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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Afternoon ladies, just sat having tea at a London Hotel so thought I'd say hello!

    Not much to report from me BLM is now almost 69 so nearly there but nothing much else to mention other than I'm starting to run low on the gil. Dynamis is still refusing to drop any RDM bits for me, stupid drop rates!


      On a related issue, I thought I'd throw up an offer for anyone interested in a semi-regular to regular exp static.

      Due to my group's relative difficulty with the higher floors in Nyzul Isle, it has become apparent that a number of us need to work on completing another DD job in order to provide a more viable option for bosses. Therefor, my RNG needs taking to 75 (currently sat at half way to 71 I think at last check) and in as short a time as possible. Normally I'd just log on each evening and seek for hours on end with no joy, and if this was purely for my benefit then I probably would do.


        One question I'd ask is RNG effective in Nyzul, I've never been with one so I don't know. For DD we only ever use SAM or WAR maybe the odd DRK but never seen RNG in there. I thought you'd go on THF as TH for bosses is a must, ideally 4 but 3 will alwas do!

        I'd be happy to party on BLM though we'd probably have to go back to the old camps in Bibiki bay or sky to be effective, regular though is a problem given king windows and other stuff.


          Well I can do THF on item drop runs, but for progression its a seemingly ineffective job. Rng is the closest I have to 75 with all the other DDs I've unlocked sat around the 30 mark and given how regularly I'm playing atm, would probably result in several months needed to take to endgame.

          The only reason I'm asking on here really, is because of the relative difficulty involved with finding a group at all for exp on RNG, nevermind a capable one that won't get me killed and disband instantly afterwards -.-


            Originally posted by Kerushi View Post
            gratz on rank 3 moonie
            Thanks dude

            I went and did the next rank mission afterwards, killing 20 Quadav's, this also gave me enough exp to reach lvl 30 Warrior.

            Im working on my Jeuno fame at the moment so I can get a Tenshodo pass and then a Aht Urghan pass.


              I'm deffo on for coming back for a couple of weeks over xmas. I have tons of jobs over both characters all over the place so maybe we can hook up Wedge.

              I hope they are still there.


                Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                I'm deffo on for coming back for a couple of weeks over xmas. I have tons of jobs over both characters all over the place so maybe we can hook up Wedge.

                I hope they are still there.
                That would be cool, I will probably be around the same level as your characters by then so we can do some nice exp sessions.


                  User created content?


                    This would be the player dungeons spoken of a while back, something I'd considered only to be a rumor.

                    Glad it's not - although how many hundreds of thousands of gil is someone going to need to invest in something like this? Why can't SE just release some end game content that isn't closed off to someone that isn't super rich, or someone that evidently doesn't enjoy a social life?


                      Well I was sorta right about next expansion being announced around now. But also sorta wrong:

                      Downloadable Content with 3 "expansion chapters" costing $10 each. Will be interesting to see where they go with this but with the under-developed WotG and now a move away from full-scale retail expansions it does look as though the game may be over it's peak and moving towards an inevitable closure.

                      Also, full details of what was announced at the JPN fanfest here:


                        Christ - evil moogles? Surely SE wouldn't allow us to kill them?


                          Have to say that would say the longevity of the game is probably only a few years more, the recent expansion and lack of focus on it has also pointed to that.

                          Its been fun mind I I will certanly play out the add-ons, well all good things always come to an end

                          Talizker get your ass back while there's still time!


                            SE have always said that they'd continue to support the game with new content and expansions so long as the demand is there, I can however see it's continued long term success being brought into question without significant effort to better it.

                            No doubt the game is still a very popular MMO, but I think it's fair to say that rather than just more engaging content, the game needs a pretty hefty overhaul to bring it more in-line with the other market examples. New gameplay mechanics, features, PvP improvements, economy stabilising - all these things would do wonders for it. Graphical upgrades for both PC and 360 versions, perhaps with a PS3 release could be a good idea too.


                              PvP never been the focus and it not something i care about, tried it in age of conan and it just pissed me off no end.

                              As far as gameplay, about the only major things they can do is change the way Magic and Magic resistance works, Stone should be as powerful as Lightening only mobs that are normal resistance to both, and resistance should be a proper % reduction and not a chance of resist(same with all status resistances). Anything other than that and it's not FFxi anymore it becomes WoW Clone ver10, something i do not want. The Economy is what you make of it, as it is now it very easy to afford decent gear(Haubie @200k yes please, just a full days farming bat fiend blood/wings to the npc can net you 90-100k) or get it from quests(nyzul/assualts/allied notes/znm pickups) or get into an shell that only does Salvage, Limbus, Einherjar or Dynamis. Plenty of them around so don't go moaning if you can't not be arsed put some effort in or not get along people.

                              Graphical updates and general engine improvements to frame-rate and net code are certainly needed, it about time they ditched Ps2 and gave them a choice of PC,360 or Ps3 ver.


                                Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                                Graphical updates and general engine improvements to frame-rate and net code are certainly needed, it about time they ditched Ps2 and gave them a choice of PC,360 or Ps3 ver.
                                This is exactly why I stopped playing back in early 2007. The dev team were very good with their content updates, but made no attempt whatsoever to rectify the dire client performance issues/botch job netcode. I recently tried the trial version with my brother to see what had changed since we stopped playing, and found it quite depressing that the game still ran as badly as it ever did... despite having a newer PC these days.

                                Although I do understand them not wanting to shaft the PS2 players, I seriously doubt there are that many of them left by now. It's a real shame that the game simply cannot evolve or change that much as a result of supporting such limited hardware... guess they'll just have to keep adding new items/armour/quests etc in the hope people don't get bored (although that tactic doesn't seem to be doing so well now by the looks of it).
                                Last edited by Hohum; 24-11-2008, 16:58.

