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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Did the Shadow Lord fight with Rep last night to get Bastok rank 6. I need rank 10 quick so I can get out of that smelly town. What was interesting was the CS afterwards.

    I’m sure we all know that there is a period of lost time that is only revealed in the early Zilart missions. What I didn’t spot all those years ago (and probably wasn’t supposed to) is that during the CS, at the point where the

    Ark Angels

    are supposed to appear and

    kick Raogrimm’s ass

    there is a flash of white clearly indicating the time loss.

    Quite a cool little touch that shows how much foreshadowing S-E put in there.

    And in other news, if you don’t have a runic key (or a 90+ runic disc) unlocking the new weapon skills is tedious. Rep has contributed a lot opening up some level 2 skill chains and before scheduled event yesterday a DRK opened a load of level 3s but still not done yet.


      I've been enjoying this alot the last few days, managed to solo upto level 16 Warrior and plan to head to Valkurm this evening for a decent party session.

      My early goals look like being:

      War to 20
      Open Subjob
      Thf to 15
      War to 30
      Open Samurai Job
      Sam to 20
      War to 40

      Add in Chocobo License and some other bits and pieces, lots to do for the time being.


        You know you want to camp Lizzeh before starting THF!!

        I might play for a week or two over Xmas just to make sure my characters don't get wiped, that and I have nothing else to play.

        Also, what effect has the lvl degrade system had on the economy? Are lowbie HQs a lot cheaper now? I'd expect them to be seeing as people won't need to keep sets of cap gear anymore.
        Last edited by dataDave; 20-10-2008, 22:41.


          I've just ordered the 2008 edition with all the expansions, hopefully it wont be too much trouble transferring my trial character after the 14 days are up.

          Also managed to get to level 18 Warrior in a level sync party, was good fun, managed to get 1/3 subjob items so far.

          Got to say the level sync is such a handy feature.


            if im on while your on moonie ill come down to dunes and help with the items.



              If anyone thinks Tickle has always been lucky, I remember when he was trying to get his sub-job items... the game really fisted him there bigtime.

              Even I didn't have the time to stay in the Dunes and help him it was taking the piss that much. I remember sprinting past his dead body at the Oasis on my Choco going lololololol. ><

              What was it? About 4/5 nights of graft before the skull dropped?


                Yup was almost a week of the bloody dunes before i got it Us being that noobish didnt know it dropped anywhere else! Im surprised i even carried on lol.

                Wow that was a long time ago now on teh good ol beta server.


                  lmao dude!


                    Guys our LS has started a new LS just for Einerjar.

                    We run on Tues and Friday at around 9pm. Everyone is welcome any job, as long as its 75 or near enough.

                    Idea is to kill odin and get the title! Lemme know if ur interested, next few runs are teir 1 so everyone can run from start to finish.


                      Sounds like that would clash with TI's Limbus runs


                        Oh man, I forgot just how addictive this game was, just logged off at 4.39am after completing the subjob quest, getting holla, mea and dem crystals and lvling Thief to 7.

                        Unfortunately I have used all my emperor band charges for this week so things are going to slow down abit.


                          haha Ding mnk 20! yesterday. Did a lil party with wedge which was a good laugh and then nipped to go grab him a skull from gusgen. I found it fun fighting with the gouls again! lol

                          Dropped about 5th mob in thou which was cool.

                          Cleared a Teir 1 Einerjar, and we doing Teir 1 again if anyone wants to tag along on Friday 9pm gather enter around 10pm i guess. Its only 30min event as well remember.


                            I'm definitely interested in Einherjar.

                            As Daragon says it does have the potential to clash with Limbus runs but it all depends on if the events start on time.

                            Tuesday's won't be a problem. 7pm Limbus so I should be free by 9pm but Friday's are only 8pm start. This week is Proto-Omega though so that only takes 30 mins so I can attend this week.

                            Maybe I can see how it goes but I'm definitely interested in Tuesday runs and for Friday's I may have to alternate between Einherjar and Limbus every week, if that would be ok?


                              Yes it would be fine, but remember in Einerjar there are 4 Teirs. To be able to enter Teir 2 u need to have 1 teir1 clear. For T3 you need to have 1 T2 clear etc... So if you come on a week we are doing T3 and you dont have T2 clear you cant enter.

                              So try and get to Einerjar when we are doing the clears u need to move up at least.

                              Also u can get to Nashmau really quick via nyzul so if ur gonna be close on time after limbus, id learn that way rather than the 20min boat trek!

                              Tier 1 this friday! ^^

                              Feel free to bring any friends from in game to its not just limited to people on this board.
                              Last edited by djtickle; 22-10-2008, 08:28.


                                Ok, I'll keep all that in mind.

                                I take it the gathering point is Nashmau? Does Einherjar take place in the Hazhalm Testing grounds zone to the West of Nashmau?

