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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    S-E might well have just told you about Necron


    Aerith dies!





        After 3 years of playing jobs that seemingly received nothing but one kick in the balls after another, my 'other' job is getting a decent update too.

        Rangers throughout the realm, sharpen your arrows and polish your rifles!
        A host of ability tweaks scheduled for the new version update promise to render your finely honed hunting skills more potent than ever.

        Ranger Job Adjustments

        Job Ability Adjustments

        - Velocity Shot
        The duration of this ability will be increased from five minutes to two hours.

        - Unlimited Shot
        Once activated, this ability will remain in effect until you successfully hit your mark.

        - Camouflage
        Rangers with this ability in effect will incur less enmity for ranged attacks. There will be a chance that the ability remains in effect even after a ranged attack, depending on your position relative to your target.

        Ranged Attack Adjustments

        - Ranged attack enmity
        Less enmity will be incurred the further away you are from the target of your ranged attacks.

        - Detailed damage messages for ranged attacks
        Damage messages displayed after a successful ranged attack will indicate the effectiveness of the attack, allowing for players to better gauge their positioning. Critical hit and missed attack messages will remain unchanged.
        Not as cool as Innin/Yonin but a couple of interesting little changes.

        The Camouflage thing is something I actually had in mind as a suggestion a few months back and the more detailed damage message will finally put an end to any "sweet spot" confusion.

        Can't wait.


          Some of those changes sound awesome. Really liking the unlimited shot one and the new message dealy-bob. Not convinced velocity shot needed lengthening though, it's one of those "gems" which has a reuse timer shorter than it's initial duration

          Looks like it's a good time to finish off those 4 lvls

          With some decent merits behind, who knows, my RNG might actually turn out to be pretty good seeing as I already own the best weapons for it outside of relic
          Last edited by Daragon; 15-10-2009, 09:49.


            The Velocity Shot thing is just convenience really. I will admit that there can be times during a long EXP session where I may forget to reapply it (and it does become a pain to keep applying it every 5 minutes).

            Originally posted by Daragon View Post
            With some decent merits behind, who knows, my RNG might actually turn out to be pretty good seeing as I already own the best weapons for it outside of relic
            Ammo. Whilst having V.Bow is good, any benefit will be nullified completely unless you are willing to spend the cash on proper endgame ammo (Demon Arrows/Kabura Arrows). Too many RNG75 think if they have E.Bow/V.Bow they can get away with spamming cheap scorpion arrows when it actuality a Selene's Bow user with appropriate ammo will outdamge them.

            Looking forward to this update again. I know I've not been on the last few weeks but that is pretty common for me around this time of year (certainly for the last few years) as so many good games get released that my attention gets diverted (Uncharted 2!!2!11!!!1!!!!2). I will definitely be on after the update though to do the new WotG quests and A Shantotto Ascension.
            Last edited by C'; 15-10-2009, 10:25.


              Provided the current object of my farming "affection" doesn't go from head to ass like near enough everything else I've ever farmed has done then I should be able manage 60K for a stack of demon arrow quivers quite happily, not overly sure about Kabura arrows, but given their expense I'm sure they're very situational at best - only the elitist of rangers will probably be ****ting those out.
              Last edited by Daragon; 15-10-2009, 10:46.


                Rangers firing Arrows? why fire arrows when you can fire battle crazy tarutaru's at your enemies!!!


                  Job Adjustments and Additions: Part II (10/21/2009)

                  Part II of our job adjustments and additions preview invites to center stage beastmasters and summoners, Vana'diel's wielders of animalistic and avatarial might!


                  A new ability will be added for summoners, and with it, a brand new way for these masters of forbidden magic to lend their powers to party battles.

                  Avatar's Favor (Lv.55 Recast Time: 5 minutes Duration: 2 hours)
                  Channels the avatar's power towards a beneficial status effect for party members within range. Reduces perpetuation cost while active.

                  By summoning an avatar while this ability is active, a corresponding beneficial effect from above table will be granted to all party members within range of the avatar. The effect's potency will gradually increase until the avatar is released, and at its peak, can be expected to reach levels equal to those granted by the corsair's lucky number roll.

                  While multiple favors of the same variety will not be stackable, a single party can benefit from as many types as there are summoners. Furthermore, enhancements received through this ability can be used in conjunction with those received via magic spells, songs, the Phantom Roll ability, and so forth.


                  Adjustments and additions have been scheduled that will greatly enhance the effectiveness of pets called forth via the "Call Beast" ability.

                  - New Pet Command: "Ready"
                  When in control of a pet called forth via the "Call Beast" ability, the pet command "Sic" will be replaced with "Ready." By fulfilling the following conditions, "Ready" will allow you to select a specific ability for the pet to use from its arsenal.
                  * The pet's TP is at 100&#37; or more.
                  * Sufficient charges have accumulated for the ability you wish to use.

