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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I'll come along again. Tobal needs me there for the lolz as I try to go for the big finish, fail to do so and find myself unable to run out of range of Death (needs moar Skadi feet/w.legs).

    Tobal is right though. You needed to contribute more damage to the fight. The only reason we can small man this is that you bounce the hate around. When you have hate you run, when you don't, you drop the hamer with all you've got until you see him come after you. For too long in the first fight (until Fission came) the only damage that occurred was Tobal's Ice Shots every minute or so. I couldn't fire, Barrage, Sidewinder as I continuously had hate.

    I was gutted when Mosley gave me a Soul Voiced Minuet x2 and Tobal landed a high Chaos Roll only to find I spent all the time I had the buffs running away instead of being able to lay the smack down with a HAWT Sidewinder.
    Last edited by C'; 21-05-2009, 09:42.


      Ok fine, I'll admit it - I didn't perform great during the first fight (to put an end to another argument I see developing) yes I did run a fair bit. Sometimes we learn best by doing however, the second fight went fine and so will consecutive fights.

      Please guys though, if someone has a problem with me, can we please discuss it in private from now on? I hate having to argue in this thread.


        We’re not arguing, we’re discussing tactics


          Sounds like I'm being criticized and I don't like that

          I've accepted that I'm not the best at the game, but I always try and up my skill. Sometimes it might not always happen, sometimes I might not always "get" what's going on straight away, and other times, mostly while I'm farming, I'll get tired for whatever reason, my reaction time will drop as a result and when that happens, you don't want to be fighting tonberries (the throat stabby ones that is)
          Last edited by Daragon; 21-05-2009, 10:26.


            Wedge, are you interested in duoing this evening. I need to obtain a couple of pieces of equip but if I get them both I am free to EXP a fair few levels. We could maybe try Fields of Valor in Batallia Downs or somewhere away from the masses.


              Originally posted by C' View Post
              Wedge, are you interested in duoing this evening. I need to obtain a couple of pieces of equip but if I get them both I am free to EXP a fair few levels. We could maybe try Fields of Valor in Batallia Downs or somewhere away from the masses.
              Sure i'd be up for that.

              Hopefully I can get 30 nin tonight, then I can get my War to 60 for BCNM's.


                Thought it was about time I did a few videos on here.

                Promyvion Holla ENM

                Wedge, Rare, Hicory, Tsingtao, Tobal and Darwock


                  Thanks to Dara and Rep but I know finally have a Qiqirn Collar. Now to push on RNG75


                    lol im on drk with a great sword... not held one of them for 3 years.


                      I didn't even know you had recorded that Wedge, a real blast from the past!


                        Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                        Edit: Before I forget, I'm still in the market for a P.Rope, hopefully I can sort out a few runs of the Wild, Wild Whiskers BCNM60 (from which said rope apparently has a 59% appearance rate). So far I have interest from Rare but we still need one other support job to tag along. Obviously if you wish to use your own orb, then you will get the spoils from it, but if anyone wants to help out regardless and make my character that little bit extra bit more powerful then I will not turn anyone away!
                        LOLOLOL I'm half-tempted to log in and burn my remaining 150seals trying to get this also.



                          How on earth did you not get it from 4 runs? Was the drop rate the same?

                          You ought to come back


                            Well I did eventually manage to get RNG75. Picked up most of the EXP in a party at Greater Colibri camp but then had to solo the last 1k or so to get lvl75. Need to cap the EXP on it now before I look at completing the Ranger job specific merits. Sadly I’ve been having to do this (slowly) via campaign battle as the invite rate of RNG to merits appears to be even worse than my NIN. EXP gain is badly hit without the ability to cure yourself.

                            I have taken it into Nyzul and was actually really pleased with how that panned out. My damage easily eclipsed the SAMs who I ran with (albeit their gear was the definition of average) but I kept up favourably with the Adaberk WAR. Snapshot/Rapid Shot merits can only make this better.

                            Was looking over the gear choices now it’s 75 and to be honest there’s very few gear slots where I feel need improving and of those only Scout’s Belt is achievable for the foreseeable future at least. Za’Gho’s Barbut is the dream piece but requires massive manpower.

                            Probably means I can work on another job to 75 quite quickly so will probably finally get to work on THF soon. A lot of my RNG and NIN gear, plus some of the stuff I bought to level DNC) will carry over so I should be able to get through a good portion of that without too much expense (until Blau Dolch comes into the equation anyway). Frees up some gil for Smithing at least


                              This is the current week's cover of Dengeki Playstation magazine in Japan.

                              Confirms that the game is being ported to PS3.

                              Important tfor 2 reasons. Maybe means the end of "PS2 limitations" and that S-E intends to continue supporting the game for a few more years to come.


                                Sounds good to me maybe we can finally get proper macros etc now in the standard game. A new buff to the graphics would be nice as well!

                                Farily quiet week for me this week, got my Goldsmithing glasses and a whole .6 of skill ups to get me to 54.6, another .4 and its time for Platinum Ingots at last. Oh and a whopping great big .3 of fishing skill but almost done at last with shall shells now.

                                Really need to start hitting Nyzul Isle now for armour, should be Omega tonight as well on Limbus so maybe Homam Feet or legs get.

