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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
    Haha! That's mental.
    Yikes, 18 hours for 1 boss is not right, doesnt encourage player health like the article said, theyre gonna have to look at these things one day to see what is a safe healthy limit, as I know I have suffered playing all night ..


      I head that some of the BTL members didnt play for days after and some of them were physically sick after.

      Oh forgot to mention we teamed up with OrzInc the other day and killed Ixion, they didnt have enough to kill as it wasnt JP bed time so as we are friendley with them they sent us a /tell to ask us to help them out and split drops 50/50.

      Went along and after we finally claimed it took us just under a hour i think, wasnt long at all.

      Cloak, Dagger and crafables droped. Its a very nice title to have.
      Last edited by djtickle; 15-08-2008, 17:53.


        $40 gets you a real silver pendant and the ability to teleport around Vana'diel.
        Square Enix spilled the beans on the first collectable from their Final Fantasy XI Player's Collection -- a series of custom-made real-world replicas of items from the game.



          Wonder if I'd need a US one or European one seeing as I have the US version registered (not to mention the fact that I get charged in dollars to pay, which basically means I save £2 a month lol)


            I got the Harpsichord furnishing with my JPN Piano Collections CD and the code worked fine so I don't think region matters. However, it says the US store willonly accept US billing addresses so we'd need to wait for a Euro option.


              Damn, not sure I'd be too happy spending close to £40 plus shipping of possibly another £10 on it (gotta love those currency "conversions")


                Does SE even have an online store for the EU? All I can find on it is a link to the distributer.


                  Been quiet forme online lately so much to do in real life on the ohuse right now. Tomorrow getting a new heating system fitted so the house will be in biys for a week.

                  On the upside I think I might have finally got my PC working again so I can get off the crappy 360 version back to PC. Been missing being able to actually do things rather than just wander around lagging.

                  Another Aspi kill again this week but no dalm drop this time ><. Ixi is a fun fight think we've killed about 90&#37; of them since it was added, only pain is finding the damn thing.


                    "Final Fantasy XI - screwing you over since 2002"

                    Once again hosed by a quite frankly insulting game mechanic - made it to floor 40 of nyzul isle, killed adamantoise with 30 seconds to spare, denali kecks drop, I cast a lot, 30 seconds up, get forced out and the legs are lost.

                    Second tag, adamantoise with 12 minutes left on clock, dead with about 7 minutes left, no drop whatsoever and our whm "accidentally" moves us up to floor 41 which happens to be a stupid "light all the lamps" mission, which of course we have no time in which to win and get ****ed over.

                    So many ****ing times I've thought to myself "**** it, I've had a good 4/5 years, time to call it a day" but this time I feel so angry and disappointed at the game I might actually go ahead with it.


                      Not posted much about Nyzul Isle mostly because it's been quite uneventful except for a couple of bad runs in the last month using up many tokens but today just had a mare and I need to vent.

                      Our core group has changed slightly due to some members disappearing so now we run with NIN, MNK, THF, BLM, SCH, RDM. Today our SCH was away so we recruited a WHM who has subbed for us once previously.

                      First run was damn unlucky. Firstly we got the Enemy Leader Souflayer which is probably the hardest mob in Nyzul but we took him down and got up to floor 40 to face Adamantoise. Turtle is probably the hardest of the 3 King gods due to very high defence which is difficult in the time limit. We kill him and Denali Kecks drop which me and Dara would have lotted but we have 10 seconds remaining. I realise this is not enough time to ensure people pass/lot so I go for the switch and try to exit to record the progress. Not quick enough

                      We try again. Easy floors get us to boss with 12 minutes to spare. Adamantoise again but we kill in plenty of time. naturally no drop when we actually have time to sort it but still floor 40 cleared (I think). I go to the switch try and exit and then we're up on floor 41 with 5 minutes remaining. The substitute WHM had selected next floor. It was Lamps and whilst we normally ace these now, people (myself probably the most) are slightly flustered and caught unaware, but also 2 lamps are guarded means we don't have time to clear floor and progress is lost, wasting a load more tokens.

                      I cancelled the planned 3rd run after that. Not happy
                      Last edited by C'; 20-08-2008, 20:17.


                        Ah, Dara is venting too. It's that kind of event folks

                        Seriously dude don't quit over it. Your actually really good at Nyzul Isle now. I know you struggled with the first few runs but you've become reliable and dependable. I know I can just ask you to do things and it will be done. Same for all (regular) members.

                        The second run incident was the fault of one individual who has just assured that they don't attend any future runs so it won't happen again


                          I just don't know what to do with the game anymore - every time I come to within a hair's length of some slight semblance of luck, something goes to **** and I'm seriously getting tired of it happening now.

                          Been spending alot more time with other games of late, and I get alot less frustrated with those - if something negative happens to me in them I can usually put that down to skill rather than blind luck.

                          I seriously do wish that I can live more happily with FFXI, but as I say I'm beginning to get very tired now of waiting for something to happen, and it feels like half the time it's adding years onto my life.


                            Well if you do plan to knock it on the head, let me know. I'll need to find a permanent replacement THF


                              Meh, I guess I could force myself to finish off BST and then see if my luck improves that way, I'm sure by the time I hit 75 hopefully I will have amassed a collection of kindred seals to rival my beastmen ones.


                                Well this week I have been mosty skilling up crafts...

                                Fishing - 38
                                Clothcraft - 60

                                Not much else to report, watched flawless manage to miss no fewer than 21 stuns on Cerberus. Was something special to watch

