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    I never played DK64 or Yoshi's Story, are they as good as their respective predecessors?


      Just played both, and I can confirm they are both complete ass.


        Whats your faves tom?

        I have...

        Zelda Ocarina, Mario Kart 64, Beetle Adventure Racing, 1080, Mario 64, Waverace, Perfect Dark 64, Excitebike 64, Donkey Kong 64, Ridge Racer 64, Mario Tennis, WWF No Mercy and Goldeneye 007.

        Am on the lookout to repurchase Track and Field and Pilotwings as they are teh class.

        I would have loved to see a complete remake of both titles on the cube.


          Pilotwings is definately my firm favourite so far. There's like, **** all to do except float around, it makes a change from being asked to do things...if you get my drift.

          I didn't want any of the Zelda's since I'm very unlikely to play them through. I really need Ridge Racer 64 (I played the rom not long ago though, and it looked awful) but I still want to have a go.

          1080's still wicked, I love that game. Beats the pants off SSX3 even though it's so many years older. That last track is just amazing.

          I will get round to pwning Star Fox eventually, but I fear I need a whole night free for that :P

          I'd like Perfect Dark, Excitebike and Sin & Punishment then I'd be happy.


            Perfect Dark and Goldeneye are the only shooter stylee games you need. Bear in mind that you'll need an expansion pack to play PD0 to its fullest.

            I was forced to sell all my n64 stuff because at the time of the N64 i was only allowed one console so i had to trade it all in for a GameCube. Iv just been buying back all those games recently but ill keep on the lookout for more classics. I sneakily bought the Dreamcast aswell a while after it came out but i got a royal bollocking from my Dad :P

            Now iv got 4 consoles heh.


              Originally posted by Pikman
              I never played DK64 or Yoshi's Story, are they as good as their respective predecessors?
              Ignore Salter.

              DK64 is your typical Rare collect em' up, it really doesn't do anything better than Banjo did, pretty to look at but the game focuses far too much on these mini games to aquire the bannanas. There are some great levels though, in particular the crystal caves, but to me it feels more a collection of mini games than a platformer.

              Yoshis Story, as some have already vouched for, is an enjoyable game. For me it holds great appeal, full of charm that game.

              Not must have titles for the machine, but I spent a lot of time with them both.


                I found DK64 to have **** all finesse. DK just wasn't fun to control, as compared to Mario, or even Banjo. There's no double/triple jump, only a handful of moves to do, and the whole game reminds me of completely **** PSone platformers like Croc and Spyro. So far I've seen absolutely bugger all of massive, open environments like you see in the first level of Mario 64, or anything like that. God knows why it needed the expansion pack...

                Yoshi's Story might get good though, but I could't work out how to get past that bloke on the first level who stops you from passing...


                  DK64, different characters have different abilities, so Tiny has the double jump and can float in the air, as the game progresses you gain new skills.

                  If we could get on the subject on Banjo though. I thought that game was full of invention regarding the levels, full of fun and imagination. I love playing the snow levels at Christmas, really gets you into the season, like that Christmas tree with the little lights that are jumping around. Banjo is a goofy dink too, but I love him and Kazzoies humour. Might not have pushed any boundaries but I reckon its the best Western developed platformer. Sequel ended up more like DK64, bloody collect em' up.


                    Get Diddy Kong Racing! Did you ever have that game? Reminds me of lazy Summers, that does. Love the music and concept of adventuring/bosses in a Kart game. Love owning Treasure Caves getting green boosts and all that. And Crescent Island. :P Mwa Rare.


                      Yeah, I had DK racing, never actually thought it was that special

                      I just got pissed off at how annoying Wizpig was. Although looking back at it now, I can see where you're coming from - I just didn't put any effort in really, like racing TT and all that. Really should get it again now


                        Diddy Kong was pretty good I thought (for a single player racing game). Far better than Mario Kart Double Dash.
                        It started off a bit lame, but once you got going, the levels were nicely layed out with lots of memorable features. MKDD started off lame and stayed lame (unless you are playing it multiplayer).
                        I loved the hovercraft physics too. Probably could have done without the planes though.

                        1080. Oh yes. Nothing comes close. 1080 avalanche tried hard, but wasn't fun in the slow first half of the game - once the fast boards are opened up, it's very very good, but 1080 was good the whole way through.

                        Incidentally, I've been playing Pilotwings64 this morning. Looks like I still have what it takes. Got 98/100 on the first 3 events.


                          If I'm honest although I'm a huge fan of n64 I really hated:
                          +diddy kong racing - control just seemed all wrong and it just didnt seem like fun, but i'd be willing to give it another chance
                          +Banjo - This just really bored me to death
                          +DK64 - same really
                          But some rare titles were great like blastcorps/ge/pd etc

                          Just bought timesplitters 2 the other day and it doesn't live up to perfect dark but its alright so PD is still the most enjoyable fps I think.
                          Last edited by df0notfound; 18-07-2004, 14:07.


                            Originally posted by charlesr
                            Incidentally, I've been playing Pilotwings64 this morning. Looks like I still have what it takes. Got 98/100 on the first 3 events.
                            Nope The missus played it for the first time the other day, got the same. You've still got it if you can do the final challenges


                              After getting sick of the WE series I dusted off my old N64 yesterday and threw on ISS 98. After getting used to the terrible framerate I began to enjoy myself immensly. It's just as fun as I remember it and it'll take over as the footie game of choice in the house once again. Picking up the pad again was a bit strange, it's still very comfortable and thankfully my analogue stick is perfect. Took a while to remember all the controls thouhg, but once I did it was magic once again.

                              Unfortunately I only have a PAL one and all this talk of how good the RGB is has caused me to go looking for an NTSC console. I never had the pleasure of playing Waverace or 1080 as they were ment to be, so I'm going bite the bullet.


                                I just did, and it's definately worth it RGB makes such a difference, the whole reason it looked "muddy" before was because it looked totally washed out, Mario 64 in particular looks fantastic in RGB. Others that stand out for me are 1080, Yoshi's Story and GE.

