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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Incase you've not already read about it, the next version update adds level synching:

    Sounds to me like a very cool idea.


      Holy ****, i expected them to do the "scout beret" deal but never did i expect them scale equipment down as well, **** me SE you're turning this next patch into the biggests win ever.


        Wow that is very cool.

        The big problem with leveling new jobs up is the lack of tanks whereas a big problem for PLD is lack of merit invites. If this works well, S-E have chucked one massive rock and decimated 2 birds.


          That's bloody awesome! Looks like i'll be returning to FFXI. Let's just hope in doesn't create a polar opposite in the game being overcamped lol.
          Last edited by Rep; 25-08-2008, 13:52.


            That sounds useful. It might even get me back into the game...


              I don't think it'll impact the higher demand jobs they'll still be in the merit camps, no ones going to give a 20k per hour merit to go for a 6k an hour dunes pt. On the upside the low demand jobs like PLD, BLM etc can now pt again to level to 75 ^^.


                Much better Nyzul Isle this week. Used our secondary disc so I was able to make up a lot of tokens and our RDM got these:

                Was really close on this though. Like we made the final kill shot with 30 seconds remaining and I died @1% so involved lots of frantic raising, lotting and passing but we got them to drop and exited to get the tokens so was a great run. Goliard feet was highest demand too so nice that we got a pair.

                Hopefully some Denali next week.


                  Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                  Incase you've not already read about it, the next version update adds level synching:

                  Sounds to me like a very cool idea.
                  The death of power levelling!


                    Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                    The death of power levelling!
                    Definitely not a bad thing! some people seem to only know how to party with a PL


                      Forgive my general slow-ness, but how does this kill PLing?

                      Not that I especially care for it either way, just curious


                        It won't kill it off 100% of course.


                          Well anything that puts off the real players PLing is good, but lets hope it puts an end to bad players, but thats too much to hope for


                            Spotted an Aht Urghan mission 42 shout on Saturday and finally got that mission clear. Much easier than the previous
                            mission and another great cutscene afterwards (Naja’s statement about mercenaries being able to sleep anywhere the opportunity arises, following

                            Abquhbah collapsing

                            was brilliant.

                            Got a BLM friend who is also on Aht Urghan 44 so hopefully the wait to get that one done won’t be as long but not looking forward to it really. I hear it’s hard. The Ulthalam’s Ring will be very useful for Nyzul Isle though.


                              Experience boost is pretty meh (I still believe players should be partied up for the majority of their EXP) but the Nyzul Isle changes are made of pure WIN! I'm gonna get myself a Sasuke Katana a lot quicker than anticipated and will not lose disc progress in the meantime.


                                Finally after a lot of pain and much arsing about I'm back on PC, replaced the CPU yesterday and the machines been working since.

                                Thank the lord 360 realy does suck!

                                No major news but picked up an Algol during the week might finally go skill up Great Sword now...

                                Missed Niddhog this week having to go to London for work and predictably it produced a Dalmy in my absence as oposed to Aspi who dropped crap.

