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Final Fantasy XIV Then...

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    - In the survey, you ask what content players would like to see added. One of the options is an auction house, which seems quite specific. What was your aim with this question?

    Yoshida: The auction house is a system that was implemented in Final Fantasy XI. This is something I haven't revealed before, but I believe we focused too much on FFXIV being different from FFXI. As a key to having a vibrant economy, there should exist a system for players that is easy to use. If that means an auction house, then shouldn't we work aggressively to implement it? Making everything original isn't necessarily correct, I think.


      Poll results are on the lodestone now with some details on things they are working on.

      Is anyone still playing this much, i've not been on for a few weeks now, just got a bit bored for the time being, hoping new updates will get me back into it though.


        That's exactly how I feel Mike..


          Not logged in for 5 weeks now (to the day in fact). I actually had very few issues with the game but it just got to the point where I couldn't be bothered logging in to spend approximately 2-3 hours on the same levequests over and over again.

          I think I'm just done with MMOs for the time being. In the intervening weeks I've tried to get back into XI but that is such a struggle now to do anything that isn't Abyssea that I usually give up after about 10 minutes.

          Unfortunately, all the discourse coming from S-E is actually making me less encouraged to come back. All they talk about is widespread changes here and daramatic alterations there and I'm left wondering what's the point in playing now if everything I do and learn is useless six months down the line?


            Thats kind of what I feel right now, i'm Rank 31 and whatever remains i'd like to do when the game is in a finalised state, as far as battle gameplay and such, I think for me i'm probably going to put it on hold until the PS3 release and treat that as a new starting point, will still use the same character though.

            Not much in the list of changes really interests me so far, but will be keeping an eye on what they update.

            I do think the battle system is the key for me, making it more party orientated, i'd even be happy if they removed some things like using abilities from other jobs, it just seems like as an Archer I can cure, buff as well as deal damage and sometimes when I would party for something I tend to just do it solo instead, there is not enough reason right now to group up.

            Still i'm hopefull that it all comes together but its gonna be a few months at least until its up to scratch.


              Logged in today and both my Alchemist Tools have disappeared into thin air. They're not on my retainer, in any bazaar, in my inventory and can't be seen on the main hand and off hand filters


                Spent quite a bit of time back in Eorzea over the last week, it's evident just from walking around the sheer nosedive in server population. There's usually no more than 3 people at each camp, and only around 15 at the Adventurers Guild.

                It's alarming the 20+ SP gain still isn't fixed, I have no idea how people hit 50, the game literally stops at 20 for me. Where are the party mechanics? That said I'm using this time to level the crafts to 10/20, since the SP gain at lower levels is so massive. Once that's done though I'll literally have nothing to do.

                Not sure why players are still asking for an Auction house though, the latest search feature at the Market Wards made it a bit redundant.

                Local Levequests can be a pain, still getting shelled out 3-4 rank 1 quests at rank 19. Just picking any rank 10-15 ones from each craft at the minute.
                Last edited by Rep; 25-01-2011, 05:41.


                  New update tomorrow with some changes to Battle SP, increased SP for partying, increased SP for fighting higher con mobs and a general increase of SP at R20.

                  Its a start, still not sure its enough for me to log on though.


                    I have not logged into this now in weeks either. Enjoying 11 far to much, is 14 still free? Otherwise I think ill suspend my sub.

                    Is it easy to suspend your sub? Or a ballache like it was to setup?


                      Its still free dj, no word on when it will start being pay to play.

                      I think i'm just waiting for some non leve based content, i'm bored of doing leves.


                        Anyone else getting framerate issues since the update? Running at 10-15 now, even the cellars which used to give me 60 is choppy as hell.

                        Alot of the fonts have been changed, either colour or outline, the new system one is far too bright though, and feels like it's going to etch into my display.

                        Not tried a solo mob yet, or party, but with GA in a 30 leve I was earning 400+ SP a kill, which last week was giving about 180.


                          Framerate is ok for me, had a go earlier and xp has been increased quite alot on leves solo, R30 Leve 2* gave about 400sp a fight.

                          Im not sure about all the font colours either, not really that good.


                            I wanted to test out the new xp in a regular party grind last night, got a group of 6 of us R30-36 in Mistbeard Cove, it was quite good, got about 50k SP in 90 minutes, about 230-380 SP per fight.

                            The combat still lacks real strategy but it was still nice to just go somewhere and grind without having leve objectives.

                            We did try Coerthas first but we could'nt find the right level mobs to fight, either too low or too high, that zone feels very unfinished right now, almost no purpose to it whatsoever.

                            Still i'm liking the xp changes, fighting harder mobs = more xp now, when we got to the area in Mistbeard Cove with Blind Efts the fights took a bit longer but we got a consistent 350+ SP per fight, when we cleared the area we'd go xp on Yarzons, Jellys and Eyes then circle back to the Efts, it was pretty much non stop xp rolling in.


                              Not been keeping any tabs on this at all since last year, anything improved? how soon till they start charging again?


                                Massive amounts of changes now. Huge interface overhauls, improved party mechanics, SP gain fixes. It might not sound like much, but it's a different experience now.

                                Still no word on when the fee is reintroduced, the only thing the game is lacking is content, there are no quests etc. Once these's are added next update, I'd expect it won't be free anymore.

