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Saturn Must Haves

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    Saturn Must Haves

    I love my Saturn but feel I can't think of anymore games that might actually be any good. I have a load of average games and thens ome of the more popular ones - Shining Force 3, Story of Thor 2, Last Bronz etc.

    Can anyone tell me some good pal Saturn games? Also Japanese ones if you don't need any knowledge in the language to understand them.

    Panzer Zwei
    Panzer Saga
    Burning rangers
    Die hard arcade
    SF Alpha 2
    Sega Rally
    Duke Nukem 3D
    Guardian Heroes
    Dragon Force
    Fighters Megamix
    Virtual On
    Virtua Cop 2
    Daytona CCE
    Sonic R
    Sonic Jam

    OTHER Region:

    Vampire savior
    Astal (us)
    Magic knight Rayearth (us)
    Albert Oddysey (us)
    Samurai Shodown 4
    Real bout special
    SF zero 3
    Soukyugurentai Otokuyo
    Gungriffon 2 (imo very playable)
    SDF Macross (cheap and was fun to me)
    Silhouette mirage
    Rockman X4
    Dracula X
    Princess Crown (debatable if its perfectly playable in JP, but this game is SO good..)
    Saturn bomberman (jp = cheap)

    This is just the tip of the iceberg.


      Originally posted by saturn-gamer

      Daytona CCE
      Please tell me you are kidding.


        has this thread been done like a million and one times? why not use the serch and you'll find like tons of info...


          Imo Daytona CCE is pretty much ok and its also very cheap, I found it one of the better racers on the saturn tbh.


            I played Daytona CCE the other day and found it to be very slow with sluggish controls.



              CCE is kinda fun as a racer, but as a representation of Daytona, it fails miserably.

              I would recommend picking up the original Daytona USA though, as dispite being in 20fps with a hideous amount of clipping, it manages to capture the feeling of the arcade game very well.


                yes you are right.. the old Daytona has the best gameplay of all versions, better than CCE and the DC remake. But its presentation is so bad (the PAL is even badder.. urrk) I'd rather go with CCE.


                  Must haves if you've got a Japanese system or a system capable of playing Jap games.

                  Radiant Silvergun
                  Xmen Vs StreetFighter
                  Marvel Vs StreetFighter
                  StreetFighter Zero 3

                  They are THE arcade games in the home.


                    i always wondered, are playing those arcade games on the saturn better than playing the games by emulators on pc or xbox?


                      yes..original hardware rules..emu is crap and for thieves


                        I just like it more on the console.. I mean SFZ3 arcade is pretty empty, saturn version is full of exclusive stuff. Those other fighter titles shouldn't differ that much but I just like collecting them on the saturn with original cases etc. No fun in downloading a ROM and playing it behind a PC for me.


                          Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
                          CCE is kinda fun as a racer, but as a representation of Daytona, it fails miserably.

                          I would recommend picking up the original Daytona USA though, as dispite being in 20fps with a hideous amount of clipping, it manages to capture the feeling of the arcade game very well.
                          Daytona CCE has to be the biggest disappointment ever to this Sega fanboy. I remember at the time on everyone speculating on how Daytona would have turned out if they'd have let the chaps who converted Sega Rally have a bash. It was like all our dreams were answered when it was announced, then the screenies came and it got even better. How could it fail? They gameplay on the original Daytona was fantastic all they had to do was replicate it with the new shiny exterior and they'd have the best racing game ever. Unfortunately they ****ed it up big time! cars that handled like blocks on ice, crappy respray of all the cars and dodgy euro remixes of the original soundtrack.

                          Mind you it wasn't as bad as the horror show that was Sega Touring Cars. Completely and utterly un****ingplayable.


                            Thats how I kind of felt with Daytona USA 2001. I was addicted to Daytona 2 Battle on the Edge in the arcade and wot do we get on DC? The age old daytona with the most ****ed up controls of all :/

                            Touring car LOL that game had one good point: It was lightning fast! Don't start about the framerate though


                              Originally posted by mash
                              Daytona CCE has to be the biggest disappointment ever to this Sega fanboy. I remember at the time on everyone speculating on how Daytona would have turned out if they'd have let the chaps who converted Sega Rally have a bash. It was like all our dreams were answered when it was announced, then the screenies came and it got even better. How could it fail? They gameplay on the original Daytona was fantastic all they had to do was replicate it with the new shiny exterior and they'd have the best racing game ever. Unfortunately they ****ed it up big time! cars that handled like blocks on ice, crappy respray of all the cars and dodgy euro remixes of the original soundtrack.

                              Mind you it wasn't as bad as the horror show that was Sega Touring Cars. Completely and utterly un****ingplayable.
                              Touring Cars became mildly playable if you had an analogue pad, and played with the car settings to make them tighter. It was still a bit of a disasterpiece of a port mind, especially when the team did such good with Virtual On.

                              I never quite understood the mentality behind CCE, or what they were trying to achieve with it. I admit, I can fire it up and throughly enjoy playing it. But as a Daytona port, its very very poor. Not sure what they were thinking.

