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N64 Time - Duke Nukem 64

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    Hmm, yes I had a feeling this game would triumph in multiplayer, if not just because it eliminates the ****ASTIC cpu opponents. Sadly, I really only have one friend, who I don't see very often, so I think I'm going to miss out on a lot of multiplayer stuff during this project


      Originally posted by Skull Commander View Post
      I was playing Doom 64 yesterday for the first time ever. The graphics are really good, and it feels great but dodgy controls let it down big style.
      Have you got an NTSC copy for sale? Having trouble locating one in the UK/in good condition.

      What are the controls like? I'm hoping it's Turok-style – cos I'm used to that now.


        I'm hoping it's NOT


          It's not great, but because Goldeneye and PD used the R button for aiming and Turok didn't have an aim button, it's the only logical choice. Mind you, you can't aim up in Doom, can you?


            Yes, I was going to say, hopefully you won't be looking up and down in Doom, so they won't use that ridiculous setup.


              Originally posted by monomaniacpat View Post
              Have you got an NTSC copy for sale? Having trouble locating one in the UK/in good condition.

              What are the controls like? I'm hoping it's Turok-style ? cos I'm used to that now.
              I'm afraid it was only a Pal version I have. The controls were either D pad or Analogue for movement, L and R for strafing and trigger for fire. The two colour face buttons are for changing weapons and the yellow ones were for opening doors and map if I remember.

              The problem I had was to reach the strafe buttons I had to use the D pad, which meant the trigger was out the way. If I used the analogue the strafe buttons were out the way.

              Maybe there is an option to get the strafe onto the yellow buttons, but I wouldn't feel comfortable with that configuration.


                OK, that really doesn't sound great.

                There's a video here (with what must be the most disinterested voiceover I've ever heard) to get me and noobish hat in the mood.


                  Video? VIDEO!? What year do you think this is, exactly, Mr. Pat? Last time I checked, it was 1997, and video reviews, in all their disinterested glory are a few years off yet! If I'm going to be watching any video, it will be the VHS that came with issue one of the magazine.


                    Wow, 1997 already?? Time does fly.

                    I'll be 11 next year ...ugh, school tomorrow ¬_¬

                    Edit: Oh wait.. Saturday tomorrow, excellent! ^_^
                    Last edited by Atomizer; 17-09-2010, 15:48.


                      Originally posted by Wil View Post
                      It was never billed as exclusive and I remember fighting against the review status on the cover. I (along with other jornos from Future and EMAP and other countries) went over to Germany for a few days to play a finished version in some 'living' museum with NOE. Everyone else played it a bit and took a disc with a few screenshots on it. I played until they had to prise me off the machine, made pages of notes and took over 300 screenshots. It pretty much was a review of the game but as we hadn't finished it and felt it wasn't right to actually score the game, we had a proper 'all the team' review with a score the next issue but I defy anyone to find a UK mag that had as much Ocarnia stuff as we did in that Xmas issue and couldn't work out just how great it was without a number at the end. There was no cheap trick about it and there's a boxout on the first spread that explains just why there isn't a score.

                      Sorry but I begrudge it being insinuated that we tried to fool readers for sales. The only time I've ever really disagreed with how stuff was done on N64 was with Turok 2. I was the designer on the mag but I bust a gut each month trying to make sure the content was great, too.

                      Apologies for the rant.
                      just seen this.
                      It's all very well explaining it in the mag, but the issue was bagged. So I didn't get to read it until I got home. If it wasn't a proper review (with a score) then it should have never appeared like that on the cover. Why else say it was a review?

                      The fact is the magazine lied on the cover and as a result I never bought it again.


                        A whole £2.95 down the drain! Thank god magazines are so cheap nowadays. Ohhhhh, wait...


                          Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
                          Video? VIDEO!? What year do you think this is, exactly, Mr. Pat? Last time I checked, it was 1997, and video reviews, in all their disinterested glory are a few years off yet! If I'm going to be watching any video, it will be the VHS that came with issue one of the magazine.
                          Well... Uh... What are your doing on here!? This website doesn't open until May 2001!

                          EDIT: However, thanks for the tip, because a quick Google reveals an internet host for the N64 magazine VHS!
                          Last edited by egparadigm; 17-09-2010, 17:13.


                            If you two aint careful, your gonna rip a hole in the space-time continuum!


                              Anyway, on a more serious note, I took Wil's advice and switched to Yoshi, and managed to finish the game, gold on every cup. So phew, that is one ordeal over and done with. One thing that has been bugging me though - is it just me, or does some of the music sound a LOT like the bonus stage music from Sonic 2?


                                So whens doom64 out? I never played it upon released so will buy a copy to play through

