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    I need to finish mission 1 of WoTG


      Originally posted by Kerushi View Post
      I need to finish mission 1 of WoTG
      Have you been to one of the starting cities yet and chosen a nation?

      I went with Sandy for it, if you have as well we could go through them.


        I will be starting WotG shortly also - not read up on the implication of the starting nation etc yet but makes sense to try and do these together I think.


          I've started with bastok - is it possible to switch nation after you start the first quest?


            It is but your nation only affects your choice of Campaign Ops and what you can purchase with Allied Notes. It doesn't affect the mission/quest line at all.


              I have not signed up to a starting city yet. I have the Maw in Ronfune region so i will join the sandorian campagne.


                One thing to note with saving Macro's if you were to be using windower I'd avoid saving to server. Gives SE a pretty clear idea you are using 3rd party tools, mine may not be on the server

                I suggest we get everyone to the same point in WotG and go fro there to catch those guys up would take less than a week then we can all clear together in a bu gay Rargh fest. How about we choose a night we use as the Rargh mission night and we see what people need and choose one or 2?

                That way we can help everyone progress on every storyline, there's nothing in the game I won't fight again to help out. Previsor is that like the other night prerequisites are done where possible so we can do as many BCs as possible in one night to help as many people as possible.

                I'd suggest we take the lowest person on each line and move them forward and pick up those higher as we go along.

                Also I was thinking some level sync fun, I'm thinking of levelling some new subs.
                Last edited by Tsingtao; 18-04-2009, 07:51.


                  Dara was having a think about what you were saying with fishing last night and nebs being too high at the moment for you to catch easily. I think I did Dark Bass in La Theine before I moved onto them, not worth much but a good skill up fish. They come from the SE pond in the zone, there are also red terrapin in there think I skilled up quite fast. Worm lure or frog lure I forget which then jumped to nebs.

                  Since nebs I've been on shalls for what feels like forever 48 now and next is trumpet shells.

                  Oh and use this


                    Great comments Tsing and it sounds like a great way to handle WotG while having plenty of LS fun. I was discussing leveling SJ's together with Az last night and I have NIN (at 20) to level and he is leveling SAM. I need to sort NIN gear for 20-37 now i've got RDM sorted and hopefully I have enough funds to get some ok NIN gear.

                    When do you want to start? Next week? Anyone else looking at leveling a SJ?


                      I wasn't suggesting just WotG, also ToAU and any CoP or ZM + assualt and nyzul ^^. For the missions we should pick a day we need to know what people commitments are though first.

                      Any time we've got people on no need to wait for each other now with level sync, I have a few things I want to do

                      DNC 1 -> 37 for PLD sub
                      SCH 1 -> 37 BLM sub
                      THF 37 -> 75
                      BRD 37 -> 75
                      WAR 37 -> 75

                      So I can kind do any of them at any time, BRD I think is most important for the LS as we don't have one and that will hurt us later.

                      Also we need to look into Moblin Maze Monger, I do runs with SoU people and we make like 15k merits in 30 mins. Need to find out how it works but would really help us all if we can do them.


                        Thanks for the fishing info tsing, very helpful

                        I think I'm going to be sticking to moat carps for the next couple of weeks or so, until I have enough for my Lu'Shang's, then the plan is to skill up, perhaps to 30 or so and then aim for the two treasure charts, get a couple goodies out of those (pelican ring etc) and then finish off to 100.

                        As for exping, I need 4 more lvls on DRK for RDM subbing, then I'd probably focus on RDM merits


                          Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
                          One thing to note with saving Macro's if you were to be using windower I'd avoid saving to server. Gives SE a pretty clear idea you are using 3rd party tools, mine may not be on the server

                          I suggest we get everyone to the same point in WotG and go fro there to catch those guys up would take less than a week then we can all clear together in a bu gay Rargh fest. How about we choose a night we use as the Rargh mission night and we see what people need and choose one or 2?

                          That way we can help everyone progress on every storyline, there's nothing in the game I won't fight again to help out. Previsor is that like the other night prerequisites are done where possible so we can do as many BCs as possible in one night to help as many people as possible.

                          I'd suggest we take the lowest person on each line and move them forward and pick up those higher as we go along.

                          Also I was thinking some level sync fun, I'm thinking of levelling some new subs.
                          Sounds good, im definetely up for this.


                            fine by me, with the mission night stuff


                              For the first time in ages, I've had a really fun evening in this game.

                              I finally got NIN to 30 the other night, and to 31 tonight with Azar/Wedge's help (thanks man), and I've also managed to get Ranger from 48 to 50.

                              At long last, I might add, and I'm sure there are a few others thinking the same thing.

                              Hope to carry on with Ranger later today, time permitting, and get to 52 or higher.

                              Also, I'm glad Rargh has started up again, the LS was always a key part of the fun of the game.


                                Excellent work mate.

                                Now that you're 50 you get a couple of meaningful upgrades to RNG gear which I will go over with later. The best of which is probably this:

                                Which is an NM drop so I'll hunt it with you if you like. It's rarely camped.

                                Also, you can start on your AF quests now. Again nothing too difficult (I soloed or at worst duoed them so can help you out no problem). One of your coffers is in Garlaige Citadel unfortunately which means you need to get behind the banishing gates. Normally hard but the addition of the cavernous maws means it is now a lot easier.

                                Give us a shout when you get online and I'll take you on a tour around the [S] zones and sort you out with what you need.

