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I want another AES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Burning Fight rules! As does AOF. I love them and I have NO nostalgia for the former, as I only played it for the first time last year.


      Hmm, I thought it kind of failed as a Final fight rip off. hit boxes are kind of borked etc.. its just not in league with FF and SoR methinks. Even though it was way more expensive. I like it since I own the cart, but I can agree with the lacklustre reviews on it... Its really the only true FF clone on the system, and for that I give it some slack.

      Art of Fighting is choppy and the AI is no fun. I can finish the 1st one since its not as punishing as the 2nd but i can't say its really 'fun' to play and the Versus mode is kind of pointless (no throws and no supers for the south town baddies)...?

      AoF2 I like in a masochistic way, I sometimes play it up to Mr Big and fail. That AI is really, well... lol. I can beat Jack, Yuri, Temjin and a few others easy but some like Takuma I have not figured yet.


        I recently sold my MVS copy of AOF, I love the game, but I'd finished it with Robert and Ryo, seen the non existent ending, whats left for it then? Theres only two characters to finish it with and once you've done that, well I doubted I'd be playing it again, so finally after all this time I have a neo 'collection' without AOF for once. Still got AOF2/3 because I haven't played them so much. I finally started selling off all the carts I've played to death or will never play again though, and just bought games I would play instead, neogeo or not.


          Yeah, Burning Fight isn't perfect, and it is a total Final Fight wannabee, but it's a lot of fun and as you said yourself, the Neo doesn't have a lot of games in that style. Mutation Nation is worth a look for side on brawlers, as is the Sengoku games (well the second at any rate. The first one is ok and I have never played the third, but would love to)


            Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
            Hmm, I thought it kind of failed as a Final fight rip off. hit boxes are kind of borked etc.. its just not in league with FF and SoR methinks. Even though it was way more expensive. I like it since I own the cart, but I can agree with the lacklustre reviews on it... Its really the only true FF clone on the system, and for that I give it some slack.

            Art of Fighting is choppy and the AI is no fun. I can finish the 1st one since its not as punishing as the 2nd but i can't say its really 'fun' to play and the Versus mode is kind of pointless (no throws and no supers for the south town baddies)...?

            AoF2 I like in a masochistic way, I sometimes play it up to Mr Big and fail. That AI is really, well... lol. I can beat Jack, Yuri, Temjin and a few others easy but some like Takuma I have not figured yet.
            CVG gave Burning Fight circa 91% in the day! NOICE CHOICE

            I like Mutation Nation but the enemies are a tad repetitive, though I guess that's a genre problem.


              I've always liked the scrolling beat em ups on the Neo

              Ninja Combat is certainly the weakest, but Burning fight and Mutation nation are good

              Ninja Combat was like an upgraded Gang wars for the Neo geo but suffered and wasnt as good

              The Sengoku's are the best and all of them are good, especially the second

              i like Sengoku 3 (or Sengoku 2001), it managed to make the console look a little more flashing because some of the game effects are pretty decent
              Last edited by buster_broon; 06-07-2009, 14:18.


                I've always hated scrolling fighters, I don't think I've ever owned one for the neo actually.


                  Top Hunter is a good alternative to the genre fo sho nuf.


                    I had that for a bit on MVS but didn't play it a great deal, nice game, solid quality and good looking, I dunno I just couldn't be arsed to play it.

                    Swapped it with garzz for LB2


                      I have Sengoku 1, and sold off Sengoku 2. Those are heavy on atmosphere and much like NC its mostly about 1 hit kills and projectiles. Sengoku is pretty good. I consider Sengoku 3 to be among the best of all scrollers, its sprites and animations are insane.

                      Top Hunter is one of those games I am trying to track down on AES, for a reasonable price. I also kind of regret selling off Spin Master. Those games were good for variety.

                      I still want Robo Army, Cyber Lip and maybe Kabuki Klash too.


                        Robo Army is good fun too. I forgot about that one despite having the cart! Enjoyable fighting fare.

