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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
    Really need to start hitting Nyzul Isle now for armour
    I joined pick up on Monday for floor 20. Normally on these runs I'm only person interested in Denali and was same for first run. Nothing drops.

    Two people leave and they are repleaced and somewhat surprisngly they both want Denali. Well Denali drops on the next two runs and I lot 300ish both times losing out.



      Incidentally, FFXI has just been confirmed as getting a PS3 release in the latest Famitsu


        Cool wonder how long befre the release hopefully will mark a new influx of palyers

        Killed Taisaijin again still no drop and another .2 on Goldsmithing, .2 to go before I can really get things going.


          Some pretty bad luck with nyzul of late myself

          x1 boss run results in a single drop of Wightslayer
          x1 boss run results in Denali feet and gun
          x1 boss run makes it to Hydra with less than 5 minutes remaining

          Rare, you don't want to restart our old static do you? Enough of us seem to want armor drops.


            We wouldn't get enough people to form a static.

            A semi-static would cause difficulties as we would have to shout for fillers and offer up at least 2 pieces as lottable which would cause tension within the group.


              Don't see any real problem whoever fronts the tokens has priority for their piece rest are just like a pick up. Just reduces the number of crap players you have to tollerate on a run.

              A genuine static would be better but

              A) we don't have a BRD
              B) we don't have enough heavy DD
              C) we don't have a TH4 THF

              We'd probably be ok for level 20 and 40 runds but 60+ with our set up would be likely to fail.


                Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                Incidentally, FFXI has just been confirmed as getting a PS3 release in the latest Famitsu
                Bummer, I would have liked for them to start focusing on something entirely new for the ps3/360, what happened to the new mmo they said they were working on.


                  well a cor from 1-80 is fine for the boss, but then i can only comitte to maybe 1/2 runs a week cos of salvage.


                    Originally posted by mikewl View Post
                    Bummer, I would have liked for them to start focusing on something entirely new for the ps3/360, what happened to the new mmo they said they were working on.
                    It's called Rapture and I believe S-E have confirmed that it will be on show at E3 next week.

                    Going against the grain, S-E haven't prefaced this with an exciting countdown timer which is all the rage these days.


                      Originally posted by C' View Post
                      This is the current week's cover of Dengeki Playstation magazine in Japan.

                      Confirms that the game is being ported to PS3.

                      Important tfor 2 reasons. Maybe means the end of "PS2 limitations" and that S-E intends to continue supporting the game for a few more years to come.
                      Apparently this was a false alarm. Seems it was a 7th anniversary special issue and that this cover combined with an inaccurate Famitsu listing on NeoGAF led to people putting 2 and 2 together and getting 947. There is no currently planned PS3 port of FFXI.

                      However there is a rumour going around now that Rapture will be PS3 exclusive although I imagine that's crazy talk.


                        that's a relief... I could really see myself getting pulled back in with a PS3 version. Reading Tsing's remarks about taisaijin reminded me of my Noble Mold crusades and the pain of days wasted for no drop. Obsessive personalities had best give this a wide berth!


                          Which makes me question how I've managed to survive in this game for as long as I have


                            Do you have your tonberry trigers sorted yet? Itching for a rematch now my RNG is 75.


                              Not yet mate, not been any sign of fission over the past few days



                                Official site for ffxiv.

                                Cant wait for this.

