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Hey Guys! Let's Revisit: Gynoug (Megadrive)

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    Onward to level three!

    As you can see, this stage has a very 'classical' vibe to it. The music is really good, too.

    It also has these sections that scrolling downwards, and can get a bit tricky as things fire at you from off-screen.

    It's not the coughin' that kills you, it's the coffin they carry you off in.

    These rum looking types appear to be quite scary, but they don't fire at you. The softies.

    Brains on legs, of course.

    Mid-boss time! This guy is a right twat. He zooms around the screen, heading directly for you. If you haven't collected enough speed feathers then you're screwed here, basically. Note my awesomely cool 'Wildfire' shots - easily the best magical weapon in the entire game.

    Dunno what these are. This level is starting to drag a bit now.

    These statues fire things at you. Nasty.

    Ok, boss time! And yet another example of stunning art design. The bosses in this game are freakin' brilliant.

    He's some kind of ungodly furnace from the depths of Hades, and he opens his gob to spew fire at your angelic ass. He also snorts steam out of his nose, which is leathal and annoying, as it's often hard to actually see the steam.

    Eat bubbles! That was the hardest boss battle yet. Phew.


      There's just no stopping me now! Level 4!

      Now this is one seriously cool level. The design is fantastic - some kind of industrial hell - and the pace seriously picks up here. The entire stage feels like a proper challenge, and there's a wide range of different enemies and situations to tackle.

      Here we're rushing down tight corridors, like in Aero Blasters.

      As you can see, it's like an entirely different game. Loads of stuff going on.

      Wayhay! Room of goodies.

      This is the mid-boss. It's some kind of helicopter, surrounded by ape-like heads. This is actually quite a challenge thanks to the huge number of bullets that fill the screen.

      I really wish this was the first level because it's only here that Gynoug really starts to get seriously decent.

      These funny little guys man catapults that hurl objects in your general direction. Cute.

      More nightmarish imagery.

      Ok, now anyone who says they've seen a better designed end-of-level boss than this is a liar.

      SHOOT THE CORE (or in this case, the heart).

      Crikey, those red blood cells are hard to dodge! No worries though, sent him packing in the end. It's almost a shame to kill something that looks so cool!


        That boss looks awesome. I need to try and get past the first level this weekend :P


          Does anyone else think it has very Amiga-esque visuals? ... The colour scheme - the way the sprites are small? ...

          Obviously... it blows away any Amiga shooter. I think Amiga devs on the whole - didn't get the most out of the machine. Mix that with dodgy design - and it's no wonder games like Gynoug attracted people to consoles.

          Once I bought a Mega Drive - I realised how poor the majority of computer arcade style games were. Then I got a SNES - and never went back to computers for platform, action, shooter action.
          Last edited by Leon Retro; 02-05-2008, 00:14.

