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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Cheers guys for the info. As expected ive appeared up on BG

    As I expect members from my current shell might think its fun to wind people up in my post so if any of you guys can post up what you think about me (as hopfully its all good) I would appricaiate it.


      Finished In A Haze of Glory.

      Great cutscene after it


        Congratulations Rare


          Anyone interested in doing some Nyzul Isle bosses? I know a few of us have runic keys now with full access to every floor and I’m more than willing to offer my own (to a degree, not got a massive amount of tokens).

          I still only have 2 pieces of Denali (legs and hands) and I really would like the feet for my WS build on NIN but obviously have no need for Askar or Goliard so willing to put them up for free lot.

          Later I will be looking at head and body (for set completion) but feet are the main piece that I can get use out of. Obviously I’m willing to go with other people if they want to use their tokens and main lot gear of other floors.

          Just think it would be nice to get some proper event action going.


            Yes please

            Would love some Goliard (actually would love to finish off my Denali set too, but Goliard is my priority atm)


              Originally posted by C' View Post
              Anyone interested in doing some Nyzul Isle bosses?
              What are the requirements to do this Rare?

              *I did some Nyzul Isle with the LS a while back but didn't get very far before there wasn't enough people who wanted to do it.
              Last edited by talizker; 23-04-2009, 10:24.


                The only requirement is that someone has a runic disc with progress to the appropriate boss floor and enough tokens to select the floor you want.

                I have a completed disc now (can access any floor) and have enough tokens for a fair few goes so just need manpower to back me up. Generally, the rule (according to Whitegate shouts) is that whoever uses their tokens gets to choose which piece they get priority lot on then the other 2 pieces free lot between everyone else. For mages, you would be after the Goliard set.

                RDM is vur gud for Nyzul Isle though if you wanted to take part.


                  Sweet - Would definitely be interested if your planning an evening run.


                    Even if it's just you and Dara I could shout for DD/buffer if we fill NIN, RDM, THF roles.

                    Nyzul is quite easy to shout people up for, especially if I offer Askar as free lot which a lot of people seem to want.


                      I have never done any nyzul runs


                        Sorry to hear that DJ, I've always found SoU to be straight and fair on drops. Basically in a year I've got pretty much everything, need a few things here and there but not much now.

                        I'd have to say a 24/7 shell suits me better than this scheduled event crap, I don't like my life tying to a video game seems a bit gay.


                          I'd be interested in Nyzul need all Goliard and Askar, I would suggest starting with 20 or 40 bosses before moving onto the tougher ones. Key will be having enough DD to kill, I did a run earlier that just didn't ahve to power to kill mobs fast enough.

                          As a rule I sually use RDM BRD + 4DD or maybe PLD/NIN + 3DD


                            What is the min lvl requirement for this Nyzul stuff?


                              75 really.

                              Maybe a little lower if you're BRD XD


                                Don't kill the tank

