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eBay Listing Removed: Copyright Violation (Megadrive Adaptor)

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    eBay Listing Removed: Copyright Violation (Megadrive Adaptor)

    Okay, i thought my first post about eBay today would be my last but the website is getting really really silly now... Considering i use eBay alot right now, its really annoying to recieve such emails...

    Dear XXXXXXX([email protected]),

    Thank you for your recent eBay Stores listing on eBay. Unfortunately, your item(s) breached one or more of our policies and had to be removed from the site. Any associated fees have been credited to your account and any bidders on this item have been notified.

    360055424491 - MD - Honey Bee Game Adaptor JAP/NTSC on PAL - Megadrive

    Why did we remove your listing?

    You may not list unauthorised copies of media on our site because selling them is both illegal and against eBay policy. Unauthorised copies include (but are not limited to) backup, pirated, duplicated, or bootlegged copies of software, video games, music, films, television programs, photographs and books, both published and unpublished.

    Copyright owners possess the exclusive right to reproduce their copyrighted work, to distribute copies of their copyrighted work, and to perform or display their copyrighted work publicly.

    Guideline: If the product you are selling is a copy of another work that you aren't authorised to copy, don't list the item. eBay prohibits the sale of items that can copy or create a backup of video games, including:
    - mod chips
    - softmods
    - game enhancers
    - boot discs

    These devices are designed to bypass copyright security systems, allowing users to produce unauthorised copies of games. This is against the law and violates the rights of the copyright owner.
    The item in question was a plug thru adaptor for the Megadrive, one to allow Jap carts on the tight fitting PAL/NTSC Megadrive.

    Piracy? Were talkign about a 15+ years dead system...
    Mod chip? Its basically a cart which extends the length of your cart connector...
    Softmod? Errrmm.... right... Game Enhancer, Boot Disc... this is just getting silly!

    This isnt the first time this has happened. It also happened with a SNES adaptor a while back.

    I could understand if i was selling 360 or Wii Chips but this is a Retro Console device which is harmless...

    Any ideas how to get around this and keep it online?
    Did i use certain keywords which flag up on eBay as 'naughty'?
    Anyone else suffered from this petty problem?

    Ugh! eBay is annoying me today!!!!

    Nobody told ebay that modchips are now legal in the UK.


      I hope you plan to get in touch with them about that and tell them what a bunch of idiots they are.


        Ironic that auctions like that get pulled yet the ds with 30 pirated games on a flash cart bundles get through every time.


          I've been tricked into buying two fake games before, and the sellers continue to sell their fake games to this day, despite a number of negative feedbacks and e-mails to eBay... bah. They really are terrible.


            Psssshh I dunno if there is anything i can really do Hohum, the email was sent via an automated system. I think the words 'adaptor' and 'import' used in the same description flags up as naughty on their systems. I might just re word the auction and try again!

            You have a point Importaku.. The amount of pirate GBA games too is ridiculous...
            All of them say in the description 'Brand New, however opened and No Instructions. Box comes flat packed'
            What brand new game have you bought in the history of gaming in that condition

            I once saw one of these sellers at a car boot sale making up the pre packed boxes for his stall. Angered me a little...


              Sad to say, eBay only really act upon "reports" so seems like some muppet has probably reported you..

              Why? Well they probably had their adaptor removed.. and so the cycle continues..

              If you sell any import games, just offer the adaptors outside of eBay - their loss.

              I spoke to cust. support about it once and basically they say because it bypasses the region protection put in place by the manufacturer you shouldn't list this type of item on eBay.

              Daft.. but I wouldn't risk your account mate!


                I think as long as your a power seller or have a couple of 1000 feedback they really couldn't care less what you sell tbh. You'd probably get away with selling crack on there being a power seller.


                  Originally posted by honeymustard View Post
                  I've been tricked into buying two fake games before, and the sellers continue to sell their fake games to this day, despite a number of negative feedbacks and e-mails to eBay... bah. They really are terrible.
                  From what I gather you can take fake games to trading standards, get a receipt and file a dispute with PayPal that the merchandise is fake.

                  Upload the scan of the receipt and you can get a full refund..

                  At least that's what I'm led to believe..


                    Originally posted by chaoticjelly View Post
                    Sad to say, eBay only really act upon "reports" so seems like some muppet has probably reported you..
                    Exactly what I was about to say. Whether it's worth taking the chance to re-list it when there's assholes out there reporting stuff like this (and for what?) is debatable.

                    And yes, it is stupid that they remove listings like this when as people say there are hundreds if not thousands of sellers openly flogging YARR wares.


                      Cheers for the advice guys! Kind of makes me sad to know that its due to reports and that there are people that spiteful no matter where you look.

                      Would I be best to remove anything similar off my account?
                      There is a PS1 Smart Cartridge there too if im not mistaken...
                      Im tempted to a budget clear out of these goodies on here at NTSC-Uk as i know you guys can make use of them


                        Well, one good thing is that now eBay have introduced the Seller Dashboard, you can see pretty much where you stand on the 'policy infringement' front - they allow you a certain no. of infringements before they enact any ban / suspension. If you've had a warning, then after a while your status will revert to normal.

                        A good strategy for listing converter carts is basically to avoid all mention of what they actually do. Anyone who wants to buy one knows anyway. Just describe the condition, give a good photo and encourage anyone who has any questions to contact you.

                        But if you've got a mark on your seller dashboard, it's probably best to remove all similar products for a little while until your situation has improved.

                        As stated earlier, it's almost certainly been removed because some critter has 'reported' it.


                          Basically, eBay (and yourself, technically) can get sued by the manufacturer so they act on all things no matter how old the product is in.

                          About 2 years ago, I had a Windows 95 service pack free update CD removed because the item had "not for resale" in the small print. This was reported by MS though.

                          And to be fair, there's no difference between people/companies reporting this kind of stuff and reporting pirated software.


                            Fair enough with pirated / not for resale goods. However Megadrive converter carts are not now and have never been illegal. They were sold openly and legitimately when the console was a going concern, and to remove auctions for these items now is just pointless and ridiculous.


                              Maybe its me but IMO i think ebay has been on the slippery slope for a while now.

                              I used to sell religiously on there up until about a year ago when i found that half my auctions would be pulled for one reason or another, and bear in mind most (99% ) of the items i sold were legitimate and not pirate whether it be hardware or software. Even electronic gadgets and devices (mobiles/ MP3 players etc) were pulled for inexplicable reasons.

                              Your situation does not surprise me in the slightest. Then moderators of the listings need a sensible kick in the head because some of their laws and infringement rights are ludicrous.

                              Ebay has become too big for itself now and too restrictive for the seller and its also downright expensive to sell on there now, which is why i give selling on there the full dodge these days. Its just too much effort writing out HTML descriptions for stuff only to get it pulled after a couple of days for some totally ridiculous infringement.

                              Easier to sell on dedicated Forums now as it's free and you generally don't get ripped off and the people are usually top drawer to deal with and honest. AND you don't get f*&king idiots from Nigeria cocking up your auction when its a desirable item. That i think more than anything else really p&ssed me off.

                              I only use ebay to buy these days and even then its pretty infrequent and off the US site.

