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remember those jokers THQ?

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    Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
    Actually I really enjoyed Pitfighter on the megadrive.
    Have you ever seen the SNES one? A very shameful moment for SNES fans indeed.



      Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
      Actually I really enjoyed Pitfighter on the megadrive.
      Me too and I even thought the Amgia version was really good and it had scaling. Less said about the Snes version the better .

      THQ used to be a joke , but with some top titles like FSW and some decent WWF games and ok games like Saints Row , Destory all Humans they're quite a good corp now


        Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
        There's no arguing that back in the 16 bit days THQ released nothing but utter ****. Not one single game under the THQ label was good
        Well, to be fair on them, they did have one semi-decent game - Time Trax on SNES. It played nice and the graphics were pretty damn good, even if was nothing earth-shaking.


          Total HighQuality Trade Miesters


            I just thank god I never purchased one of their games during the 16bit console days, they were kind of infamous. I feel sorry for anyone who had to pay full price for any of the trash they released at that time.


              its quite shocking to think snes games cost 39.99 to 49.99 new. and didnt really drop much under 29.99 until a few years later.
              back then a kid could only afford a few games so those games had to be good ones. we read all the magazines and laughed at all the thq reviews. without ever playing the games. pit fighter in the arcade was awesome though.


                They turned the corner in the late 90's when they got Japanese developers to make their WCW games for the N64. They were great games. And then in what was really a stroke of luck, EA outbid them when the rights for making WCW games came up for expiry. Suddenly realising that their WCW cash cow had been taken away they bid for the WWF licence. WCW was on the wane at the time and the WWF on the way up. They won the licence, got a Japanese developer the make them a WWF wrestling game for the PS1 called it Smackdown and the rest is history.

