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Who here DOESN'T play new games?

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    Originally posted by Arashikage View Post
    I do think that alot of this "retro bias" thinking is down to nostalgia.
    It's not nostalgia if you've never played it before.


      Originally posted by Leon Ahoy! View Post
      The fact that Hideo Kojima( a menace to gaming ) ... is the most heralded designer from the 80s onwards, just shows how negative the modern gaming scene is. Hideo needs to be thrown out of the industry, just like all those nasty FMV game designers of the 90s were.
      Sorry to bring up an old argument but *cough* Policenauts *cough*.

      (I've only just played it)


        Don't play new games, as I don't have neither the consoles nor the time.
        Only DS very seldom.


          Some interesting opinions on display in this thread. All I'll say is, in the same way good music is good music, a good game is a good game - when it was created is irrelevant.


            Last edited by HC_O; 02-05-2010, 00:52.


              Last edited by HC_O; 02-05-2010, 00:52.


                I buy almost every single new game that is any good but I don't know why because I put them on and I just can't get into them and end up playing something retro instead. I love the precise nature of older games. I can't really be arsed with annoying cameras, big stupid beefcake men with scars all over their faces, tons of corny sub standard dialogue. forget it man, just give me metroid or earthbound or super star soldier or any of the other miilion games out there.

                My personal preference is 16 bit because I think it marked the pinnacle of a certain kind of gaming artistry. games like yoshi's island just nailed it completely in my opinion. it's never been bettered and I don't even think it can be because people seem to have lost their way these days and its a lost art.


                  Originally posted by CrispyXUK View Post
                  It's not nostalgia if you've never played it before.

                  nicely said,atm am into the PCE,MD and PSX.A lot of the games i am buying for them I certainly haven't played before,because i couldn't afford them years ago(am a lot older now, with a decent income)

                  Am not knocking new games but I find older games more enjoyable/rewarding to play and you don,t have to download the latest firmware either**yawn**


                    I find it difficult to get back into an older games nowadays. I wasn't alive untill the Megadrive era though, and pretty soon after playing games the Playstation came out. So I guess i'm more used to playing games that use the latest tech and almost nothing is left to the imagination anymore.

                    Having said that though, I still respect and enjoy playing a lot of older games, but the chances of me playing retro games through to completion is very slim. I think because I was brought up playing the Megadrive, I'm more likely to play games from that generation onwards. However, the only console I own at the moment is an Xbox 360 as I can't stand having things that I don't use anymore like old consoles. Even my favourite console the Dreamcast I got rid of.


                      Just read this thread. Excellent stuff mostly. I'm another 30-something who remembers the halcyon 8 and 16-bit days. Even though I have newer consoles, I still enjoy playing older games, and I do get upset at how dull mainstream gaming has become (yes I know there are some good games being released).

                      But I feel that even though there has always been crap software out there, the pioneering, creative spirit of the best of the best has been somewhat lost. I mean, it's like going to a gig and expecting it to be like Hendrix at Woodstock.

                      I think it's just that "thing" that you find in a lot of arts and hobbies, whereby once something reaches a certain level of popularity, the companies creating the products realise that if they want to sell to a wider audience, they need to make the products more /immediately/ accessible, and more glitz is a way to achieve that.

                      It's always style that attracts in the short-term, and substance in the long-term, but once you hand over your money for a game, you can't take it back as you found that it lacked substance once you got into it. So they concentrate on the short-term.

                      Like boxhead said:"annoying cameras, big stupid beefcake men with scars all over their faces, tons of corny sub standard dialogue". Yes, but also lots of big explosions, and . I don't like these games anymore than I like most big-production Hollywood films. But they sell bucketloads, because most buyers these days are not purists who are interested in the art, creativity and depth, they just want to have a good time, cheap thrills or not.

                      That doesn't mean that all these games are crap. But it does mean that there's less innovation around, as the formula for attracting people to buy things has little to do with creativity and everything to do with a bombastic experience.

