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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    The previous 3 series of Final Fantasy Mini Trading Arts have all been sold individually when I've bought them.


      All the ones I've bought over here have come packaged in rectangular boxes.

      Complete sets on sale for about a fiver - I'd rather avoid paying a fiver for 1 tiny little figurine, I'll just have to hope they get released in the UK too.


        Ok, which of you bastards snitched about me having unfair GIL trading?
        Last edited by C'; 12-09-2009, 15:50.


          Forbidden planet usually get them in stock but are a bit pricy when they do get them in dara ... That message has been appearing on the ffxiah forums quite a bit!


            Royal Jelly?

            I haven't done that BC in ages and ages. With Dara on DRG it should be even easier.


              The level of care and attention that S-E have put into Dissidia is amazing. SO many little references and and allusions to old games and XI is not left out.

              Benjamin sent me a Mognet message asking if I knew who may have stolen from him. I replied saying it may have been "A cute cat girl".

              This was the response I got today


                just reactivated this again for a laugh, despite playing on and off from release date in usa i have to say; god this game sucks the big one, its fun for a while but in wow at least i sit on my ass in real life while doing something in wow, in this game i sit on my ass in real life while sitting on my ass in my mog house waiting for a party

                always wanted todo all the campaigns, promethia, aht etc, but without anyones interest its impossible, drives me up the bloody wall
                Last edited by Largo; 16-09-2009, 17:51.


                  Originally posted by Largo View Post
                  just reactivated this again for a laugh, despite playing on and off from release date in usa i have to say; god this game sucks the big one, its fun for a while but in wow at least i sit on my ass in real life while doing something in wow, in this game i sit on my ass in real life while sitting on my ass in my mog house waiting for a party

                  always wanted todo all the campaigns, promethia, aht etc, but without anyones interest its impossible, drives me up the bloody wall

                  I think you were meant to post here

                  Seriously though, i've been leveling this week, it's not as bad it used to be. The recent focus on new players, Fields of Valor etc is really good. The hardest part really is reaching level 10. There's also the level sync system, grab a bunch of players from any level and sync them to your own. That's if you make the parties yourself and not wait for them to come to you. Alot of the comments in the FFXIV thread seem outdated too, FFXI has evolved although anyone who expects WoW here will prob be let down.
                  Last edited by Rep; 16-09-2009, 18:34.


                    Your not really helping yourself unless your willing to get out there and make these parties using the level sync feature, and if you not? well there Fields of Valour(+signet) for soloing, quests, crafting and farming while LFG.

                    time for some pictures


                      Originally posted by MegaMan X View Post

                      I think you were meant to post here

                      Seriously though, i've been leveling this week, it's not as bad it used to be. The recent focus on new players, Fields of Valor etc is really good. The hardest part really is reaching level 10. There's also the level sync system, grab a bunch of players from any level and sync them to your own. That's if you make the parties yourself and not wait for them to come to you. Alot of the comments in the FFXIV thread seem outdated too, FFXI has evolved although anyone who expects WoW here will prob be let down.
                      Well i actually prefered FFXI's challenge and sense of accomplishment more than wow, but even with level sync you can still be stood around waiting for hours, its pure bull****, hope they sort out soloing in 14

                      I spent hours today seeking as a blm, as a gdamn blm, what the hells going on with the game doesnt anybody want blms anymore :O!

                      Maybe the game is just on its last legs, wouldnt surprise me, just done a sea all inv and theres a grand total of 37 people seeking in the entire world
                      Last edited by Largo; 16-09-2009, 19:52.


                        BLM is a wonderful job for exp, and later on naturally doesn't favour too well in the invite department. Colbri's for example reflect any Magic spells cast towards them in Aht Urg. camps.

                        The beauty of BLM though is it's solo potential, i soloed from 40-75 and wouldn't have had it any other way. Most camps will give you 200+ a kill and so long as you get it right, it's easy to do.

                        BLM Solo Guide < That is like the Bible, follow it to the letter and you can't go wrong.

                        Failing that your welcome to jump to Seraph.


                          Is that the server with the majority of forum members? i know it sounds like a bit of a jip but id love to just get a pt together todo all of promethia and other such things, i really like all that story kind of stuff too, just to see it all etc. But i am kind of nostalgic to carbuncle server...hmm i dunno really

                          *edit* ah yeah i totally forgot colibri reflect all


                            Yeah there's only 2 people on the forum i think who aren't on Seraph, and they never really post on here. I think Rare (C') has expressed interest in redoing CoP on RNG. The remnants of Rargh are few these days, but there's usually at least 3-4 of us who are always on in the evenings. Those being myself (Rep), Rarehero (C'), Tobal and Daragon. There's also Vanicent, Tsingtao, Kerushi and Azarenka (Mikewl) all from Ntsc who pop in the ls from time to time. We're by no means a massive outfit, but pretty sure everyone is planning to migrate of to XIV.


                              Hmm sounds good thou, theres nobody online on my list anymore besides JP LS but thats mainly for social stuff , attempting to get anything done there never happens

                              I noticed tobal mentioned Fields of Valour, ive no idea what this is, just reading up on it tho on wiki and looks good , ill check it out


                                Low level nowerday usually mean soloing up until around lvl 19/20 when you can pickup level sync parties at qufim(i was there yesterday on a 39 pld, leveling with 66 war and a assortment of lvl20-30 players), hitting Kazham afterwards for 24-31, Catheral for 32-35 then you can enjoy 36-41 flying past in some of the bird camp from WOTG expansion, then usually crawlers nest/quicksand caves up to 54 then off to TOAU region for fast exp all the way to 75.

                                also its makes life easier to do some ground work like working on national missions to increase rank which in turn increase the length of signet(needed for easier solo as eva and def increase vs ep/dc/em), fellowship(npc follower), dancer job(a must as subjob for soloing, using TP for healing was a revolution for all melee jobs).