                  - Charges
                  Regardless of the beastmaster's level, one charge will accumulate for every two minutes after a pet has been called, up to a maximum of three. The amount of charges required will vary depending on ability.

                  Example: Funguar Familiar

                  We will continue to observe the beastmaster job following the release of the November version update, and as necessary, make adjustments to special abilities and calling items for each pet.
                  The SMN improvement looks especially interesting. Adds another job to the BRD/COR party buff role. The lack of a direct Attack Bonus buff may be problematic but I'm no expert on the job so that may be available via a Blood Pact I'm not aware of.


                    Not what the summoners were expecting (if anyone still plays that job) but cool none the less. I've always kept my eye out for uncapped Diabolos fights, hopefully with this we should see some, given it's benefit is Refresh.

                    Perhaps they've been shafted for years for a reason. That's how you get on the Beta! Summon Atomos and get warped to Eoreza, single target only.


                      Equipment reward for A Shantotto Ascension: Evil in Small Doses has been revealed. As (I) predicted, it's leg armour with the same job distributions as the previous body and head pieces.

                      Blizter Poleyon
                      DEF:37 STR+2 VIT+2
                      Lv.75 WAR/PLD/DRK/SAM/DRG

                      Desultor Tassets
                      DEF:34 DEX+2 AGI+2
                      Lv.75 MNK/THF/BST/RNG/NIN/BLU/COR/PUP/DNC

                      Tatsumaki (Senpuu Kyaku) Sitagoromo
                      DEF:31 INT+2 MND+2 CHR+2
                      Lv.75 WHM/BLM/RDM/BRD/SMN/SCH

                      The augments weren’t actually on the site when these were first listed but are available now. As usual, you can choose 2 of the following:

                      HP+25 & Enmity+4
                      MP+25 & Enmity-4
                      Ranged Accuracy+7
                      Ranged Attack+7
                      Magic Accuracy+4
                      “Magic Atk. Bonus”+4
                      “Double Attack”+2%
                      Critical hit damage+3%
                      Skillchain damage +5%
                      “Conserve TP”+5 (Is this a new thing?)
                      Physical damage taken -4%
                      Magic critical hit damage +10%
                      Magic burst damage +10%
                      “Kick Attacks”+5
                      “Cure” potency+5%
                      “Sic” and “Ready” ability delay -5
                      Song recast delay -3
                      “Elemental Siphon”+20
                      “Phantom Roll” ability delay-5
                      “Repair” potency+10%
                      “Waltz” TP cost-5
                      Pet: Accuracy+7 Ranged Accuracy+7
                      Pet: Attack+7 Ranged Attack+7
                      Pet: “Store TP”+8 “Subtle Blow”+8
                      Pet: Magic Accuracy+7
                      Movement speed+8%

                      I’m in fortunate position in that Byakko’s Haidate meet a lot of need for NIN so I was wondering what I’d do with leg armour but that movement speed+8% is very tempting for daytime situations but not sure what to pair it with. Maybe enmity and HP.

                      Also, is there something big coming in this version update do we know? Strangely the update is being split into 3 parts (the first of which is available now).


                        Oh how i miss this game somtimes Update looks nice, and it looks like the "mini" expansions have handed out some decent goods!! WLegs were the business back when i played but giving them out for pretty much free now

                        I think with ACC and the haste from that it would replace homam legs for drk, but hey i dunno im out of the game now


                          I'm thinking that that movement speed bonus would go very nicely on a pair of pants for blm and/or rdm for soloing - what to pair it with though?


                            Alrite ladies and gentlemen, hows things. I had a sudden urge today to see how your all doing, so hey lol. Hows ****, hows FFXI treating you seems like the game has changed quite abit.


                              Hey Apa, the game's been treating me about the same as it always has - with nigh on contempt, but then the feeling is quite often mutual.

                              I've been working my way through loldrg (not quite as much lol these days however) of recent, something to use for Nyzul Isle runs and the like, a proper DD for when DD requests are shouted. The progress I made has been quite remarkable having reached lvl 60 in under a month, but over the past week or two I've been distracted by other games.

                              Have you been keeping track of XIV btw? Can we expect to see you back for that at all?


                                Ill be definitely coming back for FFXIV, I was even thinking of reactivating my PoL account sometime in the near future, just incase I can get onto the beta through XI.

                                I'm busy at uni right now, in my final year trying to get my head around my dissertation lol. I do miss FFXI, it's a game that builds a unique comradery that I havn't experiance in any other mmorpg, lets hope XIV will take all those positives .

                                Hows the grinding in XI now days? fields of valor looks and the level sync look handy.

