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remember those jokers THQ?

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    remember those jokers THQ?

    back in the day they were the joke of the gaming world. every game they put out was utter crap. spent all the money on a film licence then forgot to actually make a game to go with it. i noticed their name attached to broken sword these days. did they sort themselves out??

    Home Alone 2 was a classicly bad game


      I remember in my adolescent years they produced a bunch of poor WWF games - even as a youth I remember their name attached to anything was like stepping in something brown and sticky.
      3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


        IT'S IN THE GAME!


          Remember? They're one of the better off companies and their Pixar licences are enviable.

          They're a great publisher as well; offers better contracts to devs than most other companies.


            I remember renting that olympics game they released on the snes from blockbuster. It was a load of ****e, they did release a load of tosh back in them days.


              Toys.... it was as rubbish as the film.

              My mate works for THQ, lol, he says they are good.


                There's no arguing that back in the 16 bit days THQ released nothing but utter ****. Not one single game under the THQ label was good. Now, it may be a different story but back then THQ basically meant **** game.



                  Toy Head Quarters!! The mere sighting of there logo on a game box was enough to stop me buying it. Now however things are different. They must have pulled there socks up as I no longer recoil in horror when seeing the logo.


                    Originally posted by chipsgravy View Post
                    I no longer recoil in horror when seeing the logo.
                    i still do! there current success is built on a foundation of ****, i well remember them from the 16 bit days any recall many a 16% review in Super Play magazine, probably single handily responsible for turning me off western video games as they represented everything that was wrong with the industry at the time and without them and there ilk i would have never have looked east and for that i thank them.



                      Do I really need to say more?


                        Ahhh... pitfighter was truly a steaming turd... on all platforms...

                        That would go well in the cheezy box art thread too... dude with a big medallion half naked on the cover.. punching some geezer..


                          THQ publish Rare games on Nintendo systems now, like the GBA Banjo-Kazooie and Diddy Kong Racing DS.


                            And Sega publish THQ games in Japan So I guess you could say that Seg aalso publish Rare games in Japan.



                              Actually I really enjoyed Pitfighter on the megadrive.

