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    Originally posted by Peet
    Have to admit that after reading this thread I'm starting to feel tempted to hunt down an RGB modded N64...
    Yeah, this thread has had a similar effect on me.

    I'm particularly interested in playing F-Zero X again, oh and Blast Corps.


      N64 controller pak problems

      With my summer holidays looming ahead of me (the great thing about being a teacher!), I got a bit panicked about getting bored, then I remembered the N64 games I used to play, and I bought a second-hand console on eBay and stocked up on some games. It arrived this morning, and I settled down for a blast of nostalgia.

      After connecting it up and plugging in Doom64, I got the disappointing message on screen that I cannot save without a controller pak. I don't remember needing one of these before, can someone enlighten me? What is it, and which slot does it fit into on the console? The N64 I bought has a memory expansion pack in the front, is this the same thing as a controller pak, and if so, can I assume it's not working?

      Can someone help? I was so excited about the thing arriving, and now I can't play games on it and am having a bit of a sulk... And no comments about my poor taste in games, please.

      Thanks in advance,



        Hi Jo

        A controller pak is one of them tiny memory cards that go into the slot on the controller. You can probably pick one up for a couple of quid if you ask in the wanted forum here.

        Enjoy your summer, I'm doing the same :P


          Originally posted by Pikman
          Yeah, this thread has had a similar effect on me.

          I'm particularly interested in playing F-Zero X again, oh and Blast Corps.
          This is the problem with the forum, we talk stuff up so much we are let down by the end result, when we play a game. Its that hype thing again thats messing with me head.



            I've been playing F-Zero X, Pilotwings 64 and Blast Corps on and off for the past few weeks and am clocking up 120 stars in Mario 64 and it's pretty safe to say it's not just hype.

            All of those games have stood the test of time when it comes to playability... they don't even look too bad either.


              Yeah, I've recently got F-Zero X again, and I can confirm it absolutely rocks. I prefer the handling to GX; it's far more delicate. The circular tubes in GX weren't terribly dangerous, you could fly around them without fear of falling off, making them essentially just really wide tracks. However, remember the first time you did Big Blue 1 on F-Zero X? Ohhh maayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gawwwwwwwwwd!


                Have been making a conscious effort today to actually get through the load of games that iv got for the N64. Started off with Excitebike 64 which was alright but Im **** at it. Then i played WF No Mercy which is still to this day absolutely brilliant. Played a bit of Beetle Adventure Racing but the laps are way too long and got bored. Am now on Perfect Dark and bloody loving it


                  for some reason i prefer the snes classic to any of he recent incarnations. Am i the only one?



                    Yes indeed.


                      I recently picked up all 3 TREASURe N64 games. 'Sin & Punishment' and 'Bangioh' being the best of course. 'Yuke Yuke Trouble makers' (a.k.a Mischief Makers) is growing on me. But slowly.

                      I agree with the guy a few posts up. F-Zero X (N64) does have more enjoyable handling than F-Zero GX (GC). I wouldnt say FZ-X is the better game, but the modified monkeyball engine makes the GC title a bit iffy in the steering department. Though it probably has more to do with my major suckag eat the game (I was a FZ-X master in my day!!)

                      What N64 games do you think are aging gracefully (in terms of production values and gameplay)???

                      I had a replay of 'Top Gear Rally'. Now thats never been the best game on Earth but holy crap!!! Time has not been kind. 1080 Snowboarding fairs a little better (because it was a great game back then) but it too is looking a bit long in the tooth. The sensation of carving the snow has lost its sparkle.
                      Like the SNES ite the first party titles which still play well today. And look pretty fab too (well except Kirby64). RARE's earlier efforts still look gold to me (Goldeneye, Diddy Kong & B-K not Killer Instinct ). I think the later Rare games pushed the console too hard and look poorer for it. The textures in PD and Banjo-Tooie are awful. Character design in PD and JFG is also well below par. The Elvis alien character is even more grating today. Argghh!! PD's gameplay still hold up. The framerates dont of course.


                        Originally posted by 112
                        for some reason i prefer the snes classic to any of he recent incarnations. Am i the only one?

                        When it comes to F-Zero I'm with you... the SFC version is the greatest! I still put it on several times a month.


                          Killer Instinct looks great! I only wish I could remember how to play it >_<

                          (go Saurian!)


                          Games that look great now? Well, none of them really... It's all in the functionality of the graphics. Something like F-Zero X will never age, it has a brilliant sense of style to it. Same for Starfox, that cartoony sci fi look will always be fantastic, if a little fuzzy Obviously, things have moved on but I think those that focus on this kind of image (and the N64 hides it well...) will never age. Same can be said for a lot of games, I guess...

                          Those are two of my faves on the system, in the looks department. Diddy Kong Racing has a fantastic style going on, so do games like S&P. Paper Mario springs to mind and in fact, a lot of Nintendo's own titles and the so-obvious-I-almost-forgot-it Banjo-Kazooie.

                          Here's a regular can of worms for you. Anybody else a fan of the first Castlevania title on the N64?


                            Well I think that Blast Corps, Wave Race and Pilotwings still have an attractive look to them even if technically they are dated.

                            Banjo Kazooie looks pretty decent too as does Forsaken 64.


                              Goldeneye still looks absolutely stunning to this day.


                                Yeah, when you watch the film now, you see just how much of it is replicated & interpretated within the game.

                                Sin And Punishment is another that still looks amazing. The level that has you swooping around the ships at sea is just the best thing ever ...and the game is full of stuff like that. Definitely one of the most visually-impressive games I've seen.

