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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Then...

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    Yeah it did.

    Nearly 900MB worth of MP3s when zipped on there.


      Originally posted by C' View Post
      Yeah it did.

      Nearly 900MB worth of MP3s when zipped on there.
      Wowzas! Did you rip them or do they come as mp3?


        It includes the MP3s on the Blu Ray. Spread across 4 zip files.


          Originally posted by C' View Post
          It includes the MP3s on the Blu Ray. Spread across 4 zip files.
          Ah cool indeed. Cheers


            Oh that's really cool.

            What is the ingame item? I realised majority of the pre-order and CE items are useless. Majority of my jobs are 10 plus so the bonus exp from the items won't work. Arcanist aside I think I only have three other jobs below 10

            Also any way to stop my hot bar from resetting each time I change my job the first time? I keep having to reasing my mount and minions.


              Originally posted by shaffy_oppa View Post
              Oh that's really cool.

              What is the ingame item? I realised majority of the pre-order and CE items are useless. Majority of my jobs are 10 plus so the bonus exp from the items won't work. Arcanist aside I think I only have three other jobs below 10

              Also any way to stop my hot bar from resetting each time I change my job the first time? I keep having to reasing my mount and minions.
              It's a Dalamund minion, which is defiantly the best minion so far.

              In the settings you can create a shared hotbar that doesn't change when you change jobs.


                Sh*t's going down at SE.

                I can't imagine the bosses at SE being happy about this. V1 gave this game such bad rep this is all they need.


                  Great so I buy a game could get on to any server last night to finish my character creation off and won't be getting on till next week.


                    Originally posted by NoelEdwards View Post
                    Great so I buy a game could get on to any server last night to finish my character creation off and won't be getting on till next week.
                    Also the problem with adding new worlds doesn't help people play with friends. It's just how SE will get transfer cash come Sept.

                    I can see the free days being extended.


                      Originally posted by shaffy_oppa View Post
                      What is the ingame item?

                      Click for bigger.


                        Well this is brilliant. I played a lot of this during the first few beta tests, but didn't play past Phase 2 simply because I knew my character would get deleted.

                        My partner and I have both started playing on Phoenix and we're at around level 27-28. I started an Arcanist and it's been great! Really been enjoying this.

                        The duty finder either needs a bit of work, or a lot more people need to be rerolling as a tank or healer. I hit a bit of a brick wall at Level 15 when it came to doing the Sastasha dungeon, before I realised that as an Arcanist I can simultaneously tank and heal, and just take 3 DPS with me.

                        We're now up to Haukke Manor using this technique and it's been bloody fantastic.


                          Isn't that the same as every other MMO ever? Lots of dps, no tanks or healers. I don't know why though, being a tank is always the most fun for me.


                            Pretty much. I'm a tank in Tera - ridiculously good for PvP and frequently in demand.

                            I want to like this but watching the combat puts me off.

                            How enjoyable is it for you guys?


                              Right two questions:

                              * One where is the dalmund minion from
                              * Two can someone stick the MP3s from CE on a dropbox


                                Still can't get on. What a load of rubbish.

