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    Originally posted by tokyochojin
    Yakumo, do u know if there is a New Zealand story for Vodafone, can't seem to find it...?
    My mate has SFII on his docomo, but sadly it's not on Vodafone.ARSE
    that's a very good question about Newzealand Story. I remember seeing sometyhing about it a while ago but I have no idea what network it was available for. Probably on AU which is why I know nothing about it Don't worry about your mate having Street Fighter because us Vodafone users have all the best title Go to the SNK/Playmore page and you'll be very happy. I'm sure I saw something about Garoundensetsu (fatal Fury) on there. There's also a new 1 on 1 fighter just released for Vodafone users called something like Chaos ???? something or other. you can find it under the new releases from the Vodafone main menu. I'm really tempted to get it but I just can't see a 1 on 1 fighter playing well on a phone. How does Street Figter play on your mates DoCoMo ? I once had DoCoMo but found them to be quite expensive and well..... pretty much stuck up. Vodafone is the one for me or Jphone before Vodafone took over the rest of the company.

    Does anyone know what Retro games are available in the UK for phones? I don't think this thread should be just about japanese mobile retro gaming but about mobile retro gaming in general. Also what format to UK phones use? And do they have decent screens that don't blur like hell? Last year I saw my brothers Samsung which was good with a mighty big screen but the games on it were ****e. Come on guys, I want to see what you are playing too on your phones !! Initial D review coming tonight (I was too drunk last night to plug the tinny end of the video cable in to my phone).



      I f*cking hate summer here in Japan. Today it's 36 degrees Celsius !!! But I'm cool because VALIS is back !!! In mobile phone form. Weighing in at a hefty 1.8 MEG this takes about 7 minutes to download but is worth the wait and the price is a very good 515 yen for unlimited play unlike Sega's games were you have to pay them each month to unlock the game

      Valis on the mobile is by far the most playable Valis of all !! Graphically it's miles ahead of the last Valis game on the SFC featuring scaling, rotation, sprite distortion, transparencies and some pretty cool animation !! It even has little eye catchers between levels as it loads !! The game plays just like the early Valis 2 did. You run around the multi parallax layered scaling areas slashing your Valis sword at anything that moves. Don't forget to pick up the items though to power up !! After level one is complete you can change your costume just like the original Valis 2. There's also a shop where you can buy sexy nurse costumes. Just like any normal console game this also features cut scenes with cut anime girlies. Below are a few screen shots taken from the official site but these don't do the game justice at all. Let's just say that this is far more impressive than most of the games on the GBA and it only cost 515 yen !!

      If you're in Japan and you have a modern mobile then make sure you get this !! You'll be very surprised. The game is for the Vodafone network and only compatible with Mega Appli phones.

      I'll be featuring this game on Retro Core 12. It's far too good to let it go un-noticed like it probably will.

      Last edited by VR46; 22-07-2005, 12:13. Reason: shortened links


        Wanna see what games UK mobile phone owners are playing?

        Don't say you didn't ask.


          That is pathetic ! I really feel sorry for you guys. Yet another reason not to go back.



            My mate has Space Invaders on his phone, that's about as good as it gets.

            GAME recently sold some 'mobile phone gamepacks', one of which had King of Fighters on it...only worked on certain phones so I didn't bother.

            TBH I really don't see the point of mobile phone games, most handsets simply aren't designed to play arcade-style games on.


              poor UK owners Bet the phones cost a bomb too.



                I've got a cut down version of Ghosts n Goblins for mine; its not that bad but is pretty hard to control using the keypad.

                A really good mobile phone RPG would be fantastic.


                  I seriously doubt any good RPGs will be translated for the UK mobiles since even normal console ones are hard to come by. I recently got Y's for mine. Looks very pretty or should I say, looked very pretty. I bloody deleted half the files by mistake and now it won't run



                    A couple of good games for uk mobiles,do a wap search from your phone for the game you want and download most for free,
                    Dariusgate-its Darius by tatio looks cool,very hard.
                    Outroad-Outrun rip off but a very good rip off the only think changed from outrun is the word run to road!
                    Castlevaina part 1,and part 2-very good konami games
                    Rockman jump-capcom megaman puzzle game,simplisctic fun.
                    I can also recommend the previously mentioned ghosts and goblins game but this afaik youll have to pay for.


                      Originally posted by SuperDanX
                      I can also recommend the previously mentioned ghosts and goblins game but this afaik youll have to pay for.
                      Not necessarily . Will have to track down the others you mentioned - thanks for that.

                      I downloaded a version of Actraiser over the weekend which, unfortunately, only contains the platform sections from the original; the overhead god-mode parts are nowhere to be seen. Still well worth a look though.

                      Yakumo - I take it that Y's is Japanese only with Jap text, right?


                        Oh i forgot that!Even though actrasier contains only the platform levels it is exellent download that for sure snes perfect graphics on your mobile.


                          Originally posted by icarus0
                          Not necessarily .Yakumo - I take it that Y's is Japanese only with Jap text, right?
                          yep, all in Japanese I'm afraid.



                            Just got the offical raiden game and it is really,really amazing,snes/megadrive quality! Its avalible for nokia sereis 40 phones.Its not avalible in english as far as i know but working through the option menu (in chinese!Yes,an import phone game!)isnt a problem.I cant recomend this game highly enough,it is on the mobile net (wap) but cant rember which site i got it from as it was in russian! But seek and you shall find,but beware there is a dodgey homebrew 'tribute' to raiden that comes up a lot when you do a search for 'raiden java game' its crap and not the one im talking about.


                              wrong thread...
                              Last edited by dj898; 11-08-2005, 08:51.


                                I play King of Fighters on mine because I have an N-gage. Woo!

