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Final Fantasy XIV Then...

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    I'll want to jump on this with the few of you that are playing this. Just bought the game through that 8 quid amazon link.


      Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
      I'll want to jump on this with the few of you that are playing this. Just bought the game through that 8 quid amazon link.
      We're on Istory server.

      Originally we did have a Linkshell but most of us have moved to a different one run by a nice Lithuanian chap which is doing pretty good, I can hand you a linkpearl when your setup.


        would explain why i never saw anyone, well that and the servers pretty empty. Spent 4 hrs with it yesterday, party search system a complete pile of ****. Why is they not option to just lfg if you don't like making parties? in that time i saw only 4 active people across 2 towns.

        Spent most of my time doing lvl10 leves which all featured mobs fleeing to get more mobs... often into area with higher level mobs which pissed me right off, had to play cat and mouse with them to get the leve mob to follow and the higher level mob to return to it area after getting far enough from the wandering area.

        tried upgrading my equipment, i was taking massive damage off easy mobs when i got ambushed in my lvl1 gear on 12 lnc and all of it damaged, went the market and not a single piece of equipment for those under 20 apart from gimmick event gear, and the few that where are priced in to 100,000's... just wtf. I'm no fan of crafting, never have been but you really can not do anything inthis game unless grind crafts.


          Originally posted by Rep View Post
          Nice Idea, I miss the classic lore names. Some really odd changes on that list, and the expected DoH nerf incoming. Also the collision detection is being analysed, good move.
          The more I read about the game, the more disillusioned I become about ever returning.

          It's sad that they felt the only way this game could be successful is if it becomes FFXIHD.


            I was toying with the idea of deleting my character this evening, and closing my account. I'm forcing myself to play it, I don't like it, I'm bored stupid. Doing the same leves, spending 90 minutes hitting "Standard Synthesis", repeating 36 hours later. Even being able to repair my own equipment is boring because it breaks so often.

            The biggest problem is, the amount of hours we all put in at the start are meaningless. You can level a job to the mid 20's now in about 4 hours, if that. Each new change questions whether or not it's worth it, since it'll probably get changed again.

            The support for Rargh was a little sad though, it literally fell apart within a week and everyone jumped ship.


              I think it all boils down to the fact it released about a year too early, gameplay is unrefined and lacking variety and content is on the short side.

              I don't mind too much, I tend to play it a fair bit for a few weeks then take a break and then come back, as for the updates I think they are making improvements, some stuff like class names and such I don't see the point in changing back to what FFXI had, but i'd like them to distinguish player roles more.

              I reckon for some of you it may be best to just shelve it untill end of summer, right now its only small improvements, the big stuff will be awhile.

              I do kind of forget that when we got FFXI it already had a year or so of improvements, balancing and content updates, plus a whole expansion.

              My guess is PS3 release will coincide with the inclusion of the remainder of the base game areas, a 4th city and numerous other side areas, airships and probably chocobos, as well as the added quests and a solid period to refine the basics it should be quite a massive improvement come that time.

              Question is do you play now anyway or wait, its probably best to wait, the experience will be better and the journey to R50 (probably higher) will be more varied and enjoyable.
              Last edited by mikewl; 17-02-2011, 21:13.


                One of my favourite parts of leveling in XI was Chains of Promathia. I started it at level 30 and worked my way through, until finishing the final BC at around 68-70. I remember mad rushes to gain 40, 50 etc so I could keep up with the Static at the time. Good times


                  So this arrived today, but... How long did it take you guys to patch up?

                  I'm currently downloading at around 3kb/sec and it's not going any faster. Been like this all night.


                    go take the torrents out the download folder located somewhere in the "my games" bit of my documents and use it in a real torrent software downloader. From what i remember there is only 2 really big patches over the 50mb mark, 500mb'ish for 2010.09.19 and 300mb for 2010.11.25


                      Is anyone even still playing this?


                        I'll be playing from the beginning as soon as maintenance is over. It looks like a good time to start with all the patches that they're making so I'm cautiously hopeful for the future.


                          So I got all patched up last night and just spent the last hour or so getting to grips with this.

                          So far, it definitely feels like it eases you in a lot better than Final Fantasy XI did. I feel like I'm getting off to much more of a straight-forward start and feel like things have been explained to me a little bit better. I know lack of content is quite a big issue for you guys that have been in it from the start, but so far so very good for me. I'm really enjoying this.

                          I joined up on the Istory server as Vally Calderan so add away on friends lists etc.

                          I just want to make sure i've got the right idea about Levequests though.

                          Is it always the same NPC that will give these to you? So you go to the adventurers guild and get a guildleve then he'll inform you where available levequests are, and you can then go travel and do them?
                          Last edited by Silvergun X; 22-02-2011, 12:53.


                            I'll be on this evening, i'll check if your online and send you an invite, alternatively you can try and /tell me later on, my in game name is Tonco Haemon


                              Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
                              I just want to make sure i've got the right idea about Levequests though.

                              Is it always the same NPC that will give these to you? So you go to the adventurers guild and get a guildleve then he'll inform you where available levequests are, and you can then go travel and do them?
                              Yup, its always at the same place, you get 8 leves every reset, you can type /clock in game to see how long things reset.


                                More questions:

                                Is there any faster transport than running around on foot when you're trying to go to Aetherlyte crystals? Or is there any faster way to travel between towns?

                                Is there an easy way to tell who's going to give you a quest next or is it a matter of going around the town talking to all of the NPCs? I've done the first two quests in my starting city and I can't find any so I'm just doing guildleves.

                                Is the entire game a player based economy? I'm playing as a Thaumaturge and the guildleves don't seem to give you much in the way of item based rewards - I was a Rank 13 still in starting gear last night before I spent a ton of money in the market wards.

                                I'm assuming that crafting is going to be a serious money sink until you get them to the higher ranks? There's a bone staff I can make as a goldsmith at my level but I have absolutely no idea where to get the materials from other than to buy them in the market wards.

                                Sorry for all the noob questions. I'm enjoying the game and I guess I don't even mind the slight grind when quests and levequests aren't on the cards. It's just a different experience to me and I want to make sure i'm not missing anything substantial when it comes to progress.
                                Last edited by Silvergun X; 23-02-2011, 09:57.

