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My Arcade Cab 1-Credit replays. (long time away!)

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    My Arcade Cab 1-Credit replays. (long time away!)

    EDIT: Added.

    Mortal Kombat 2 - No Rounds Lost.

    EDIT: Added.

    Final Fight - 1 credit

    Tetris The GrandMaster - 20g GM Rank.

    Quick and dirty Killer Instinct with Tj Combo

    Yo yo. I've not posted here in a good while but I've recently started to get back into arcade/games again, that aren't Ssf2t ;/ And now I have easy access to my cab I can play the games I like to play. Here's a few of my recent arcade replays I've recorded on my arcade cabinet completing games with 1-credit. I prefer the arcade style of games to huge console adventure marathons. Quick 30min sessions of hard challenging games

    Ghouls n Ghosts (Daimakaimura) – completed 1-credit
    Part 1 – First Loop

    Part 2 – Second Loop

    Shinobi – completed 1-life

    Strider – completed 1-life
    Last edited by ExMosquito; 27-03-2013, 22:27.

    Great achievements, no doubt but the vids suck, such bad angles dude. How long you been playing those games anyway? I found all of them mega hard back in the day on the coinops and fare no better now via emus


      Congrats on Daimakaimura...too bloody hard for me


        Great achievement, I can't ever imagine being able to do something like this.


          Thanks, Guys.

          Originally posted by bash View Post
          Great achievements, no doubt but the vids suck, such bad angles dude. How long you been playing those games anyway? I found all of them mega hard back in the day on the coinops and fare no better now via emus
          heh ta I know the quality and angle isnt that great, I filmed them with an iPad on an ironing board :/ I think it feels more real/authentic than the usual mame recordings i've done in the past. I'll try film it more central next time I think.

          Shinobi and Strider I could 1-credit back in the day in the arcades. And Ghouls N Ghosts took me just under a month. They're not that hard really, if you think about it they only take 15mins to completed from begininning to end.



            Absolutely fantastic. Also my fave games ever, but I don't have your reactions or memory. I need to study these films!
            Last edited by capcom_suicide; 31-07-2012, 18:41.


              Quality skills. The only game I can remember being able to 1cc in the arcade was robocop!


                Added 3 new videos.


                  These are awesome. Got any more?

                  Please keep filming this way, I feel like I'm watching someone in an arcade.

                  And people prefer SoR to Final Fight? :/


                    My Mom can 1-life Daimakaimura. I could only ever 1-credit it. I can 1-life Final Fight though. Well I'd probably need some practice, but I can do it.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      I can only 1cc [HIDE]Capcom vs SNK 2.[/HIDE]

                      Not that fighting games really count.


                        I used to be able to 1-Credit Double Dragon back in the day, but that was easy compared to some of these, top stuff.


                          Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                          My Mom can 1-life Daimakaimura. I could only ever 1-credit it. I can 1-life Final Fight though. Well I'd probably need some practice, but I can do it.
                          Wow, your mums awesome! well done on the Final Fight 1-life. I find the 2nd half of the last level soo tricky. So much can go wrong.

                          Originally posted by dataDave View Post
                          These are awesome. Got any more?

                          Please keep filming this way, I feel like I'm watching someone in an arcade.

                          And people prefer SoR to Final Fight? :/
                          heh ta. It's not the best quality but it I think I prefer it to Mame inps. Like you said, it's like being in the arcades in the 80'/90's and watching someone play. I havnt done than in a while sadly ;( Nah, that's all I have right now. I'm just play Tetris - The Grandmaster for now. It's the perfect game for a quick rewarding 15minute session and there's LOADS of room for improvement. Awesome game.

                          yeah, I think Final Fight is the better game, the arcade version anyway. And It's alot more challenging to do 1-credit. I do think SoR has the better music, though.

                          My ghetto recording set-up...

                          Last edited by ExMosquito; 22-03-2013, 19:55.


                            I don't know... I like the music in SoR (who doesn't?) but I ****ing love what they did remixing the FF XBL HD release. Plus, the FF score brings back a ton of memories of me and my mate being nine years old and having our balls blown off by Final Fight.

                            Nah, recording the source directly is ****. It's completely impersonal and feels like I'm simply watching the CPU play. Stick to this method. Also, the CRT looks godly when recorded like this. I don't know what it is... as awesome as MAME is on an Xperia play (I'd say perfect, and coming from me that's a bold statement) nothing beats the 'feel' of playing on a CRT. I really can't explain why.


                              Even though we've got decent arcades around here I'm DEFINITELY buying one of those cabs, too. My Mrs. can get to **** if she thinks I'm not having one.

                              The GHETTOcam? seen here is something else as well. What happens if someone wants to make a brew, or do some ironing whilst you're mid-way through a run?

