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Xmas special!

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    Originally posted by Duddyroar
    I just hope they can get the bloody thing off the ground! The Editor's log makes for worrying reading - he even edited part of the magazine on a C128!
    Any idea who the guys are behind it and whos publishing it?


      Glad to hear that there's plenty of interest in another anthology (even if a few don't like the content that's in it )

      TO be honest, I don't really want to do another anthology, as I think they rip our loyal readers off. RG had the right idea last year when they included 30 odd pages of extra content that was exclusive to the special.

      If I can persuade management to do a similar thing then I'd be all over it.
      the thing is though, mags like this are designed to make maximum profit for minimum effort, so the thought of having to pay out for 40 odd pages of freelance isn't going to go down to well with them.

      Still, there has been loads of interest, and I'm sure that management will get back to me later on in the year with a 10 day deadline to throw everything together at the last moment

      As for RetroBytes, well, it's looking pretty damn promising at the moment. It's edited by Shaun Bebbington (who's forgotting more about 8-bit system than I'll ever know) and has backing from Altern8. My only concern at the moment, is whether they can get it into enough shops, as that requires a fair amount of clout. Still, I've already put my pre-order buy and it's definately sounding very, very interesting.


        Originally posted by Strider

        Still, there has been loads of interest, and I'm sure that management will get back to me later on in the year with a 10 day deadline to throw everything together at the last moment
        Wow Strider, I can't wait to buy that


          Hang on, hang on.....this Retrogamer. Surely not the one I saw in 'Fanzine Farm' I couple of times?


            RE: The Retro Bytes issue one...

            I've still not heard anything, the main retro bytes site is down, and I paid for my pre-order months and months ago!

            Anyone have any idea what is going on?


              Originally posted by Duddyroar
              RE: The Retro Bytes issue one...

              I've still not heard anything, the main retro bytes site is down, and I paid for my pre-order months and months ago!

              Anyone have any idea what is going on?
              I believe Shaun has abandoned the project but please don't quote me on that. Besides, I'm sure they only ever took money for the PDF Retro Bytes Lite.

              The best thing to do is get in touch with Shaun and ask him. He should be pretty easy to find on most retro forums.


                The last email I got from him said something about merging the project with something else, I paid the full pre-order amount so I'd better get in touch with him.


                  Originally posted by Duddyroar
                  The last email I got from him said something about merging the project with something else, I paid the full pre-order amount so I'd better get in touch with him.
                  It was meant to integrated into Retro Fusion but, for reasons unknown to me, that never happened.

