonight but we can try and get a time and day planned to do it.


                          Does anyone know the bandwidth limit BT will be putting on thier Broadband service.

                          Im running a usage tracker to find out how much FFXI uses and to see if it comes near the limit at all.


                            hey half,

                            i was invited to that dynamis on saturday and on sunday but i declined. i was more worried about getting my testimony as Maat to thoroughy pissing me off. he beat be 3 times now....the first 2 i admit it was due to my lack of skills. but the third, luck absolutely abandoned me, in the middle of the fight my router started flicking, R went to 0 and i couldnt move. when i was able to, my HP is 0.

                            i'd like to visit dynamis too, but i have pressing matters

                            BTW, those peps in the alliance in you dynamis raid, i probly know 90% of them having PT with them. its pretty funny when i saw Delinquent in those pics you posted ending up dead and all..he was urging me to come for that dynamis raid.
                            Last edited by aegen; 01-09-2004, 13:12.


                              About 5 Of Them Are Also Members Of My US LS
                              Like Agrath For Example Talked To Them Before and After it LOL!
                              I Think Agrath Lost Alot Of EXP Doing Dynamis This Weekend


                                Hehe yeah well the LS that invited me are known to be... pretty crap . My friend strongly warned me against doing it, but i wanted to try first ;p. Afaik, Maat is uber-easy for WHM... i got my testimony xp'ing and a WHM friend of mine who has already done the battle suggested I do it at level 66. I might hold out .

