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Gleylancer - so damn good

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    I thought they gave it 48% in the sega bible - very low indeed!

    Originally posted by Escape-To-88
    thought i'd reignite an old thread, but in the Mean Machines Sega bumper Review book thingy (the one with Virgin tokens in the back!!) they gave it somehting like 80-90%. Shame the big MM couldn't see how ace this is! Probably Rignall's mullet clouding his judgement and his eyesite...oh hold on, it's only long at the back!?


      I've always been a fan of this game. To be fiar to the MM review they were rather tored of 2D shooters by the time they reviewed GL. The criteria would have been is it better than Hellfire, Thunderforce IV or Gynoug.


        Spookily, I was actually playing this on an DC MD emu disc last night after getting my Dreamcast out for the first time in about a year. It is very impressive graphically, with lovely presentation and a cool-looking 'high score' entry which uses a similar 'rotating ball' effect to some old arcade games (Afterburner uses a similar effect.)

        Great game but very annoying how enemy missiles/debris can merge into the background, and your ship's exhaust can make your hit zone seem bigger than it actually is, so you occasionally move to avoid shots and end up hitting one in front of you.

        I don't see why this was 'too Japanese' for over here as there's nothing that different to other MD shooters of the era, apart from the weapon selection system, which is quite technical but easy to understand.

        The emu I was using emulates most MD games perfectly (apart from '3D' stuff like OutRun) but the sound is pretty crappy, so the music suffered as a result. Anyone know if there's a decent DC MD emulator that runs both games and music perfectly?


          Also played a bit of Eliminate Down - but I find it a bit to tough for my liking.
          You Southampton soft lad! Get off the bog with that PSP Smith!
          3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


            It's ok but I always liked Eliminate Down better.


              I try to like Gleylancer but I just can't. Not even nearly as much as I love ThunderForce IV. It just doesn't have the music, the environments are really lacking, it's of a much slower pace and the bosses are sooooo easy. 2nd boss tends to last about 5 seconds, which isn't really good enough.
              For me, ThunderForce IV pulls off the whole package with a lot more panache, better graphics, sound, environments, pace and gameplay.
              Still, having said that, Gleylancer is certainly a cut above the vast majority of shooters on the MD such as Zero Wing and the like put into context of what's available, it just doesn't do it for me. Although don't mind my opinion coz I'm one of those weirdos who likes GRIND Stormer But not V-Five! I can't stand the Gradius power-up system.
              Last edited by vertigo; 03-09-2006, 13:48.

