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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I've recently moved house (in real life, lol) so not been able to settle down for a session in a few weeks. I've just travelled to Qufim for the first time and am at level 22 - I'd forgotten what it was like to struggle in a party... lots of downtime and frantic warping!


      Last night was the worst time on FFXI since trying to get the Genkai 1 Papy.

      I see someone /shouting in Jeuno saying about Castle Oztroja Coffer Keys, so I tell him I also need it, he then says wanna party I respond saying yes, then no invite, he then asks me to be party leader. I really cant stand it when this happens, the person who is originally /shouting about it should be party leader and organizer.

      We did end up in a decent party but it fell apart after about 40 minutes without any Keys.

      Then after that tried to get another party going which never worked out.

      Finished the night by losing exp trying to help a rdm get Garlaige Citadel Coffer, opening the 2nd gate.

      I am gonna give party organizing a rest for a while


        Not been on much recently. After the dreaded level 50 Genkai, which we completed without too much problems, and some subjob levelling with NTSC folk (very enjoyable). I've found myself with little to do. Due to mahl and my worktimes being not always the same we've decided to carry on levelling our subs seperately. I'll be levelling my WAR on my own then (28->30) and she her BLM the same levels.

        After which we can get our party at lv 50 back together, if it's so desired. If not, well I've gotten myself into Disgaea which I'm really enjoying (possibly because it only took me 20 or so hours to level 15 characters to lv 16 :P)


          u say if not... what u maen by that?


            A good guide for all WHM on AF armour.

            Back to Castle Oztroja

            Did a search on google for ffxi bard AF2 and what do I get, third result from the top is my NTSC-UK posts lists.

            Seriously this thread is getting popular, we are a big source now for FFXI information.

            We could turn all the info here into a guide book
            Last edited by mikewl; 10-09-2004, 11:04.


              Did you manage to get your coffer key last night?


                Originally posted by C'
                Did you manage to get your coffer key last night?
                I did, the party we had managed to get 3/3 keys.

                Although there was a moment of madness

                During a fight we heard there was a JP party with a spare key they were willing to give away, so during battle I disbanded the party to join the other one to lot on the key.

                I got the key and everyone was shouting "Call for Help" I was like are you guys doing Call for Help BUT it was me that was supposed to be Calling for Help, apparently I had it targetted and no one else could attack it.

                It got a bit crazy but we did get all the keys.


                  lol yea u nearly got us killed lmao...


                    New Features to be added to Vana'diel Tribune

                    Its worth taking a look at this months to read up on the new features.


                      It's always worth looking at just to hear the music.


                        yeah, you almost got us killed but grats on your key, wedge


                          As I Said On The LS Tonight!
                          Lets Start Posting Which People AF Quests Are Outstanding
                          And Get Some Of Them Done! High Priority To LVL 52 AFs And
                          Also Lets Get Everyones Darkspark Sorted At The Same Time


                            Good idea Bayan, I got my Lv52 Gloves off the spark but I'll need help with the Lv54 hat, gotta kill like 4 NM Goblins :/

                            Also as I said ingame earlier, I'd like to arrange next Wednesday the 15th at 7pm for Mission 5-1 for all those that I listed in the earlier post regarding this. Please post if that's not a good time for you we'll move it about til everyones happy


                              Shenhua Wednesday is ok with me.

                              Is there a chance anyone could help me in Castle Oztroja, just died for the 2nd time getting through the 4 switch door.

                              For a start I switched the all and the door was still locked.

                              When I ask high lvls in there they usually respond IN ENGLISH "Sorry I dont speak english" in other words I know your after a treasure coffer so get lost.


                                Took this from a THF AF Site:

                                Make sure to stop at the hidden room on the way to the door. This room is at I-10 and appears to be a dead end, but you are actually able to see the outline of a door. Target this door to open it. Inside the room you will see 4 levers, the current unlock combination for the lever door you are heading to. Write down or memorize which levers are up and which are down, you will need the combination shortly.

                                After getting the combination continue along the red line, but when you near the door take a short pause to check the strength of the Yagudos nearby. The door is guarded by a pair of them that are of a higher group than all the Interrogators, Oracles etc. you have been passing by thus far. These two Yagudos that guard the door will likely check as Easy Prey to a 55, so I advise you to cast invisible before moving to the door lever apparatus.

                                This door lock has 4 levers, and you must enter in the correct pattern of up and down levers to open it. You have the combination though, so simply get close to the levers and preferably wait for the Yagudos to turn around, then enter the combination to open the door. When it opens, get to the other side of the door as fast as you can, but do not run any farther. As soon as you pass the door frame, cast invisible on yourself because you are now in higher tier Yagudo territory. Note: You cannot target a lever while Invisible, you must cancel the effects first (the same goes for coffers, make sure to cancel Invisible before trying to pick a lock).

