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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    My LS has teamed up with the 2 other leading LS's on Odin and we're on our 7th AV kill, with 2 losses. It's not easy the **** you need to do to "Farm" this right now and we think the zerg isn't how SE imagined this being killed so we're going at it for hours incase they patch it >.< Still there's hope that they will just let it be...


      We should be hitting AV again soon, see how it goes this time!

      Started my Nyzul disk this weekend and logged up to floor 10, lost another lot this time w mask and brave blade but made a shining cloth on a kirin kill ^^

      Fishing is now level 42 and nearly 30k guild points...

      Oh and finally got up to date on WotG missions.


        Took 3 months to build up the courage but now currently Bastok rank 1. I'm gonna miss the outpost warps so hopefully can get the missions cleared pretty quickly.


          [Important Update Details]
          - Adjusted the damage resistance of "Absolute Virtue."
          What a surprise.


            Gah was supposed to be a zerg attempt after maint last night wonder how it went, were bulking up on Krakens etc did a 15 second Kirin as a test yesterday


              hahahahaha, we had heard Tigue had brought 9 KC's and can safely say that is very, very funny.


                Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                hahahahaha, we had heard Tigue had brought 9 KC's and can safely say that is very, very funny.

                Guess we know were all the gil goes.....


                  Anyone who bought Kraken Clubs between the the patch announcement on Sunday and the update yesterday is clearly retarded.

                  What were people expecting to happen? Surely you could see this a mile off?


                    I know this may fly in the face of rumour but we bought 1 Kraken I think and not certain about that. Think Dussk was trying to flog 1 for 50 million and got told to go stick it.

                    The others were ones already in the LS, think we had 3 in total, I do wonder sometimes where these rumours come from . Mind I can probably take a guess...

                    Not sure why its a bad move to pick up really always never bad to have a few kraken darks around, never know when you'll need them ^^

                    *Ok I was wrong we bough 0, we had 2 both from in the LS ^^*
                    Last edited by Tsingtao; 17-09-2008, 14:07.


                      I'm confused - someone beat AV in less than 15 hours (or however long is needed to kill something like that because SE are headcases) and they go and add increased damage resistance to it?

                      Good going on helping to alienate even more of your playerbase <.<


                        People were beating it in under 2 mins, mind they haven't fixed kirin from being burned so why AV? lol


                          In all fairness, if a linkshell has 8 K.Clubs between them then they deserve to be able to take it down in under 2 minutes lol.


                            It seems that S-E are fine with zergs to an extent after the mob in question has been killed for a period of time via a more "balanced" (for want of a better word) method and the zerg strategies come later. Whereas in this instance it went from "Unkillable Uber Boss" to "lolAV" in the space of 30 seconds which S-E probably weren't comfortable with. Then again, maybe 3 years of nothing is enough time for the players to be "paying their dues". I don't know.

                            Possibly important was the nature of this zerg was that it was DRK only (whereas other zergs allow most other DD jobs to take part) and S-E are usually quick to clamp down on anything like this (remember "throw more RNG at it from 2004"?)


                              You might be right it does require some serious gear though most massive zergs, Ridill, Kraken, Mercurial Kris and all the rest with soul eater and a whole ruck of BRDs.

                              I suspect that the way to get people to kill it striaght would be to give us some idea what in the name of god is going on with the mob. Not a patchy video of the dev team showing next to nothing.

                              Given that there is now a strat for every mob on the server other than AV they might want to give us some sort of clue. We kind of figure its related to 2 hours, but every end game linkshell on every server has failed to get what it is might suggest that the clue was at best obtuse.

                              In other news I'm loving level sync parties BLM is now 47 and rising...

                              ...and pick up parties are still total ass did Nyzul Isle with a really poor party today, no new floors logged. SoU static being set up now to avoid this kind of crap.


                                Sometimes Nyzul Isle can just be really evil. I'm sure bad players doesn't help but our group has pretty much got the feel for most floor permetations and we still sometimes get dicked over with "Do not destroy archaic gears", eleiminate specified enemies (6 Porrogo) then a Psycheflayer enemy leader. Just one of those things.

                                Still last week I was quite surprised at what we pulled off. First run involved 2 lamp floors (both ordered), 2 Enemy Leaders and Eliminate Specified Enemies (Poroggo) one of the dickest combinations I can think of, and we did it with like 10 seconds spare. This was followed by 2 runs where the first floor took us over 10 minutes (which I'd usually think is going to result in no progress being made) yet each time we recovered it. Sometimes you have to make snap decisions. On one of those we cleared the 4th floor of that run with 4 minutes remaining and had to make the call on whether to exit and get tokens or move up and go for saved progress. We got lucky and the next floor was Enemy Leader - Chariot (probably the second easiest leader after Imp) and managed to make it in time but all it would have taken was for that leader to have been Poroggo or Soulflayer for it to have been a fail.

                                My best piece for Nyzul is having a good leader and 5 people willing to whatever they say. Be as democratic outside the mission as you like, but once those 30 minutes are counting down, you need 1 person to take leadership mantle. 6 "leaders" will cause problems.

