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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Then...

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      Wonder if it's a blessing in disguise I can't get onto the server.

      Edit: Now it's unable to update the NA and EU lists AGAIN. I reckon that photo of the two servers must be accurate.
      Last edited by Daragon; 25-08-2013, 20:48.


        Apart from the 2 sets of maint I've had no problems today


          Haven't been able to get on over the last 24 hours.


            I've not been able to get on since phase 4. Server full apparently. Kinda disappointed but I've been pretty busy with my cousins wedding and stuff.


              Excalibur is a bust, world is over subscribed and can't handle the numbers. Not sure what SE use for architecture design, two dead badger and a rock I've always suspected.


                Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
                Excalibur is a bust, world is over subscribed and can't handle the numbers. Not sure what SE use for architecture design, two dead badger and a rock I've always suspected.
                It's certainly not an Excalibur only Issue... in fact of all the NA/EU Servers after experiencing problems and population caps. Only the two smallest EU Designated New Player Servers are still taking new people.


                  I need to get into Moogle and no joy at all.


                    Got on this morning quickly got GLA 10, lot of fun and much more accessible that FFXI.

                    Liking what I'm seeing and the PS3 version is fine


                      I expect its SE's way of evening out the populations.


                        Well a fun day of play on and off, made level 12 GLA and cleared the first hunting log and a good way into the second one now.

                        Not quite sure how you're supposed to hold hate with GLA as I've yet to find a provoke or anything. Hoping at some point I work it out before my first party ends up with a clueless tank

                        Might have a play with CON next to start the path to PLD!


                          Not sure how SE will deal with the server issues, basically once NA players start logging in the world becomes full and thats pretty much it. After awhile it'll be ok but for the next few weeks at least this could be a major annoyance.

                          Can't get back on now and don't imagine I will again today.

                          Edit: Saying that its now put me in a queue, it didn't do that before.
                          Last edited by mikewl; 26-08-2013, 17:33.


                            Just to check, does the physical PS3 version of this game use a disc check? Or can is just run straight from the hard drive once installed?


                              I'm running straight from HDD my physical copy isn't here yet, you could download with your early access code.


                                Not impressed, game disconnected me in the middle of a quest dialogue, told me I couldn't log back in as I hadn't been logged out properly and now that I can presumably log back in the server is unsurprisingly full as all the yanks are presumably logging in.

                                Sort this **** please someone -_-

