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Beneath a Steel Sky Discussion

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    Finished this on Friday. Quite enjoyed it but had to rely a fair amount on a FAQ.
    There are several reasons for this; firstly because some of the puzzles as I said before, are a bit arbitrary. Secondly, because a PSP with analogue nub does not make an equivalent 14-inch screen and mouse setup, i.e some things are too small to see on the PSP on the train with the sun streaming through the window! Plus there are a few timed puzzles which require precision mouse travel and clicking. Not something the nub can do as well asa mouse unfortunately. And lastly I'm not as good (or as patient) at these things as I was back in my teens.

    Overall it was a fun experience, good, if a bit hackneyed story, great graphics (for the time), terrible voice-acting but interesting quasi-British/American scripting and dialogue.

    The titles were a revelation as it turns out the assistant producer was someone I worked with back in my game programmer days...
    Last edited by gunrock; 11-06-2007, 15:46.


      Stuck please help

      Joey is here and I ask him if he for his report on the tank room and he says he hasn't been yet but he never goes. What am I doing wrong?

