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Mega Guide - Feb 1993 (Sun Newspaper Pull-out)

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    Can any one remember that site that was selling scans of retro mags on dvd


      Originally posted by Wil View Post
      It's so stupid, I do actually have a twinge of excitement for MGS4 even though I find the gameplay of the others a mite tedious.

      Time to crack out the SFC this lunchtime, then.
      I find the modern Metal Gear games to be very tedious. As much as they are hyped to a ridiculous level, and always look pretty good, I'm finally at a point where I can resist the temptation to give it a chance, when I've read enough about it to know that it's still the same experience I've never liked, only technically better.

      The hype for Metal Gear4 is crazy. For some reason, it's being touted as a major gaming event, even though I bet a lot of gamers won't really enjoy it, even though they'll buy into the hype.

      Look at FinalFantasy7. As much as it's a nice rpg - it's not for everyone, and was reported as being the most returned game ever. Sony put their hype machine into overdrive with that - and the media told everyone it was a "Must-Have" , but a lot of people didn't find it to be the gaming nirvana they had been led to believe.

      I always plug my SFC in - when I'm feeling videogame apathy.


        Welcome to the forums, Cauterize.

        I remember getting home from school on Friday's (the suppliment was always in the Sun on Friday's) waiting for my Dad to hand out the Mega Guide to me. I'd read it all, and then I'd cut up the cheats column and add it to a scrapbook I had of loads of cheats and cut-outs from other magazines. This then acted as my cheatbook for any games I was playing, or it could be pulled out when friends came around with a new one to see if there were any tips we could use.

        Thanks for reminding me of that


          Originally posted by Leon Ahoy! View Post
          Look at FinalFantasy7. As much as it's a nice rpg - it's not for everyone, and was reported as being the most returned game ever.

          From my personal experience, FF7 actually turned a lot of people into RPG fans.


            Originally posted by Duddyroar View Post

            From my personal experience, FF7 actually turned a lot of people into RPG fans.
            I don't make things up. That's what I've heard - and read.

            Of course the game was good - and probably did turn quite a few gamers on to rpg's.

            It is known as one of the most returned games ever. I can only assume that a lot of people bought it because of the hype - realised it wasn't the style of game they enjoyed, and took it back to the shop.

            A lot of rpg fans( even Final Fantasy players ) ... don't like FF7 onwards. I know people who go on about how great the western FF2 & 3 were - and how they can't stand the 32bit versions etc.....

            A lot of games are hyped - with the message being "This is the best game ever" .... so people, being enthusiastic, buy into the hype, only to find that the game doesn't really appeal to everyone.

            I simply think a lot of games are over hyped these days. I don't know how publishers get magazines to go on and on about games that haven't even been released, like they are the Second Coming of Christ. It's madness, and inappropriate imo.

            You can look at many games over the past 10years, which have been fantastic, but sold poorly, simply because the publisher hasn't aggressively marketed the title - to the extent where magazines are totally smitten beyond belief, and have their readers drooling over something like brainwashed zealots.

            Games seem to have little chance of success, without a strong hype machine backing them up.

            All I mostly see these days are false promises - extreme hype, and most of the time... games that fail to truely deliver "Pure Fun".

            If there were loads of great modern games - I don't think I'd be playing retro games that much, and retro forums would be quite desolate.
            Last edited by Leon Retro; 16-05-2008, 14:57.


              But where did you read/hear this?

              I only ask because FF7 seems to be mentioned a lot when people talk about their best gaming moment ever (just check out the feature in Retro Gamer 51 for proof) and I also worked in my dad's videogame store during the period of release and don't recall a single person returning the game because they didn't like it.

              Like I said, it actually seemed to open people's eye to the world of JRPGs.


                Originally posted by Duddyroar View Post
                But where did you read/hear this?

                I only ask because FF7 seems to be mentioned a lot when people talk about their best gaming moment ever (just check out the feature in Retro Gamer 51 for proof) and I also worked in my dad's videogame store during the period of release and don't recall a single person returning the game because they didn't like it.

                Like I said, it actually seemed to open people's eye to the world of JRPGs.
                I read it in EDGE quite a while back .. also on the net, and someone on Live was talking about it a few years back.

                It did sell well - I'm not disputing that fact. It's just a good example of a game that got hyped to a point where nearly every PS1 owner felt compelled to buy it - only for many to realise that it wasn't their thing.

                I don't think rpg titles sell as well these days. It takes something very special to attract the mass-markets attention.

                Final Fantasy is a big name, though. I know quite a few girls who really got into the series with FFX.


                  Well it's certainly news to me. Like I said, no one returned any of the copies my dad sold in his store, and he sold ****loads.

                  Perhaps EDGE was being economical with the truth?


                    Originally posted by Duddyroar View Post

                    Perhaps EDGE was being economical with the truth?
                    Let's forget about it Duddy. The truth is out there - but I'm not bothered.

                    The sort of thing that concerns me, is the lack of sales for Outrun2, PanzerDragoonOrta, Jet Set Radio Future etc......

                    Microsoft didn't having people salivating like mindless zombies over those games. It's such a shame

