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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Then...

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    I am totally new to the whole MMO thing.


      Yes you can. Your Odin character will be deleted at the end of this beta phase anyway and you'll have to create a new one for phase 4. However, that character is likely to carry over into the final launch so you need to make sure you choose the server you want to play on long term at that point.

      The star ratings are related to the current expected population of the legacy servers. As the servers have now been regionalised (Japan or US/EU) S-E are allowing existing characters to apply for a free world transfer. The star ratings indicate how high the population is on the servers based on applications. Because they want to keep server populations relatively balanced, they have said that if a server becomes too full they will prevent further transfers.

      Whether they will also block new characters being created at launch on these "crowded" servers is not yet known.


        Oh right. I wasn't sure if it was a difficulty thing. Cheers.

        Anyway played about an hour last night and now need to make the choice if I will get it. Already I found it hugely addictive and could see myself spending far too long on it.


          Originally posted by nakamura View Post
          Oh right. I wasn't sure if it was a difficulty thing. Cheers.

          Anyway played about an hour last night and now need to make the choice if I will get it. Already I found it hugely addictive and could see myself spending far too long on it.
          I'm in the same boat on that one. Do you buy it because you enjoy it and try to limit yourself or will it drag you in and will you end up wasting too much time!?


            Did all all three dungeons of the main quest today, and then just beat Ifrit. Seemed like a good place to end the beta.

            Ended up taking my gear off, sat at the edge of a cliff enjoying a beautiful view. Quite bittersweet really, I know I'll do it all again, but ill miss my little guy, just wanted to leave him in a nice calm happy place...


              Originally posted by MrKirov View Post
              Did all all three dungeons of the main quest today, and then just beat Ifrit. Seemed like a good place to end the beta.

              Ended up taking my gear off, sat at the edge of a cliff enjoying a beautiful view. Quite bittersweet really, I know I'll do it all again, but ill miss my little guy, just wanted to leave him in a nice calm happy place...
              Same just finished the story missions the beta had to offer. Enjoyed it all and tried out WAR, BLM, WHM, PLD. Some of the story missions seem'd quite tough for mages, when much easier for Melee.

              Left overall impressed.


                Just been looking about the Beta forums, it seems we are not the only people having the EU / UK timezone server chat.

                It does seem that quite a few are going to try out Rag. I also found 2 UK time LS's with 18+ active members.

                On another note Hyperion seems to be NA heavy reading about, not found much about Excal yet but its my task for the day so find the facts out so people dont think i'm blowing smoke up peoples bums!


                Ok after some research on Excal I found alot of Japanese entries on forums but after trying to translate it was all about SE making the regional servers.

                I also found alot of LS's either already there or moving there which ran EST, PST and CST time.

                I found a German LS thats staying on Excal and was having problems with people moving off it!

                I haven't found any proof of it on BG yet but it seems Excal is the server for them, which means that will be a big community on there. On the beta forums one LS have decided to move servers because of this!

                Anyway apart from the German LS I couldn't find anything around our timezone so really my homework has put me off even more.
                Last edited by djtickle; 30-06-2013, 10:36.


                  Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                  Jbut its my task for the day so find the facts out so people dont think i'm blowing smoke up peoples bums!
                  To what end? What are you actually hoping to achieve here?


                    Originally posted by C' View Post
                    To what end? What are you actually hoping to achieve here?
                    All i've gone on about in the thread over the last week is server moves, apart from a post last night. I'm trying to find the best server for myself for the coming years of gameplay.

                    Thought the information might be useful here for other people trying to make the same decision, I dont want people to think im trying to push anyone into anything by putting what might come across negative facts about a server they have chosen to move to.

                    *edit -

                    Found info on BG, yes Excal is going to be the server they move to.
                    Last edited by djtickle; 30-06-2013, 11:00.


                      Well I'm convinced. BG are moving to Excalibur.

                      ABANDON SHIP!

                      Last edited by C'; 30-06-2013, 11:39.


                        Originally posted by C' View Post
                        Well I'm convinced. BG are moving to Excalibur.

                        ABANDON SHIP!
                        Constructive and very grown up.

                        I see it as its a going to more populated server due to the amount of members they have. This has its plus points along with its negative points. But I see i'm wasting my time here.


                          Actually, I respected your decision to move to Ragnarok for your own personal reasons. I knew it must have been a hard decision to take when it was clearly against what the majority of the former players here were planning to do. You've been decided on moving to Ragnarok since March I think (based on posts in this thread).

                          And you even posted this which I totally agreed with.

                          Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                          Shame but its the way it is i'm afraid. Just pick what you think will be right for you, nobody will be offended. We always have on here to talk about in game stuff etc.
                          Yet since then, Talizker posted his list that seemed to indicate Excalibur was the more common choice, we now get this almost "smear campaign" regarding Excalibur. Either you let people make their own decisions or you try to "guide" them with the "facts".

