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Rate these PSX games

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    I loved Rollcage when I played the demo back when it was released, bought it cheap last year though and got bored. That could be me going off racers though. Shame you didn't post a week earlier, I only just flogged my copy on ebay.

    Panzer Front! I hate war related games yet really liked this, though it did feel a bit like half a game in that you could just pick missions to do and that was it; there was no story mode, no progress.


      N20 is good. Very much like Tempest. The graphics are very effective, and even impressive today.

      Definitely a must have!


        i thought galerians was amazing. as was threads of fate.

        Found legend of legaia to be a very basic RPG.


          Sorry to throw a spanner in the works Leon Ahoy! but I wasn't too impresed by N20 - the controls (maybe the fault of the PS2 pad) felt indistinct, the animation was horrible and the insane colour scheme quickly becomes headache-inducing. It's definitely worth playing if you like your Tempest, but I'd go for Tempest X3 on the PS1 if I wasn't allowed to play the bohemoth Jag version.

          In terms of other titles to look out for (that haven't been mentioned), I'd suggest

          Power Diggerz - Taito arcade JCV sim. Hasn't really clicked yet cos the controls are mad but it's got a really vibrant, crisp look and feels lovely. May well be lots of fun on multiplayer.


            Originally posted by Fireproofradiator
            Sorry to throw a spanner in the works Leon Ahoy! but I wasn't too impresed by N20 - the controls (maybe the fault of the PS2 pad) felt indistinct, the animation was horrible and the insane colour scheme
            I only bought it a year ago, and I was so impressed, I showed it to my friends saying " Look at how good PS1 visuals can still be! "

            I like abstract games, and the colourful look and effects in N20, make it very appealing.

            Games like Tempest and Rez are more subtle in every way. I like them all.




                More games to rate, please

                Love & Destroy
                Night Raid

                Ape Escape
                Hogs of War
                Grid Runner
                Jet de Go!
                RC de Go!
                Kisya de Go!


                  Only played Grid Runner, RC de Go and Ape Escape from the above list. Ape Escape is a superb game with loads of gameplay packed into it, RC is a fun little racer with not much depth but oodles of charm and Grid Runner is a bit pap.


                    Ape Escape is pretty good. I played it quite a bit back in the day.

                    I often see newer versions being slated, with talk of them not being as good as the original etc....

                    If you haven't got Bishi Bashi Special, that is a must have PS1 title.


                      Night Raid i'd give 2 out of 10 one of worst PS1 shooter I ever owned! It is very pretty to look at but so would kylie going through a shredder

                      Basically the game has great graphical ****e going on in the background but it is piss easy and lacks any character whatsoever IMO..

                      If its a A1 PS1 shooter you are after Zanac X Zanac is the only game you will ever require


                        Kyuiin is pretty decent - cutesy side scrolling shoot em up involving a vacuum cleaner

                        Gaia Seed: Project Seed Trap - man, i dunno why but this game really warms my heart. The game looks like an amiga game for the most part, complete with crazy demo style effects. The music is pretty good - but the games intro is by far one of the funniest things i've ever seen... C64 level graphics, and a voice over done by some one who has obviously never spoken english before.


                          Well Ape Escape is a classic, I thought it was awesome back in '99. It utilized the dual shock in a way thats now standard but then no one had done before. It really felt fresh. So in a way, it was revolutionary. Still got the game. 1st part is also easily the best in the whole series. The first articles I read about it was in PSM usa, and they hyped it pretty good.

                          I also believe it was quite a big release that summer.


                            Jet de Go! - Very good! The sensation of flying is amazing. Master the art of take off, cruising and landing. Made even more cute with all the Jap like airport jingles and so on...
                            RC de Go! - Crap!
                            Kisya de Go! - Worse densha of them all!


                              A couple more:
                              -Tiny Tank

                              -The Deception saga
                              1 Tecmo's Deception: Invitation to Darkness
                              2 Kagero: Deception II
                              3 Deception III: Dark Delusion

                              I opened a thread about the Deception saga, but few people played it.


