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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Sounds to me like they're polishing a turd lol.

    Seriously, screw "little things" - little things shouldn't be forming the basis of tri monthly updates. It's almost like they can't make additions to one area without ****ing things up in another, take the fishing system for example - SE were so lazy and incapable of dealing with the botters properly that they decided to **** the genuine players too with a "fatigue cap" after 150-200 fish it literally won't let you catch anything until the following midnight JST - now not only is that a problem for those aiming for a lu shang's rod, it's also a problem for those who want to skill up yet for whatever reason seem to end up with a .1 once in a blue moon, even when fishing level appropriate fish!

    Now I've gone through this game trying my absolute to claw what little I've managed to out of it, mostly by myself, and I'm getting quite sick of stupid game mechanics and quite frankly embarassingly bad luck holding me back.

    I remain with it for the moment simply because I keep telling myself that it will all change for me EVENTUALLY. A Lu Shang's rod will hopefully see an end to my gil problems as there are some pretty lucrative catches out there, and our once weekly Nyzul Isle runs are good fun too. Of course I want more out of the game but for the moment I'll just have to make do with what I have.


      I'm not as down as you and Dara are Rep but I do echo some of the statements. I don't log in much any more and only turn up for a very few specific events. I still think Nyzul Isle is fantastic fun and provided the other members continue to turn up I'll keep my subscription paid just for that.

      I also like my sky shell. Overall, it's a good bunch of people and I actually get to tank stuff which is the whole reason I'm playing the job I enjoy. But apart from that there's just no impetus to log in for anything else. Seeking for hours on end on RNG is not my idea of a productive weekend and I have not the inclination to start another job from scratch. Even if I wanted to, the days of me having the motivation to work for the amount of gil needed to fund a job are long gone.

      And that interview is one of the least interesting I've ever clapped eyes on. They could have saved us a lot of reading time and just said "sorry, WOTG is ****. Hopefully we will have another chance with a better expansion next year but don't be too hopeful as we only have one programmer and the teaboy working on FFXI now whilst the rest of the team work on our copy of WoW so we can pull in the MEGA MON3YZ. Currently we're looking at a way of getting it to run on the Wii too then we can pull in 2 massive markets".
      Last edited by C'; 23-07-2008, 08:35.


        ...copy of WoW?


          You still playing it btw fallows, or has the gaming crack lost it's edge?


            Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
            ...copy of WoW?
            It's no secret that S-E are working on a new MMORPG.

            It would be a brave individual who didn't put money down on it being based on the WoW template.


              Originally posted by C' View Post
              It's no secret that S-E are working on a new MMORPG.

              It would be a brave individual who didn't put money down on it being based on the WoW template.
              That would be me then - WoW this game most certainly is not.

              I think SE's approach to MMOs is that everything good in life you work for, unfortunately they took it a wee bit too far. Part of the reason WoW is so successful other than it being based on a VERY highly regarded franchise is because it's so much more accessible than other examples on the market, without entering "My God this is so easy I literally could powerlevel in my sleep" territory.

              If SE wanted to even remotely incorporate a WoW template, they've had the opportunity to do so, they just haven't bothered.


                Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                You still playing it btw fallows, or has the gaming crack lost it's edge?
                I keep quitting, then restarting...

                ...due to there being nothing else worth playing right now. To be honest though PvP isn't as addictive as PvE/raiding now that I have the best gear I can possibly obtain with my spec - it's more about having a quick blast here and there nowadays.


                Also I notice Tob mentioned Ventrilo, I can't believe you lot have never used it up until now. When I first experienced it on WoW I imagined how much more streamlined it would have made some of the boss encounters in FFXI.


                If S-E do come out with a new MMO I'll be there of course... will you lot though?


                  I'll be going through the trial month at least


                    Hey Dara, I'd check your guides carefully Globes cap at 17 meaning you are fishing 3 under level which is well outsde the skill up sweet spot. Average you shoud see is .3 per stack of fish caught but that only holds if you are fishing in the right moonphases. Skill ups like with all other crafts are more accessible under the right conditions. Again this slows to around .3 per 5 stacks post level 50. Fishing can be increadibly streaky so its all about learning how to approach it and the right fish to target with the right bait.

                    The Lu Shang is a nice rod got mine quite a while ago but havent got round to skilling up anymore due to other commitments at the moment camping HNMs etc.

                    As for the game still love it loads to do, not even close to capping out my merits yet so no need for a new job just now. The gearing takes time now as well, got 2 million I won't touch as my dalmatica fund and pretty much everything else I need is way over a million now. Still love it, wouldn't play if I didn't


                      The problem I have with fishing guides Tsing is that they aren't precise enough - all I have to go on is a level range as opposed to something more exact. I can't find a guide that tells me what it is I should be fishing and at what level.

                      The majority of them say that yellow globes are good for levels 11-17. I need one which says for example "level 15, you want to fish up X fish for the best skill ups".


                        Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                        The problem I have with fishing guides Tsing is that they aren't precise enough - all I have to go on is a level range as opposed to something more exact. I can't find a guide that tells me what it is I should be fishing and at what level.

                        The majority of them say that yellow globes are good for levels 11-17. I need one which says for example "level 15, you want to fish up X fish for the best skill ups".


                          I've read through that, the problem I have is that those guides that it links to simply say at what levels each fish caps at, not what fish is best for skill ups at each level.


                            It's a question of judgement, no ones going to give away how they made their gil.

                            You have as much info as anyone worked with by 13 levels in you must have an idea of where your sweet spots were for skill ups and against moon phases etc. Guides suck ass in general they cover the road most traveled and are rarely the best routes, by tuning what you are using you can make a big difference.

                            I used clanwind and the titanictus forum for info


                              Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
                              It's a question of judgement, no ones going to give away how they made their gil.

                              You have as much info as anyone worked with by 13 levels in you must have an idea of where your sweet spots were for skill ups and against moon phases etc. Guides suck ass in general they cover the road most traveled and are rarely the best routes, by tuning what you are using you can make a big difference.

                              I used clanwind and the titanictus forum for info
                              I actually managed to get away with using a guide for the first 14 lvls, but after I got to the point where they started suggesting yellow globes my skill ups became more or less non-existant.

                              Also, what do you mean by "tuning"?


                                Tuning I mean that bite rates for certain fish aren't the same accross all zones they can be caught it. There are also theories on that if other fisherman are targetting that fish in the same zone there are limitted numbers in the pool at any time that refresh on a cycle. In addition different possible baits can help remove catches you don't want alongside increasing what you do. Rods impact as well as different rod types give you different results on large and small fish plus the rates they tire fish out.

                                Be careful with mog house effects as well, mog enhancement fishing does not increase catch rates it increases item catch rates. Its efect is different to moglification fishing which is via guild items also.

                                I think I skipped yellow globes entirely myself, frankly they're to streaky and a crap. I bypassed and went direct for cheval salmon with the odd shining trout thrown in but that was befre the fishing changes.