                          With my own half-assed 5 minute Google session just now I've already found 2 EU/UK linkshells that are going to Excalibur (one of which was on an earlier page of the link you provided). Yet you didn't seem to mention them at all. But you were very quick to mention some German LS who were staying on Excalibur but struggling to retain members.

                          The reason I asked what you were doing all this for, is that sadly, yes, if you are hoping that everyone will move to Ragnarok, you are in all likelihood wasting your time. I've said already, I actually have no great desire of any particular server. But the fact is I will be following where Apa, Rep and Wedge go to (or where 2 of them move to in the event that they split). And from what I understand at least two of them are pretty set on that decision, purely because there are links outside this forum that they have to give consideration to. It's not as simple as the four of us all deciding to go to Ragnarok instead. The fact that it now appears that Bayan's linkshell is going to Excalibur only reaffirms that decision in all likelihood.

                          Talizker and I presume Daragon are the people who are undecided and whilst I'd love for them to join us, I acknowledge they have to make their own decision.
                          Last edited by C'; 30-06-2013, 12:12.


                            In all honesty I've read that much this morning that I missed that LS on that link, I mentioned the German LS as it stood out via all the chatter about it. Just like this page would due to the amount of chatter. (On a side note I would expect that this LS will play EU time and most of the LS will speak English)

                            I'm under no impression that everyone will move to Ragnarok at all, that was never going to happen from the point Apa and Rep posted that they where going to Excal.

                            Its great that you have no desire over any server and are happy to sit on the fence and move with Apa, Rep and Wedge, but I was under the impression that this was an open forum and people posted information or "facts" as you call them for people to make informative decisions on what they would like to do. Just like before you buy a game chances are you would come here and see what other people think of it and get personnel points of views rather than official write-ups.

                            I posted my point of view and if people want to take that into consideration they are welcome to. I know people on Hyperion, Rag and Excal so they all have starting plus points for me. As you pointed out before with your Dog "Jumping Ship" the fact that BG are going to be on Excal I thought was a plus point as due to how popular that forum is it will bring many EU player to that server. There is no "smear campaign" i'm just posting what I find about these 3 servers.

                            The fact I cant speak French or German so gives me less information about Ragnarok as I cant search in those forums. Hence more information on NA's LS's and BG.

                            I never said it was as simple as the 4 of you moving servers, I have mentioned before that Apa/Rep have got firends/LSs on Excal. (Pretty sure that it was in the post you part commented). As I just mentioned I know people on all 3 said servers, I can fully understand that.

                            Tali, Daragon, DataDave + Friend, and Tsing I assume are all undecided. We have yet to hear from Tobal and Kerushi. I would have thought you might have posted information you have found to help these people out rather than just cause a ****storm with me.

                            Its great that you have your mind set on what you are doing and others are, myself I am still unsure and will no doubt be right up until the deadline. Hence why I post information on here as its a minefield of information on the beta forums.

                            This is the reason I mentioned about blowing smoke up people bums in my other post as I knew that people will be taking my posts the wrong way and it would turn into a drama-fest.
                            Last edited by djtickle; 30-06-2013, 13:18.


                              I'm waiting to see how the game turns out when the Ps4 ver ships, from what I've heard from Tox and Wedge it doesn't quite suit my slower tastes if it plays like WoW.

                              Besides my moans about 11 will change soon(the dispiriting leap in gear only large LS can achieve within a decent time frame), despite clearing the KI's I needed for the uber delve weapons (as normal waiting for the shouts won the day). There is still massive gap in the quality of gear between everything else and delve(current dungeon crawling alliance event) which should be sorted out by them filling in the gear gap between starters and delve for solo and low man groups starting july's patch and a 2nd one in august (along with harvest moon style personal island garden mode and be a monster mode), which the dev's acknowledged was a massive failure on there part to gate lowman events in stupid ways(getting to them, getting the key items) and release epeen delve gear so early.


                                It is very fast paced.

                                In XI, I found it was a case of once a debuff landed, you could forget about it for a while and focus on DD, whereas in XIV they don't tend to last no more than 20 seconds or so. Even the DoW classes have their own debuffs. LNC and PGL have Slow (although it's a counter for PGL), ARC have Poison and a wind DoT etc. Even with the short stick times though you still have plenty of time to focus on pure DD actions before you have to reapply them, that's how fast paced it is.

                                Tanking is rarely focussed on a single mob either. Of all the dungeons we cleared at the weekend I think only one of them didn't involve any adds at all. Although it was the best one of the lot.

                                No one can go into this expecting XI HD. It's still a completely different game.

